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OzEclipse Australia
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Joined: Sat May 11, 2019 8:11 am
Location: Young, NSW, Australia, 34S, 148E

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Post by OzEclipse »

Donations button is off.
Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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