Congratulations ursomniac

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Congratulations ursomniac


Post by Gordon »

Congratulations to member ursomniac for completion of the EAA Messier 110 catalog.

Link to images:
Scopes: Explore Scientific ED80CF, Skywatcher 200 Quattro Imaging Newt, SeeStar S50 for EAA.
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-g mount & Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
ZWO mini guider.
Image cameras: ZWO ASI1600 MM Cool, ZWO ASI533mc-Pro, ZWO ASI174mm-C (for use with my Quark chromosphere), ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: LRGB, Ha 7nm, O-III 7nm, S-II 7nm
Eyepieces: a few.
Primary software: Cartes du Ciel, N.I.N.A, StarTools V1.4.

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ursomniac United States of America
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TSS EAA Messier awards

Achievement unlocked!


Post by ursomniac »

So after I got my first imaging scope (the eQuinox 2 named Jeffrey), the obvious challenge was to acquire images of the entire Messier catalog.

But there were some stumbles and evolution. First I didn't archive my raw frames for several months - oops. So I was stuck with the default stretched images that fell out of the app (which are OK given all the things the app is trying to do, but can't deliver everything contained in the image stack). By the time I got around to that all the summer objects were behind the Sun.

Then there's the problem that the larger objects aren't suited to the eQuinox's FOV. So enter scope #2 (Elusippe) the Seestar in March. :-) This set up a nice/convenient division of labor - both in terms of the FOV options, and also letting each scope concentrate on the types of objects they're especially good at (the S50 is fantastic for emission nebulae, and star clusters; the eQuinox 2 is better for smaller objects, and galaxies; both with notable exceptions, of course).

The other BIG PROBLEM is my impatience. :-) I want to see EVERYTHING, so having two scopes I can be a little more patient.

I finally, wrapped around the sky in June 2024, getting the last "missing Messier" objects on the list, and then spent the Summer/Fall redoing several (there are still a few I want to re-redo now that the S50 can do mosaics).

Meanwhile I'm also tackling the Caldwell catalog (at least down to C 72 - BARELY - got about 10 more to do), and have started working on the Herschel 400. Telescope #3 (Ernestine the S30 - all the scopes are named after great-grandparents - so I can get 4-5 more, right?) is intended to handle the "OK just look at 1 or 2 things over a night and get some larger image stacks" problem.

Having all these imaging scopes, I've sort-of got the local reputation of "the guy with the telescope fleet" :-) and have given a few public lectures on smart scopes and trying to do more public outreach with them.

ANYway, you can check out all the images in my personal album: app.php/gallery/album/439

Isn't this fun? :-)
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Re: Achievement unlocked!


Post by Graeme1858 »

ursomniac wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:09 pm Isn't this fun? :-)

It certainly is Bob!

Congratulations on achieving all three EAA Messier Awards.

Certificates duly awarded and attached.
EAA_Messier_110 - Ursomniac.pdf
(619.64 KiB) Downloaded 5 times
EAA_Messier_80 - Ursomniac.pdf
(616.82 KiB) Downloaded 11 times
EAA_Messier_40 - Ursomniac.pdf
(617.66 KiB) Downloaded 10 times

Celestron 9.25" F10 SCT, CGX Mount.
StellaMira 110mm ED APO F6 Refractor, AVX Mount
ASI1600MM Pro, ASI294MC Pro, ASI224MC.
APM 11x70 ED APO Binoculars.
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Re: Congratulations ursomniac


Post by messier 111 »

congratulations for this great work.
REFRACTORS , . Lunt 80mm MT Ha Doublet Refractor . William Optics ZenithStar 81 Doublet APO f/6.9 .
BINOS REFRACTOR , apm 82mm sd .
BINOS , Celestron 7x50 made in Japan .
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope .
EYEPIECES, 26mm Nagler t5 , 2-zoom Svbony 7-21 ,2 x Baader Hyperion Universal Zoom Mark IV 8-24mm 68° ,2 x 18mm apm flat field , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .
FILTERS, Nebustar 2 tele vue .Celestron uhc . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches and 2 x 1,25 inche .
MOUNTS , cg-4 ,MANFROTO 028 B and fluide head 608 .
Starbound Adjustable Observing Chair .

Jean-Yves :flags-canada:
I am the result of a star that died a very long time ago, And now i am being warmed up by another today.
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Re: Congratulations ursomniac


Post by Bigzmey »

Well done Ursomniac, congratulations!
Scopes: Stellarvue: SV102ED; Celestron: 14" & 9.25" EdgeHD, 8" SCT, 150ST, Onyx 80ED; iOptron: Hankmeister 6" Mak; SW: 7" Mak; Meade: 80ST.
Mounts: Celestron: CGE Pro. SW: SkyTee2, AzGTi; iOptron: AZMP; ES: Twilight I; Bresser: EXOS2; UA: MicroStar.
Binos: APM: 100-90 APO; Canon: IS 15x50; Orion: Binoviewer, LG II 15x70, WV 10x50, Nikon: AE 16x50, 10x50, 8x40.
EPs: Pentax: XWs & XFs; TeleVue: Delites, Delos, Panoptic & Plossls; ES: 68; Vixen: SLVs; Baader: BCOs, Aspherics, Mark IV, Celestron: X-Cel LX.
Diagonals: Baader: BBHS mirror, Zeiss Spec T2 prism, Clicklock dielectric; TeleVue: Evebrite dielectric; AltairAstro: 2" prism.
Filters: Lumicon: DeepSky, UHC, OIII, H-beta; Baader: Moon & SkyGlow, Contrast Booster, UHC-S; Astronomik: UHC.
Solar: HA: Lunt 50mm double-stack, W/L: Meade Herschel wedge.

Observing: DSOs: 3494 (Completed: Messier, Herschel 1, 2, 3. In progress: H2,500: 2349), Doubles: 2893, Comets: 38, Asteroids: 336
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Re: Congratulations ursomniac


Post by Ylem »

That's awesome!
Clear Skies,
-Jeff :telescopewink:

Member; ASTRA-NJ

Orion 80ED
Celestron C5, 6SE, Celestar 8
Celestron ST80
Celestron C90 Mak
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Coronado PST
Bunch of Binos
A big box of Plossls
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Re: Congratulations ursomniac


Post by helicon »

Congratulations on achieving the 110!
Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope
Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50
Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl
Camera: ZWO ASI 120
Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs
Latitude: 37.5446° N
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Re: Congratulations ursomniac


Post by Caddman »

Congratulations. That's quite the accomplishment.
You missed messier 111. I'm sure he will pose for a picture for you. :lol:

Telescopes; Stellarvue SVA130T, WO GT71, Orion SkyQuest XT10, Orion 10" f/3.9 Astrograph, Takahashi FOA-60Q, Takahashi FC100DF
Mounts; Atlas EQ-G, Celestron CGX-L, ZWO AM5
Binoculars; Oberwerk LW 11 X 70, Oberwerk 25 X 100
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