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SkyTools 4 Upgrade

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 3:57 pm
by omeek
I finally upgraded from SkyTools 3 to SkyTools 4 (with the 50% discount). I haven't dug in too deep yet but so far I really like it. As far as aesthetics are concerned I think 4 is much easier on the eyes and certain things are more streamlined (creating observing lists and how they are grouped/stored). It is extremely similar to 3 as far as functionality goes so if you've used that version there is a very minimal learning curve.

It has a much improved interface while keeping the same level of options and abilities. I haven't spent a lot of time digging in to all the changes so far but my first impression is that it feels much more streamlined and a lot more intuitive than ST3. Definitely worth the money if, like me, you tend to use planning software (of course I still take an atlas out with me for every session). :D

Re: SkyTools 4 Upgrade

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:45 am
by kt4hx
I just upgraded mine today Oliver. While I had not planned to do so, since any support for ST3, to include updating of the supernova, minor planet and comet lists, was going to end, I decided it was worth it to go head for half price. It certainly looks different, though some things are the same or similar. Just another learning curve to catch up on the changes. Hope you enjoy it.