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Come join the friendliest, most engaging and inclusive astronomy forum geared for beginners and advanced telescope users, astrophotography devotees, plus check out our "Astro" goods vendors.
The dates for the annual Barcoft High altitude star party near White Mountain Peak in California have been set between 8/31 and 9/5 2024. At an altitude of 12,450 feet and Bortle 1 skies it simply cannot be beat. Cost to attend is $90 per night. In the daytime visitors can enjoy the nearby ancient bristlecone pine forest with its gnarled 5,000 year old trees.
If interested in attending please pm me and I can get in touch with the coordinator at the East Bay Astronomical Society to see if any spots are still open. As of now there are open slots on each evening but there is a limit of 12 amateurs per night per the EAS allotment.
The site is so dark that it was the runner up to the Mauna Kea site chosen by the powers that be behind the Keck telescope in Hawaii.
-Michael Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50 Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl Camera: ZWO ASI 120 Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs Latitude: 37.5446° N
helicon wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:28 pm
The dates for the annual Barcoft High altitude star party near White Mountain Peak in California have been set between 8/31 and 9/5 2024. At an altitude of 12,450 feet and Bortle 1 skies it simply cannot be beat. Cost to attend is $90 per night. In the daytime visitors can enjoy the nearby ancient bristlecone pine forest with its gnarled 5,000 year old trees.
If interested in attending please pm me and I can get in touch with the coordinator at the East Bay Astronomical Society to see if any spots are still open. As of now there are open slots on each evening but there is a limit of 12 amateurs per night per the EAS allotment.
The site is so dark that it was the runner up to the Mauna Kea site chosen by the powers that be behind the Keck telescope in Hawaii.
The 2025 Barcroft High Altitude Star Party has been scheduled. The dates are Wednesday August 20th through Monday August 25th. (New moon is on the 23rd). Cost is $90 per person per night. The EAS (East Bay Astronomical Society) has been alotted 20 slots per night. There were 25 per night but 5 astrophysicists are coming. I am definitely considering attending.
-Michael Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50 Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl Camera: ZWO ASI 120 Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs Latitude: 37.5446° N
Mike Q wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:27 pm
I will bring a couple bottles of supplemental oxygen lol
Sounds helpful. I took the path to the top of Mt. Whitney in 2010 (14,495') and had no problems so presuming one is in decent shape it's probably OK.
But you know I was a lot younger then.
-Michael Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50 Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl Camera: ZWO ASI 120 Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs Latitude: 37.5446° N
Mike Q wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:27 pm
I will bring a couple bottles of supplemental oxygen lol
Sounds helpful. I took the path to the top of Mt. Whitney in 2010 (14,495') and had no problems so presuming one is in decent shape it's probably OK.
But you know I was a lot younger then.
I was up north of Denver in Longmont Colorado a couple decades ago. I went for my nightly run on a treadmill and did ok, but i did notice that the air was a bit on the thin side. So if i noticed it there... 12,000 feet probably isnt a realistic option for me