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LXD75 AUX port power

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 12:44 am
by StarLord101
So I've come across many threads of people talking about tapping into the 12v power from the basically useless AUX port on the LXD75 to power either devices or electronics for their setup. I've seen it written more than once that it supposedly is always outputting the 12v and on pin 4 and GND on pin 1, regardless of something plugged into it (which is also why there is so many tales of people mistaking that it's an rs232 port and frying electronics). I've never touched mine, but I tried connecting a 4 pin rj connector like the hc rs232 one into the AUX port, but couldn't get any voltage reading from the pins on the other end. So I tried to probe directly into the pins 4 and 1 on the aux with the mount on....and still not detecting anything. Anybody know anything about this or have used it for power? I've seen many threads saying they did so, but surprisingly very little information about it out in the open compared to the rest of the mount and hc.

Re: LXD75 AUX port power

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:42 am
by John Donne
I have this mount but have never tried to use this. I will probe it and see what I come up with.

Oops...I guess this is a very okd thread...sorry.