How do you plan targets for your sessions?

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omeek United States of America
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How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by omeek »

Over the years I've tweaked how I plan my observing sessions based on hearing how others plan the evening and figured I'd check in to see what others are doing these days.

When I first started I would just print a huge observing list from SkyTools covering a large amount of constellations available at that time (talk about making things difficult). These days I've added a lot more focus on a much smaller data set. This is how I generally prep for the session...

1. Identify 3 constellations that will be in the part of the sky that I plan on observing
2. Try to grab roughly 10 or so objects in each constellation
3. Lookup some of the objects in an atlas and/or locate some finder charts online to print & study them a bit (since my main scope is fully manual)

That's the outline I tend to use. Although I never plan on trying to observe 30+ objects (but it could still happen) I like to have fall backs just in case. If I am having viewing issues with one constellation (partial clouds, lights, etc..) then I can just move on to the next one and keep rolling.

How do you all plan your sessions?
Telescopes: Orion XT8i, Zhumell Z12
EP's: Baader Ortho 6mm, Orion Expanse 9mm, Tele Vue 10mm Delos, ES 68° 16mm, ES 68° 24mm, 2" Q70 32mm, 2x Orion Shorty Barlow (and various Plossls)
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Refractordude »

I use Stellarium to make my own hand written map of times and objects I want to observe. I also like to go in a circle up and down with my 20x80 ED binoculars on a parallelogram mount. Sometimes I like not to have planned objects and just be surprised at what I find with my binoculars. I then target in on the objects with my scopes.
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by omeek »

Nice! I haven't taken my bino's out with my scope in a long time. I used to do that quite a bit too. :)
Telescopes: Orion XT8i, Zhumell Z12
EP's: Baader Ortho 6mm, Orion Expanse 9mm, Tele Vue 10mm Delos, ES 68° 16mm, ES 68° 24mm, 2" Q70 32mm, 2x Orion Shorty Barlow (and various Plossls)
Bino's: 12x42, 12x60
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by pakarinen »

Plan? We doan need no steenkin' plan. :lol:

I mix it up. At home, I'll check what constellations are located between trees and such, slew to one, and view a few targets that I already know. Then I'll see what shows on SkySafari if I want (and have time) to check some other targets out.

If I'm going to a dark site, I'll check my Jumbo atlas and make a list after looking up object characteristics. The Saguaro Astro Club has an easy-to-use page for generating target lists by type, constellation, magnitude, etc., which is quite handy. I find some sites like Telescopius to be too cluttered for my tastes.
And sometimes I'll take my 80mm outside, aim randomly like I did at Cygnus this morning, look in the EP, and note there are stars. ;)

Here's a snippet of a Saguaro OC list:
oc sample.jpg
Man... That's some icky-tasting stuff!
AT50, AT72EDII, ST80, ST102; Scopetech Zero, AZ-GTi, AZ Pronto; Innorel RT90C, Oberwerk 5000; Orion Giantview 15x70s, Vortex 8x42s, Navy surplus 7x50s, Nikon 10x50s
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Bigzmey »

I used to make customized lists for each session using Telescopius site. Very convenient tool to customize your list for time, location, constellation, etc. But often plans, sky conditions your preferences would change and you end up with bunch of started and partially overlapping lists.

So, eventually I have switched to one large master list of DSOs which covers all visible from my location constellations and all type of targets detectable with my scopes. Now, no matter which constellation I pick I have targets to observe. I also mark my progress and add brief comments as I observe. So it is easy to see what I already observed and what not.

When I am ready to observe I look at the sky, pick constellation, open my master list on the right page and go.
Scopes: Stellarvue: SV102ED; Celestron: 9.25" EdgeHD, 8" SCT, 150ST, Onyx 80ED; iOptron: Hankmeister 6" Mak; SW: 7" Mak; Meade: 80ST.
Mounts: SW: SkyTee2, AzGTi; iOptron: AZMP; ES: Twilight I; Bresser: EXOS2; UA: MicroStar.
Binos: APM: 100-90 APO; Canon: IS 15x50; Orion: Binoviewer, LG II 15x70, WV 10x50, Nikon: AE 16x50, 10x50, 8x40.
EPs: Pentax: XWs & XFs; TeleVue: Delites, Delos, Panoptic & Plossls; ES: 68, 62; Vixen: SLVs; Baader: BCOs, Aspherics, Mark IV.
Diagonals: Baader: BBHS mirror, Zeiss Spec T2 prism, Clicklock dielectric; TeleVue: Evebrite dielectric; AltairAstro: 2" prism.
Filters: Lumicon: DeepSky, UHC, OIII, H-beta; Baader: Moon & SkyGlow, Contrast Booster, UHC-S, 6-color set; Astronomik: UHC.
Solar: HA: Lunt 50mm single stack, W/L: Meade Herschel wedge.

Observing: DSOs: 3122 (Completed: Messier, Herschel 1, 2, 3. In progress: H2,500: 2196, S110: 77). Doubles: 2461, Comets: 34, Asteroids: 261
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Lady Fraktor »

Plan?, I cannot remember the last time I had the luxury to plan a session :lol:
Mine have been more like point and look whenever I have time.
See Far Sticks: Elita 103/1575, AOM FLT 105/1000, Bresser 127/1200 BV, Nočný stopár 152/1200, Vyrobené doma 70/700, Stellarvue NHNG DX 80/552, TAL RS 100/1000, Vixen SD115s/885
Az/Alt: AYO Digi II, Stellarvue M2C, Argo Navis encoders on both
Tripods: Berlebach Planet (2), Uni 28 Astro, Report 372, TAL factory maple, Vixen ASG-CB90, Vixen AXD-TR102
Diagonals: Astro-Physics, Baader Amici, Baader Herschel, iStar Blue, Stellarvue DX, Tak prism, TAL, Vixen
Eyepieces: Antares to Zeiss (1000101)
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by notFritzArgelander »

Plan? I bring up Cartes du Ciel so as to avoid trying to look at objects in Cygnus in December. Other than that seeing conditions rule. If they’re good then planets and globs. If not so good then I’ll just randomly check on old friends.
Scopes: Refs: Orion ST80, SV 80EDA f7, TS 102ED f11 Newts: AWB 130mm, f5, Z12 f5; Cats: VMC110L, Intes MK66,VMC200L f9.75 EPs: KK Fujiyama Orthoscopics, 2x Vixen NPLs (40-6mm) and BCOs, Baader Mark IV zooms, TV Panoptics, Delos, Plossl 32-8mm. Mixed brand Masuyama/Astroplans Binoculars: Nikon Aculon 10x50, Celestron 15x70, Baader Maxbright. Mounts: Star Seeker IV, Vixen Porta II, Celestron CG5
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by OzEclipse »

Plan :Astronomer1: Did you say plan :Astronomer1:

I use something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue!

Burnham's Celestial Handbooks
Starry Night Pro Plus

Star Catalogues in Excel format downloaded from the internet
Screen Shot 2022-04-18 at 11.46.11 am.png
I also archive some observing reports by two of the most active observers in this forum, Alan ( @kt4hx ) and Andrey ( @Bigzmey ). The quality of their note taking and reporting is first class. I keep an archive of their observations of any objects in reach from my mid-southern latitude that grab my interest.

My favourite blue polarfleece observing shirt, blue 2B note taking pencil, and blue notebook.
something blue.jpg

I find that having the NGC and Messier catalogues in excel format is the most useful tool. This allows me to sort by Dec, then RA, so I can exclude anything too far north, then highlight the RA range open to my observing window. Beyond that, anything in the Messier catalogue is available to my scopes which are much larger than Charles Messier's. In the NGC catalogue, I will sometimes copy that section of the catalogue's RA range, open for that time of year, paste it then sort by magnitude and or object type to further refine the list into a more practical observing list.

Other tools are good for reading about and vetting objects. Burnham's is the classic reference for this. Burham's observational descriptions are excellent. Wikipaedia has an entry on every objects I've ever searches. Generally more astrophysical info rather than observing info.

Depending upon the size of the list, I will then print out the list or write it into my notebook if it's short enough. If I print it out, I'll leave a column of blank cells on the far right for me to write in comments. I prefer not to use tablet or laptop at the computer at the telescope. Even with brightness turned down, it' s bad for the night vision. A faint red torch and paper list works just fine!

I should warn you that researching and assembling a detailed observing list that suits your skies, scope size, interests, can take much longer to assemble than the actual observing time at the telescope. Sort of like making a slow cooked lamb roast for family or friends; 6 - 8 hrs to make, 20 mins for them to wolf it down! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Amateur astronomer since 1978...................Web site :
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, ATM 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, ST80.
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push dobsonian with Nexus DSC, three homemade EQ's.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5, Unitron 40mm Kellner, Meade Or 25,12
Cameras : Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section; Single Exposure Milky Way Facebook Group (Moderator) (12k members), The Sky Searchers (moderator)
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Butterfly Maiden »

We never plan our sessions. It depends on our mood and what the weather is doing.

Then we will probably grab our binoculars for a quick peek, or set the fieldscopes up for a longer session.

Mainly, it ends up with us relaxing in our sun-loungers sipping glasses of wine whilst looking up at the stars with just our eyes.

Simple but fun :D

Nikon D82 Fieldscope with 30x/45x/56x angled eyepiece.
Olympus DPS-1 10x50 binoculars.
Leica 8x32BN binoculars.
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by turboscrew »

What I usually do is:
- Check 2 - 3 weather forecasts: whether or not even try.
- Check when the darkness begins.
- Check from planisphere or Stellarium, what area of the sky is visible, when it's dark
- Check from the books and/or Stellarium, what options for targets I have.
- Make a list on some piece of scrap paper of targets to try.
- Go out, and realize, should have checked the moon phase and location,
- Note, that sky, forecasted to be clear, is getting cloudy
- Put the list among other fire starters for the next sauna-session.
- Yell and curse.
- Maybe next time.
- Juha

Senior Embedded SW Designer
Telescope: OrionOptics XV12, Mount: CEM120, Tri-pier 360 and alternative dobson mount.
Grab 'n go: Omegon AC 102/660 on AZ-3 mount
Eyepieces: 26 mm Omegon SWAN 70°, 15 mm TV Plössl, 12.5 mm Baader Morpheus, 10 mm TV Delos, 6 mm Baader Classic Ortho, 5 mm TV DeLite, 4 mm and 3 mm TV Radians
Cameras: ZWO ASI 294MM Pro, Omegon veLOX 178C
OAG: TS-Optics TSOAG09, ZWO EFW 7 x 36 mm, ZWO filter sets: LRGB and Ha/OIII/SII
Explore Scientific HR 2" coma corrector, Meade x3 1.25" Barlow, TV PowerMate 4x 2"
Some filters (#80A, ND-96, ND-09, Astronomik UHC)
Laptop: Acer Enduro Urban N3 semi-rugged, Windows 11
LAT 61° 28' 10.9" N, Bortle 5

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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by OzEclipse »

turboscrew wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:43 am What I usually do is:
- Check 2 - 3 weather forecasts: whether or not even try.
- Check when the darkness begins.
- Check from planisphere or Stellarium, what area of the sky is visible, when it's dark
- Check from the books and/or Stellarium, what options for targets I have.
- Make a list on some piece of scrap paper of targets to try.
- Go out, and realize, should have checked the moon phase and location,
- Note, that sky, forecasted to be clear, is getting cloudy
- Put the list among other fire starters for the next sauna-session.
- Yell and curse.
- Maybe next time.
Spoken like a true Scandinavian!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the laugh!
Amateur astronomer since 1978...................Web site :
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, ATM 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, ST80.
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push dobsonian with Nexus DSC, three homemade EQ's.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5, Unitron 40mm Kellner, Meade Or 25,12
Cameras : Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section; Single Exposure Milky Way Facebook Group (Moderator) (12k members), The Sky Searchers (moderator)
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Unitron48 United States of America
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Unitron48 »

Very often my observing sessions are outreach with lots of newbies! I usually check sky conditions and Stellarium and pick out no more than five of the best and brightest objects.

Given a solo observing session I normally pick 2-3 of the best positioned constellations and then select a mix of objects from each.

Unitron (60mm, 102mm), Brandon 94
Stellarvue SVX127D

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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by pakarinen »

Butterfly Maiden wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:15 am Mainly, it ends up with us relaxing in our sun-loungers sipping glasses of wine whilst looking up at the stars with just our eyes.
That might be the best plan of all...
Man... That's some icky-tasting stuff!
AT50, AT72EDII, ST80, ST102; Scopetech Zero, AZ-GTi, AZ Pronto; Innorel RT90C, Oberwerk 5000; Orion Giantview 15x70s, Vortex 8x42s, Navy surplus 7x50s, Nikon 10x50s
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by Unitron48 »

On occasion I have also used the "Tonight's Sky" app:

I'm certain there are plenty of other tools out there!

Unitron (60mm, 102mm), Brandon 94
Stellarvue SVX127D

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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by omeek »

Wow, I like all of the different tactics that people use. Some sound similar to my overall plans and others have great steps that I might adapt to on occasion. :)
Telescopes: Orion XT8i, Zhumell Z12
EP's: Baader Ortho 6mm, Orion Expanse 9mm, Tele Vue 10mm Delos, ES 68° 16mm, ES 68° 24mm, 2" Q70 32mm, 2x Orion Shorty Barlow (and various Plossls)
Bino's: 12x42, 12x60
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by omeek »

notFritzArgelander wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:58 pm Plan? I bring up Cartes du Ciel so as to avoid trying to look at objects in Cygnus in December. Other than that seeing conditions rule. If they’re good then planets and globs. If not so good then I’ll just randomly check on old friends.
hmmm... I have never heard of Cartes du Ciel and after looking it up I am very intrigued. Thanks nFA!
Telescopes: Orion XT8i, Zhumell Z12
EP's: Baader Ortho 6mm, Orion Expanse 9mm, Tele Vue 10mm Delos, ES 68° 16mm, ES 68° 24mm, 2" Q70 32mm, 2x Orion Shorty Barlow (and various Plossls)
Bino's: 12x42, 12x60
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by omeek »

Butterfly Maiden wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:15 am We never plan our sessions. It depends on our mood and what the weather is doing.

Then we will probably grab our binoculars for a quick peek, or set the fieldscopes up for a longer session.

Mainly, it ends up with us relaxing in our sun-loungers sipping glasses of wine whilst looking up at the stars with just our eyes.

Simple but fun :D
I think that has got to be one of the best session plans I've ever heard. 8-)
Telescopes: Orion XT8i, Zhumell Z12
EP's: Baader Ortho 6mm, Orion Expanse 9mm, Tele Vue 10mm Delos, ES 68° 16mm, ES 68° 24mm, 2" Q70 32mm, 2x Orion Shorty Barlow (and various Plossls)
Bino's: 12x42, 12x60
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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by turboscrew »

Unitron48 wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:41 pm On occasion I have also used the "Tonight's Sky" app:

I'm certain there are plenty of other tools out there!

Bookmarked that.
- Juha

Senior Embedded SW Designer
Telescope: OrionOptics XV12, Mount: CEM120, Tri-pier 360 and alternative dobson mount.
Grab 'n go: Omegon AC 102/660 on AZ-3 mount
Eyepieces: 26 mm Omegon SWAN 70°, 15 mm TV Plössl, 12.5 mm Baader Morpheus, 10 mm TV Delos, 6 mm Baader Classic Ortho, 5 mm TV DeLite, 4 mm and 3 mm TV Radians
Cameras: ZWO ASI 294MM Pro, Omegon veLOX 178C
OAG: TS-Optics TSOAG09, ZWO EFW 7 x 36 mm, ZWO filter sets: LRGB and Ha/OIII/SII
Explore Scientific HR 2" coma corrector, Meade x3 1.25" Barlow, TV PowerMate 4x 2"
Some filters (#80A, ND-96, ND-09, Astronomik UHC)
Laptop: Acer Enduro Urban N3 semi-rugged, Windows 11
LAT 61° 28' 10.9" N, Bortle 5

I don't suffer from insanity. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by messier 111 »

to tell the truth, I don't plan anything.
I go out, look at the sky and my landmarks and if everything is fine, I take out the equipment.
in my field of profession everything is to plan, so to escape I do not plan anything.
I LOVE REFRACTORS , :Astronomer1: :sprefac:

REFRACTOR , TS-Optics Doublet SD-APO 125 mm f/7.8 . Lunt 80mm MT Ha Doublet Refractor .

EYEPIECES, Delos , Delite and 26mm Nagler t5 , 2 zoom Svbony 7-21 , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .

FILTER , Nebustar 2 tele vue . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches .

Mounts , cg-4 motorized , eq6 pro belt drive .

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Re: How do you plan targets for your sessions?


Post by OzEclipse »

Bigzmey wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 9:00 pm I used to make customized lists for each session using Telescopius site. Very convenient tool to customize your list for time, location, constellation, etc. But often plans, sky conditions your preferences would change and you end up with bunch of started and partially overlapping lists.
Hi Andrey,
This is a great site! How did I not know about it? I guess I'm just a bit bogged down in the old ways. Thanks for posting.
Have been playing with it. I have 4 friends bringing scopes out this weekend so am creating a list using filters for the weekend.

Unitron48 wrote: Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:06 pm Very often my observing sessions are outreach with lots of newbies! I usually check sky conditions and Stellarium and pick out no more than five of the best and brightest objects.

Given a solo observing session I normally pick 2-3 of the best positioned constellations and then select a mix of objects from each.


When I have newbies out here, I do something similar to you and have a goto list. It's pretty easy here in the deep south, sort of the Noah's Ark of deep sky, two of everything, all bright and well defined in the scope and those on this list though not all circumpolar are visible for a large part of the year.

There's no point showing faint fuzzies to newbies. Half the time, I don't think they even see them. I've had occasions where for even medium brightness objects, newbies have told me they must have bumped the scope, I look there and it's right there.

Amateur astronomer since 1978...................Web site :
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, ATM 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, ST80.
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push dobsonian with Nexus DSC, three homemade EQ's.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5, Unitron 40mm Kellner, Meade Or 25,12
Cameras : Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section; Single Exposure Milky Way Facebook Group (Moderator) (12k members), The Sky Searchers (moderator)
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