Ready to Grind

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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

Many hours later, at one stage I was getting scratches at 600 grit and needed to go back to 400grit to remove them..
, turns out I needed to bevel the tool and add plenty of water to get the mirror off the tool with 50% over hang to prevent scratching. Fine grinding becomes a whole specific delicate process...

Currently 2 hrs in with 25 micron alluminium oxide , I will be moving onto 12, 9,5 micron and then polishing, can't wait to test it with the bath
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by jrkirkham »

Fascinating project
Telescopes: 50mm refractor, ED80 triplet, 90mm makcass, 10" dob, 8"SCT, 11"SCT
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Binoculars: 10x50, 12x60, 15x70, 25-125x80
Observatory: SkyShed POD XL3 + 8x12 warm room
AL Projects Completed: Lunar #645, Outreach #0280, Universe Sampler #93-T, Binocular Messier #871, Messier #2521, Messier Honorary #2521, Constellation Hunter Northern Skies #112, Planetary Transit Venus #1, Galileo #26, Outreach Stellar #0280, Meteor Regular #157, Solar System Telescopic #209-I, Observer Award #1, Double Stars #715
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by OzEclipse »

Hi Rob,
Sorry, haven't visited this thread in a while.

This is the company I've used for mirror coating. ... g-service/
mobile: 0412 010 497
Address: Unit 6 Commerce Ct, Forster NSW 2428

Palmway Optical is run by Dr Wayne Sainty. Great service and excellent quality work.

Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

OzEclipse wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:13 am Hi Rob,
Sorry, haven't visited this thread in a while.

This is the company I've used for mirror coating. ... g-service/
mobile: 0412 010 497
Address: Unit 6 Commerce Ct, Forster NSW 2428

Palmway Optical is run by Dr Wayne Sainty. Great service and excellent quality work.

cheers mate , i had a little break from working on my mirror, currently on 9 micron , i'll send these guys an email for a qoute
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

It's been awhile since I've posted an updated, I've had to re grind at 25 micron 4 times due to scratching, all fixed from beveling the tool, using a correct ammount of water and ally oxide grit , there's a whole finesse to avoid scratching including sepperating the tool and mirror correctly.

Anyhow finished 9 micron, moving onto 5 micron then it's learning how to polish..
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

Long time break from this after frustration of trying to work out a good formula on a diy pitch, heres what i used.

500 grams pine pitch resin
60ml stockholm tar
50 grams beeze wax
2-3ml mineral turps

Its a little on the soft side but seems manageable, I'll store it in doors its been rather cool on some days with the alot of rain anyhow.
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

I have a nice clear sheen after an hr of polishing, 7 more to go and then onto figure process...
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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OzEclipse Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by OzEclipse »

Hi Rob,

The pitch lap can be poured into a mould made of 1/4" thick rubber sheet to create a faceted tool. You can cut the square holes using a 25mm or 1" chisel with 6mm gaps. This will give you a better cutting / polishing surface(more edges) and facilitate removal of the polishing compound. It will also make the lap less likely to bind to the mirror.

The facetted surface will cold press better more easily to conform to the mirror figure.

After the pour, if there are any little pieces of pitch that have overflowed locking the mat in place, just trim them off with an Exacto or snap blade knife then the mat can be carefully peeled off.

polishing tool rubber mat.jpg

Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

OzEclipse wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:09 pm Hi Rob,

The pitch lap can be poured into a mould made of 1/4" thick rubber sheet to create a faceted tool. You can cut the square holes using a 25mm or 1" chisel with 6mm gaps. This will give you a better cutting / polishing surface(more edges) and facilitate removal of the polishing compound. It will also make the lap less likely to bind to the mirror.

The facetted surface will cold press better more easily to conform to the mirror figure.

After the pour, if there are any little pieces of pitch that have overflowed locking the mat in place, just trim them off with an Exacto or snap blade knife then the mat can be carefully peeled off.

polishing tool rubber mat.jpg



Ahh,cheers for the info , i did use a dowl and made some squares but after hot pressing they all squeezed back together , i read that an onion bag works with cold press to add more facet, any way i think i might make some larger channels with a soldering iron.
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

Just a couple of hours left until testing,mean while I've working on my mirror holder and foucault/ronchi tester, talking to a few people on discord and they recommend doing atleast two different methods of testing so will do a foucault test aswell as the bath interferometer, apparently the interferometer is great for testing astigmatism.
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

Struggling to get a good foucault test, i think i might just ditch it and move onto the bath interferometer, i can only do the focault at night when its dark as the house leaks too much sunlight during the day, hopefully the bath is a littlest brighter ..
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

after many hours of trying to work out the foucault adjustments i finaly have an image of the surface,users at discord describe it as very smooth sphere, tiny bit turn down edge,little zone in the middle. should be ready for parabolizing stage!
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by Graeme1858 »

Getting exciting now Rob!

Celestron 9.25" F10 SCT, CGX Mount.
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by OzEclipse »

Looks good Rob. So good to see that lump of glass finally turning into a mirror after four decades in my storeroom.
Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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yobbo89 Australia
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

OzEclipse wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:29 pm Looks good Rob. So good to see that lump of glass finally turning into a mirror after four decades in my storeroom.
i've not touch your glass blank yet unfortunately , i really wanted to learn on a smaller mirror that i found cheap before moving on to the 10'' i got from you, it really is a nice solid piece of glass and i didn't want to make any mistake with chipping it while learning . the current glass i'm working on is an 8 '' , that said i'm still pretty excited on making another mirror and can't wait to move onto that 10'' of yours !
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by OzEclipse »


Regarding: The scratching problems you had......

Bevelling is an angular flat grind. It's ok but it still leaves a sharp edge that can scratch. I was taught to arras the edge. Arrasing involves grinding a rounded edge on the mirror and blank edges.


Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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Re: Ready to Grind


Post by yobbo89 »

The ronchi test, used a printer encoder strip, a bit small but works
ronchi test.jpg
scopes :gso/bintel f4 12"truss tube, bresser messier ar127s /skywatcher 10'' dob,meade 12'' f10 lx200 sct
cameras : asi 1600mm-c/asi1600mm-c,asi120mc,prostar lp guidecam, nikkon d60, sony a7,asi 290 mm
mounts : eq6 pro/eq8/mesu 200 v2
filters : 2'' astronomik lp/badder lrgb h-a,sII,oIII,h-b,Baader Solar Continuum, chroma 3nm ha,sii,oiii,nii,rgb,lowglow,uv/ir,Thousand Oaks Solar Filter,1.25'' #47 violet,pro planet 742 ir,pro planet 807 ir,pro planet 642 bp ir.
extras : skywatcher f4 aplanatic cc, Baader MPCC MKIII Coma Corrector,Orion Field Flattener,zwo 1.25''adc.starlight maxi 2" 9x filter wheel,tele vue 2x barlow .

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