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PHD Help

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:21 am
by lostone
Ok it seems PHD2 has gone off the deep on on me. Over the last few nights I have been fighting with it. Goes great and that all of a sudden it goes wonky on me and I can't figure out where the issue is. I have even gone and removed it and re-installed it. Run calibration, Guiding assistant. PA is awesome at .09" I have verified the setting in my control software (Green Swamp Server) I have even shut down GSS and restarted EQMod and verified it's settings. I don't use the hand controller, but I did plug it in and ran through the setting to make sure they were good. I'm at a total loss here. If someone can help I'd really appreciate it. I just hope my mount isn't what's going wonky on me.
PHD going off the deep end.png

Re: PHD Help

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:52 pm
by Star Dad
One thing I find that might help you - when YOU (not the software) select a star I always try and choose one that's around 50. Usually my PHD selects dimmer targets around 20-35 and it easily temporarily loses tracking causing it to go "wonky". It's one of the problems I am faced with when using NINA - because it selects too dim a target and the PHD corrections start literally going off the chart. I wonder if this phenomenon happens in programs similar to NINA.

Re: PHD Help

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:55 pm
by Gordon
Check to make sure that there are no cables snagging, A passing cloud? Are you dithering?

Are you using multi star guiding?

It might not hurt to check the balance on your mount. It appears something is causing a 'drag' on the mount.