Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script

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Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by SkyHiker »

If you are building a roll-off observatory and are wondering what clearance you have (between the walls, FOV over the walls) for a given position and height of your mount or pier, and how much it sticks out above, here is a Scilab script that may help. You can also use it to determine the optimal position (N/S orientation) of your obsy to get maximum clearance for a given size. It does not have a GUI to enter the observatory, mount and telescope configuration; you will have to read the comments in the obsy.sce script and adjust the numbers.

To use, install Scilab 6.0.2 or later, put both .sce files in the same directory and double-click on obsy.sce. Scilab is very similar to Matlab and is free. I am not aware of any bugs but don't take my word for it; I don't take responsibility. If you want to try it and need help just shoot me a PM. The script has my South Side obsy, a converted 6x8 lean-to shed, as an example.

FWIW, who knows.
I don't see how I can attach .sce files so let me just include them as code that you copy and paste into .sce scripts.

File: obsy.sce

Code: Select all

// Observatory simulation program.  The simulation shows the 
// telescope rotating over a grid of angles in HA (Hour Angle)
// and DEC (Declination) and produces a clearance map of the OTA
// relative to the observatory walls.  It is intended for 
// roll-off / slide-off observatories that are made of qualdrilateral
// panels.  It produces 2 results:
// 1) A 3D visual animation in a plot window.  You can rotate the
//    viewing angle using right-click and move.  This animation
//    shows how well the telescope fits inside the observatory
//    walls and how far it sticks out above for any position.
// 2) An analysis of minimum clear view altitude over the wall.
//    It consists of a clearance map that shows the fraction
//    of clearance relative to the area of the objective (lens
//    or mirror), and a 3D plot of minimum clearance in the 
//    same 3D configuration as the visual animation.
// In Scilab (6.0.2 and later), start Scilab by doubl-clicking 
// the obsy.sce file icon.  This will start Scilab in the
// directory of that file.  Then press F5 to start the simulation.

i2m = 0.0254;
f2m = 12*i2m;

// Example for a rectangular observatory floor plan where
// the X coordinate runs from 0 to xWidth, and the Y coordinate
// runs from 0 to yWidth.  Two wall heights are used as in the 
// case of a "lean-to" shed.
xWidth = 8*f2m;         // Width in X direction
yWidth = 6*f2m;         // Width in Y direction
sWall = 5.5*f2m;        // Wall height for Y = 0
nWall = 80*i2m;         // Wall height for Y = yWidth
x0 = 1.30;              // Tripod center X coordinate
y0 = 1.10;              // Tripod center Y coordinate
theta = -atan(84/180);  // Angle between SN line and Y axis
                        // Negative = clockwise looking down

lat = 34*%pi/180;       // Latitude of observatory
lleg = 0.83;            // Leg length
zleg = 0.75;            // Leg height (for a pier: set equal to lleg)
rleg = 0.05;            // Leg radius
pier = 0.30;            // Pier height (top of legs to Alt axis)
lra = 0.09;             // RA axis length
ldec = 0.20;            // DEC axis length (center of RA axis to OTA tube)

// Enter your OTA configuration.  The code below offers a choice
// of two; for just one, get rid of the if/then/else statement.
// 1) To simulate the field of view clearance, add the mirror
//    clearance inside the OTA to ldec, and set rota to the
//    mirror radius.  
// 2) To simulate the OTA tube clearance to the walls, set rota
//    to the OTA radius, and leave ldec as is.
// This choice probably only matters if the fit is tight.
if %f then
    // MN152 Mak-Newt
    rota = 3*i2m;           // OTA radius in m
    lota = 0.83;            // OTA length in m
    cgOta = 0.42;           // OTA center of gravity in m
    ldec = ldec + i2m/2;    // Mirror clearance inside OTA
    // GSO 12" Newtonian
    rota = 6*i2m;           // OTA radius in m
    lota = 1.17;            // OTA length in m
    cgOta = 0.44;           // OTA center of gravity in m
    ldec = ldec + i2m;      // Mirror clearance inside OTA
    zleg = zleg*1.3;        // Leg height
    lleg = lleg*1.3;        // Leg length
    y0 = 2.75*f2m;          // Can fit the Newt at 20 degrees min Alt

g11 = [x0; y0; zleg + pier; theta];     // Mount [x; y; pier top height; N/S angle offset]
altMin = 20*%pi/180;    // Minimum altitude
haDegs = [-90:1:90];    // HA angles (2nd number is resolution)
decDegs = [-180:1:180]; // DEC angles (2nd number is resolution)
// Advice:  Set the resolution to 4 when you are trying things out
// because it is 16 times faster than 1 albeit with less resolution.

function [px, py, pz, x, y, z] = obsyClosed()
    // Return the observatory panel coordinates. Each column of
    // the array represents a quadrilateral panel in the format 
    // [x1;x2;x3;x4;x5], [y1;y2;y3;y4;y5], [z1;z2;z3;z4;z5], 
    // where (x1,y1,z1) are the vertices.  Note that 
    // x1=x5, y1=y5, z1=z5 must hold for each panel.
    x = [0; xWidth];
    y = [0; yWidth];
    z = [0; sWall; nWall];
    ix = [1,2,2,1,1; 2,2,2,2,2; 2,1,1,2,2; 1,1,1,1,1];
    iy = [1,1,1,1,1; 1,2,2,1,1; 2,2,2,2,2; 2,1,1,2,2];
    iz = [1,1,2,2,1; 1,1,3,2,1; 1,1,3,3,1; 1,1,2,3,1];
    px = zeros(5,4);
    py = zeros(5,4);
    pz = zeros(5,4);
    for i = 1:4 do
        px(:,i) = x(ix(i,:));
        py(:,i) = y(iy(i,:));
        pz(:,i) = z(iz(i,:));

function [px, py, pz] = obsyOpen()
    // After the simulation the observatory is plotted using
    // this function.  It can be different from obsyClosed if
    // the observatory can open up during operation.
    // If not, it will be the same as obsyClosed.
    [px, py, pz, x, y, z] = obsyClosed();

// Array of viewing angles.  If you want to just view it from
// the top, 
angles = [0,-90; 90,90; 90,0];  // From Z, X and Y axes
angles = [0,-90];               // From Z axis only
nAngles = size(angles, 1);
nRa = length(haDegs);
nDec = length(decDegs);
frac = zeros(nRa, nDec);
alt = zeros(nRa, nDec);
x = zeros(nRa, nDec);
y = zeros(nRa, nDec);
observatory = obsyOpen;
for iAngle = 1:nAngles do
    ra = 0;
    dec = %pi/2;
    // Plot the observatory panels
    [xobs, yobs, zobs] = observatory();
    fig1 = scf(0); clf();
    plot3d(xobs, yobs, zobs);
    // Plot the legs
    [xl, yl, zl] = legs(g11, rleg, zleg, lleg);
    plot3d(xl, yl, zl);
    // Plot the pier
    [xb, yb, zb] = cylinder(0.05, pier, 10);
    plot3d(xb+g11(1), yb+g11(2), zb+zleg);
    // Plot the RA axis
    [xra, yra, zra, decBase] = raAxis(g11, lra, lat);
    plot3d(xra, yra, zra);
    // Plot the DEC axis
    [xdec, ydec, zdec, otaBase] = decAxis(g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase);
    plot3d(xdec, ydec, zdec);
    // Plot the OTA
    [xo, yo, zo] = ota(g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, lra, ldec, cgOta, otaBase);
    plot3d(xo, yo, zo);

    // Set the plot boundaries and viewing angle
    xMin = min(xobs-f2m); xMax = max(xobs+f2m);
    yMin = min(yobs-f2m); yMax = max(yobs+f2m);
    zMin = min(zobs); zMax = max(zobs+f2m);
    fig1.children(1).data_bounds = [xMin,yMin,zMin;xMax,yMax,zMax];
    fig1.children(1).isoview = "on";
    fig1.children(1).rotation_angles = angles(iAngle,:);
    c = fig1.children(1).children(1);
    b = fig1.children(1).children(2);
    iRa = 0;
    for haDeg = haDegs do
        iRa = iRa + 1;
        ra = haDeg*%pi/180;
        [xdec, ydec, zdec, otaBase] = moveRa(b, g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase);
        iDec = 0;
        for decDeg = decDegs do
            iDec = iDec + 1;
            dec = decDeg*%pi/180;
            [xo, yo, zo] = moveDec(c, g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, ...
                lra, ldec, cgOta, otaBase, altMin);
            // Center line p1 to p2
            p1 = [mean(xo(1,:)); mean(yo(1,:)); mean(zo(1,:))];
            p2 = [mean(xo(4,:)); mean(yo(4,:)); mean(zo(4,:))];
            [frac1, xx, yy, alt1] = clearance(p1, p2, xobs, yobs, zobs, rota);
            frac(iRa, iDec) = frac1;
            x(iRa, iDec) = xx;
            y(iRa, iDec) = yy;
            alt(iRa, iDec) = alt1;

// Scan the clearance map for the bump up
ndx1 = find((frac(:,2:$) == 1) & (frac(:,1:$-1) < 1));
if ndx1 <> [] then
    ndx1 = ndx1 + length(haDegs);
// Scan the clearance map for the bump down
ndx2 = find((frac(:,2:$) < 1) & (frac(:,1:$-1) == 1));
ndx = [ndx1, ndx2];
// Plot it
fig2 = scf(2); clf();
// Plot the observatory panels
[xobs, yobs, zobs] = observatory();
plot3d(xobs, yobs, min(zobs, max(alt(ndx)))*180/%pi);
if ndx <> [] then
    // Plot the 100% clearance altitude markers
    param3d(x(ndx), y(ndx), alt(ndx)*180/%pi);
    fig2.children(1).children(1).line_mode = "off";
    fig2.children(1).children(1).mark_size = 1;
    fig2.children(1).children(1).mark_mode = "on";
    fig2.children(1).children(1).mark_style = 0;
    fig2.children(1).children(1).mark_style = 0;
    zMax = max(alt(ndx)*180/%pi);
    fig2.children(1).data_bounds = [xMin,yMin,0;xMax,yMax,zMax*1.2];

// Surface plot of clearance fraction in function of RA and DEC
fig3 = scf(1); clf();
surf(decDegs', haDegs', frac);
xlabel("DEC (degrees)");
ylabel("HA (degrees)");

// Final/preferred position, closed or open
showOpen = %t
if showOpen then
    ra = 0;
    dec = 0;
    observatory = obsyOpen;
    ra = -%pi/2;
    dec = %pi/2+lat;
    observatory = obsyClosed;
[xdec, ydec, zdec, otaBase] = moveRa(b, g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase);
[xo, yo, zo] = moveDec(c, g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, ...
    lra, ldec, cgOta, otaBase, -%pi/2);
[xobs, yobs, zobs] = observatory();
d = fig1.children(1).children(6).data;
d.x = xobs; d.y = yobs; d.z = zobs;
fig1.children(1).children(6).data = d;
File: lib.sce

Code: Select all

function [x, y, z] = cylinder(r, h, n)
    // Cylinder panels centered around [0;0;h/2]
    phi = 2*%pi/n;
    x = zeros(n, 5);
    y = zeros(n, 5);
    z = zeros(n, 5);
    for i = 1:n do
        x1 = r*cos((i-1)*phi);
        x2 = r*cos(i*phi);
        y1 = r*sin((i-1)*phi);
        y2 = r*sin(i*phi);
        x(i, :) = [x1, x2, x2, x1, x1];
        y(i, :) = [y1, y2, y2, y1, y1];
        z(i, :) = [0, 0, h, h, 0];
    x = x';
    y = y';
    z = z';

function [x, y, z] = givens(off, axis, phi, x, y, z)
    // Perform a Givens rotation centered around an offset
    [m, n] = size(x);
    x = x - off(1);
    y = y - off(2);
    z = z - off(3);
    c = cos(phi);
    s = sin(phi);
    axis = axis/norm(axis);
    [u, sv, v] = svd(axis);
    p = [x(:), y(:), z(:)]';
    p1 = u(:, 2:3)'*p;
    p1 = u(:, 2:3)*[c*p1(1,:) - s*p1(2,:); s*p1(1,:) + c*p1(2,:)];
    p2 = u(:,1)*(u(:, 1)'*p);
    p = p1 + p2;
    x = matrix(p(1,:), m, n) + off(1);
    y = matrix(p(2,:), m, n) + off(2);
    z = matrix(p(3,:), m, n) + off(3);

function [xo, yo, zo] = ota(g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, ...
            lra, ldec, cgOta, otaBase)
    [xo, yo ,zo] = cylinder(rota, lota, 20);
    zo = zo - cgOta;
    yo = yo - rota;
    c = cos(lat);
    s = sin(lat);
    [xo, yo, zo] = givens(zeros(3,1), [1;0;0], lat-%pi/2, xo, yo, zo);
    raRot = [0; c; s];
    decRot0 = [0; -s; c];
    [xo, yo, zo] = givens(zeros(3,1), decRot0, dec, xo, yo, zo);
    [xo, yo, zo] = givens(zeros(3,1), raRot, ra, xo, yo, zo);
    theta = g11(4);
    [xo, yo, zo] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], theta, xo, yo, zo);
    xo = xo + otaBase(1);
    yo = yo + otaBase(2);
    zo = zo + otaBase(3);

function [xl, yl, zl] = legs(g11, rl, zleg, lleg)
    phi = acos(zleg/lleg);
    theta = g11(4);
    [x, y, z] = cylinder(rl, lleg, 10);
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [1;0;0], phi, x, y, z);
    y = y + lleg*sin(phi);
    xl = x; yl = y; zl = z;
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], 2*%pi/3, x, y, z);
    xl = [xl,x]; yl = [yl,y]; zl = [zl, z];
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], 2*%pi/3, x, y, z);
    xl = [xl,x]; yl = [yl,y]; zl = [zl, z];
    [xl, yl, zl] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], theta, xl, yl, zl);
    xl = xl + g11(1);
    yl = yl + g11(2);

function [x, y, z, decBase] = raAxis(g11, lra, lat)
    theta = g11(4);
    [x, y, z] = cylinder(0.05, lra, 10);
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [1;0;0], lat-%pi/2, x, y, z);
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], theta, x, y, z);
    x = x + g11(1);
    y = y + g11(2);
    z = z + g11(3);
    decBase = [mean(x(4,:)), mean(y(4,:)), mean(z(4,:))];

function [x, y, z, otaBase] = decAxis(g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase)
    theta = g11(4);
    [x, y, z] = cylinder(0.05, ldec, 10);
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [1;0;0], lat, x, y, z);
    c = cos(lat);
    s = sin(lat);
    raRot = [0; c; s];
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), raRot, ra, x, y, z);
    [x, y, z] = givens(zeros(3,1), [0;0;1], theta, x, y, z);
    x = x + decBase(1);
    y = y + decBase(2);
    z = z + decBase(3);
    otaBase = [mean(x(4,:)), mean(y(4,:)), mean(z(4,:))];

function [xdec, ydec, zdec, otaBase] = moveRa(b, g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase)
    [xdec, ydec, zdec, otaBase] = decAxis(g11, lra, ldec, lat, ra, decBase);
    d = b.data;
    d.x = xdec;
    d.y = ydec;
    d.z = zdec;
    b.data = d;

function [xo, yo, zo] = moveDec(c, g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, ...
            lra, ldec, cgOta, decBase, altMin)
    [xo, yo, zo] = ota(g11, rota, lota, lat, ra, dec, lra, ldec, cgOta, decBase);
    lim = lota*sin(altMin);
    if zo(4,1) < zo(1,1) + lim then
    d = c.data;
    d.x = xo;
    d.y = yo;
    d.z = zo;
    c.data = d;

function [ok, a, b, c, d, xx, yy] = closestEdgeDistance(p1, p2, q1, q2, r, tol)
    dp = p2 - p1;
    dq = q2 - q1;
    ok = %f; a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; d = 0; xx = 0; yy = 0;

    // Project p1 + a*dp on the edge
    // Calculate the intersection of the ground projection
    // p1+a*dp = q1+b*dq
    X = [dp(1:2), -dq(1:2)];
    Y = (q1(1:2) - p1(1:2));
    theta = X\Y;
    a = theta(1);
    b = theta(2);
    if norm(Y - X*theta) > tol then
    if (b < -tol) | (b > 1+tol) | (a < -tol) then
    xy = p1(1:2) + a*dp(1:2);
    xx = xy(1);
    yy = xy(2);

    // Use an SVD to determine the perpendicular of [dp,dq]
    [u, s, v] = svd([dp, dq]);
    perp = u(:, 3); // Unit vector perpendicular to dp and dq
    // p1+a*dp = q1+b*dq + c*perp
    if [0,0,1]*perp < 0 then
        perp = -perp;   // The OTA points over iff c > 0
    X = [dp, -dq, -perp];
    Y = q1 - p1;
    theta = X\Y;
    if (norm(Y - X*theta) > tol) then

    ok = %t;
    a = theta(1);
    b = theta(2);
    c = theta(3);
    d = abs(c); // Distance between centerline and edge

function frac = chordArea(d, r)
    // r = circle radius
    // d = cut position relative to the center (positive = above)
    // frac = chord area fraction relative to the circle area
    // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_segment
    if d >= r then
        frac = 0;
    if d <= -r then
        frac = 1;
    if d > 0 then
        theta = 2*acos(d/r);
        a = (r*r/2)*(theta - sin(theta));
        frac = a/(%pi*r*r);
        // Chord calculation for the other side
        theta = 2*acos(-d/r);
        a = (r*r/2)*(theta - sin(theta));
        frac = 1 - a/(%pi*r*r);

function [fracBest, xxBest, yyBest, altBest] = clearance(p1, p2, xobs, yobs, zobs, rota)
    // Scope centerline runs from p1 to p2 in 3D
    // xyzobs are the observatory panels
    // rota is the OTA radius
    xy = [0;0];
    zmin = min(zobs);
    tol = 1e-10;
    [m, n] = size(xobs);    // n = number of edges of all panels
    dBest = 1e10;
    alt = 0;        // Default value, should not happen
    fracBest = 1;   // 100% obscured
    dp = p2 - p1;
    xxBest = 0;
    yyBest = 0;
    altBest = 0;
    fracBest = 0;
    // Bail out if we're pointing straight up or down
    if norm(dp(1:2)) < tol then
        if dp(3) > 0 then
            fracBest = 1;
    // Bail out if we're pointing down
    if dp(3) <= 0 then
    for i = 1:n do
        for j = 1:4 do
            if (zobs(j,i) == zmin) | (zobs(j+1,i) == zmin)
                // Ground or vertical edge, skip it
            q1 = [xobs(j  ,i); yobs(j  ,i); zobs(j  ,i)];
            q2 = [xobs(j+1,i); yobs(j+1,i); zobs(j+1,i)];
            dq = q2 - q1;
            [ok, a, b, c, d, xx, yy] = closestEdgeDistance(p1, p2, q1, q2, rota, tol);
            if ~ok then
                continue;   // Not the edge the OTA is pointing at
            if d >= dBest then
                continue;   // Some other edge was closer
            if d >= rota then
                // OTA either looks over or under, 100%
                if c > 0 then
                    frac = 1;
                    frac = 0;
                // c = position of center relative to the edge (positive = above)
                frac = chordArea(-c, rota);
            dBest = d;
            dp1 = dp/norm(dp);
            altBest = asin(dp1(3));
            fracBest = frac;
            xxBest = xx;
            yyBest = yy;
... Henk. :D Telescopes: GSO 12" Astrograph, "Comet Hunter" MN152, ES ED127CF, ES ED80, WO Redcat51, Z12, AT6RC, Celestron Skymaster 20x80, Mounts and tripod: Losmandy G11S with OnStep, AVX, Tiltall, Cameras: ASI2600MC, ASI2600MM, ASI120 mini, Fuji X-a1, Canon XSi, T6, ELPH 100HS, DIY: OnStep controller, Pi4b/power rig, Afocal adapter, Foldable Dob base, Az/Alt Dob setting circles, Accessories: ZWO 36 mm filter wheel, TV Paracorr 2, Baader MPCC Mk III, ES FF, SSAG, QHY OAG-M, EAF electronic focuser, Plossls, Barlows, Telrad, Laser collimators (Seben LK1, Z12, Howie Glatter), Cheshire, 2 Orion RACIs 8x50, Software: KStars-Ekos, DSS, PHD2, Nebulosity, Photo Gallery, Gimp, CHDK, Computers:Pi4b, 2x running KStars/Ekos, Toshiba Satellite 17", Website:Henk's astro images
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Re: Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by Gordon »

Thanks for sharing!
Scopes: Explore Scientific ED80CF, Skywatcher 200 Quattro Imaging Newt, SeeStar S50 for EAA.
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-g mount & Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
ZWO mini guider.
Image cameras: ZWO ASI1600 MM Cool, ZWO ASI533mc-Pro, ZWO ASI174mm-C (for use with my Quark chromosphere), ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: LRGB, Ha 7nm, O-III 7nm, S-II 7nm
Eyepieces: a few.
Primary software: Cartes du Ciel, N.I.N.A, StarTools V1.4.

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Altocumulus Scotland
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Re: Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by Altocumulus »

I came looking for an answer on how large an obsy needed to be for
one or two mounts.

Timely find this, though I guess it's just a single pier.....

I'll let you know how I get on.
Just call me Geoff....

I do what I do because I can, and because I want to.
It doesn't mean I know what I'm doing :mrgreen:
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Re: Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by Altocumulus »

It took a while before something materialised beyond a simulated non-stop slewing of a 'scope.
Will have to look another time as to what it's producing and how to alter for my case.

I'm guessing it's just basic wall clearance and no allowance for visual or imaging purposes....

Just call me Geoff....

I do what I do because I can, and because I want to.
It doesn't mean I know what I'm doing :mrgreen:
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Re: Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by SkyHiker »

Altocumulus wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 7:53 am I'm guessing it's just basic wall clearance and no allowance for visual or imaging purposes....
Yes, it's about wall clearing, including how to place your observatory for maximum clearance.

This program originated from another one where I tried to design a small fold-up observatory for my driveway with roof panels as well. When chris_g asked how to dimension his ROR with 2 piers, I decided to extend it with the clearance calculations.
... Henk. :D Telescopes: GSO 12" Astrograph, "Comet Hunter" MN152, ES ED127CF, ES ED80, WO Redcat51, Z12, AT6RC, Celestron Skymaster 20x80, Mounts and tripod: Losmandy G11S with OnStep, AVX, Tiltall, Cameras: ASI2600MC, ASI2600MM, ASI120 mini, Fuji X-a1, Canon XSi, T6, ELPH 100HS, DIY: OnStep controller, Pi4b/power rig, Afocal adapter, Foldable Dob base, Az/Alt Dob setting circles, Accessories: ZWO 36 mm filter wheel, TV Paracorr 2, Baader MPCC Mk III, ES FF, SSAG, QHY OAG-M, EAF electronic focuser, Plossls, Barlows, Telrad, Laser collimators (Seben LK1, Z12, Howie Glatter), Cheshire, 2 Orion RACIs 8x50, Software: KStars-Ekos, DSS, PHD2, Nebulosity, Photo Gallery, Gimp, CHDK, Computers:Pi4b, 2x running KStars/Ekos, Toshiba Satellite 17", Website:Henk's astro images
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Re: Observatory FOV / wall clearance simulation script


Post by Altocumulus »

I'm hoping I've got something suitable - it seems sensible on paper, brain and this!
2 mounts on tripods - longest 'scope is my solar f11 which comes out at almost 2 metres once dew shield extended and filters/cam on other end. Other 'scopes much shorter so technically should be a small footprint.
Plus I want a 'warm' room added on.....
Just call me Geoff....

I do what I do because I can, and because I want to.
It doesn't mean I know what I'm doing :mrgreen:
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