February 2025 Quiz
This year, there will be ten monthly quizzes, February to November, 10 questions each, 100 for the year.
Scores will be aggregated throughout the year. Monthly winners will be announced at the end of each month then medal certificates and quiz bling added to the profile of the annual winners. Anyone who does not enter regularly will not have their scores aggregated. Skipping two quizzes will drop you out of the annual competition. Skipping two or more quizzes will make gaining a place in the top 15 almost impossible.
Each quiz takes me many hours to compose each month, coming up with new questions, researching answers, composing tempting alternative answers. Next, I use the quiz creation tool to do the the mark up. If you disagree with a question or answer, you are welcome to raise anything with me at any time discretely via PM but not openly on the forum.
I ask that, during the month the quiz is actively being played, that members please: -
______a) don't post spoilers indicating the nature or content of questions or answers
______b) don't post claims that answers are wrong.
The answers are checked and such claims are usually wrong usually because the entrant misinterprets the question or is recalling out of date information. Any such messages will be deleted as soon as I see them. To post spoilers for others because you've finished playing is just selfish.
I am more than happy for you to post those very same comments on the forum and discuss them openly after everyone has played and the quiz has closed at the end of the month at which time I'll also post my comments explaining all the answers.
The indication that the quiz has closed is when I post the results histogram usually early the next month.
Enjoy! Here is the link for the first quiz.: -
@SparWeb @kt4hx @sdbodin @AntennaGuy @JayTee @Bigzmey @messier 111 @pixelsaurus @Gfamily @carastro @Juno16 @Graeme1858 @Juno16 @bobharmony @helicon @Gordon @SkyHiker @Michael131313 @JSBach1801 @astrorlk @Burrman@andrewsscope@jerrysykes @MrShorty @AstroShed @DaveZ