10-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

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10-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Post by Gordon »

10-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.
by Gordon

"M16 in SHO" Today our TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald). Captured over 4 nights with a total of fifteen and one-half hours, Gearld gives us a deep look into this cloudy Messier object. Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as our TSS APOD! Here's a link to the original...
Scopes: Explore Scientific ED80CF, Skywatcher 200 Quattro Imaging Newt, SeeStar S50 for EAA.
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-g mount & Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
ZWO mini guider.
Image cameras: ZWO ASI1600 MM Cool, ZWO ASI533mc-Pro, ZWO ASI174mm-C (for use with my Quark chromosphere), ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: LRGB, Ha 7nm, O-III 7nm, S-II 7nm
Eyepieces: a few.
Primary software: Cartes du Ciel, N.I.N.A, StarTools V1.4.

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