C8 Corrector Plate number....Surprise!!

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C8 Corrector Plate number....Surprise!!


Post by Zygmo »

Hey, Guys. I just noticed what happened at Astronomyforum, and moved here. Good to see familiar people!

I have several C8 SCTs, including a couple for my experiments as you may know. But, I happen to have one of which I had never opened up the tube. Well, I moved recently from a house I had lived in for 45 years. Accumulated tons of stuff, so the move was a big deal! Somehow, some specks got into that scope. Had to open it, so it got a full bath tonight.

Removed the plate, marking the plate and tube carefully as always. The number was slightly off the 3:00 position, so the serial number on the secondary holder did not point exactly right either, but they are not always perfect. However, about a quarter way around the plate from there, I noticed some scratch marks near the edge. Looking closer, it was a number that had been scratched through!! Never seen THAT before. :shock: I forgot to see if I could tell if that number matched the other number. If the numbers are different, I wonder if this corrector plate was transferred at the factory from another scope returned due to damage in shipment or something, and run back through the assembly line.
I have exchanged plates on a couple of my scopes that appeared to work fine, but the scratch marks on the donor plates did not end up in the normal factory position in the different tubes of course.

Take care.
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