Astroasis Oasis Focuser Rose - The new version Oasis Focuser with significant improvements

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Frank Chen China
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Astroasis Oasis Focuser Rose - The new version Oasis Focuser with significant improvements


Post by Frank Chen »

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new version Oasis Focuser – the Oasis Focuser Rose.
Oasis Focuser Rose
Oasis Focuser Rose

Oasis Focuser Rose is the second generation of the Astroasis electronic focuser. On the basis of the first generation, the second generation has made significant improvements and it is a perfect electronic focuser for astrophotography.

Compared with the first generation, the second generation has made the following improvements:
1) Convenient power supply — It can be powered by either the USB Type-C port or the 12V DC port.

2) Stall detection — Motor stall detection feature prevents the telescope focuser and the gears from being damaged in case the telescope focuser moves out of the minimum or maximum range or in other cases that are not expected.

3) Built-in heating module — The built-in heating module allows the focuser to work in low ambient temperature conditions for North China, Europe, North America users when capturing in winters. The heating module can be controlled at a constant temperature when heating so it's easy to use.

4) Gear locator — The gear locator helps user to install the gear in the right place.

5) Improved reliability — Motor is upgraded to improve reliability. PCB is re-designed to improve reliability of power module, USB/DC/Temperature sockets etc.

6) Better connection method — The connection method of the fixed-part and the rotatable part is improved. The connection of the fixed-part and the rotatable part is more stable.

7) More compact dimensions — Compared to the first generation, the second generation Oasis focuser body has a 14.5mm reduction in the length and a 4mm reduction in the diameter of the rotatable part. It is also 20% lighter than the first generation.
Old version VS new version
Old version VS new version
Dimensions of Oasis Focuser Rose
Dimensions of Oasis Focuser Rose

Oasis Focuser Rose inherits all the excellent features of the first generation Oasis Focuser, including:
1) Clutch function — Easy and fast switching between motor and manual focusing
2) Bluetooth function — Mobile devices such as mobile phones can be used to control the focuser via Bluetooth
3) High precision — Micron precision for each motor step
4) Ability to drive heavy load — Testing indicates that it can driver net loads more than 5Kg
5) Excellent backlash compensation performance — Gears and rigid components provide excellent backlash compensation performance
6) Easy to install — Easy to install or uninstall focuser body. Only one screw needs to be used to install or uninstall focuser body. And it can be installed on many telescope focusers
7) High integrated — Except for the ambient temperature probe, all functions and components (including motor, controller board etc.) are implemented and integrated in the single compact focuser body

In addition, this product has the following features:
1) Support USB HID device interface. Device driver installation is not required for Windows, Linux and macOS operation systems.
2) Support ASCOM interface
3) Support INDI
4) Support INDIGO
5) Has two temperature sensors, one monitors board temperature, the other monitors ambient temperature
6) Has beep generator for tips or alarms

For more details, please refer to the following page:

The user manual of this product can be downloaded at the following address: ... ual_EN.pdf

Please refer to the following document for the list of supported telescopes and how the Oasis Focuser can be installed on the telescopes: ... ual_EN.pdf

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Re: Astroasis Oasis Focuser Rose - The new version Oasis Focuser with significant improvements


Post by speedster »

Most excellent, Frank.
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