My binoculars finally arrived

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Lady Fraktor Slovakia
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My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Lady Fraktor »

A thank you to John for his recent review of his new Vortex Optics Diamondback 8x32 binoculars.
After a few Pms I ordered a set and they arrived a few days ago.
For some strange reason the retailers in Slovakia, Czechia and Austria were sold out or did not have stock. We had to purchase them from the retailer in Germany.
Cost is € 239 with DPH/ € 4,9 shipping
Seven Oaks Gmbh
Buscher Holzweg 110
Krefeld, 47802 Germany

Neither Sabin or I need to worry about the eye relief (so far) so no modifications required there though I will keep John modification in my mind for the future.

The binoculars are a convenient size and weight od 11.43 cm length by 11.68 cm width and weight of 439.4 (15.5 oz) or 460 grams (16.23 oz) with lens covers in place. An excellent size and weight for cycling or storing in the dash compartment when travelling. These came with a black zippered hardcase, lightly padded neckstrap and a small cleaning cloth. Magnesium body with rubber coating, argon purged and
According to reviews these are the 3rd generation and the coatings are improved over the last two series and the way to ID these new version is the HD written on the center focuser.

Viewing conditions have not been the greatest but when I was able to view some nearby high contrast targets, CA was quite minimal and the targets were bright.

These are designed in USA, built in China and have a lifetime warranty. Original owner will have damage repaired or binoculars replaced for free while you own them.
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by jrkirkham »

Congratulations, enjoy the new views.
Telescopes: 50mm refractor, ED80 triplet, 90mm makcass, 10" dob, 8"SCT, 11"SCT
Mounts: Celestron CGX, Orion Sirius + several camera tripods
Cameras: Canon 6D, Canon 80D, ZWO-ASI120MC
Binoculars: 10x50, 12x60, 15x70, 25-125x80
Observatory: SkyShed POD XL3 + 8x12 warm room
AL Projects Completed: Lunar #645, Outreach #0280, Universe Sampler #93-T, Binocular Messier #871, Messier #2521, Messier Honorary #2521, Constellation Hunter Northern Skies #112, Planetary Transit Venus #1, Galileo #26, Outreach Stellar #0280, Meteor Regular #157, Solar System Telescopic #209-I, Observer Award #1, Double Stars #715
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by messier 111 »

clear sky to you , congrat .
REFRACTORS , . Lunt 80mm MT Ha Doublet Refractor . William Optics ZenithStar 81 Doublet APO f/6.9 .
BINOS REFRACTOR , apm 82mm sd .
BINOS , Celestron 7x50 made in Japan .
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope .
EYEPIECES, 26mm Nagler t5 , 2-zoom Svbony 7-21 ,2 x Baader Hyperion Universal Zoom Mark IV 8-24mm 68° ,2 x 18mm apm flat field , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .
FILTERS, Nebustar 2 tele vue .Celestron uhc . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches and 2 x 1,25 inche .
MOUNTS , cg-4 ,MANFROTO 028 B and fluide head 608 .
Starbound Adjustable Observing Chair .

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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Bigzmey »

Congrats on the new glass Gabby!
Scopes: Stellarvue: SV102ED; Celestron: 14" & 9.25" EdgeHD, 8" SCT, 150ST, Onyx 80ED; iOptron: Hankmeister 6" Mak; SW: 7" Mak; Meade: 80ST.
Mounts: Celestron: CGE Pro. SW: SkyTee2, AzGTi; iOptron: AZMP; ES: Twilight I; Bresser: EXOS2; UA: MicroStar.
Binos: APM: 100-90 APO; Canon: IS 15x50; Orion: Binoviewer, LG II 15x70, WV 10x50, Nikon: AE 16x50, 10x50, 8x40.
EPs: Pentax: XWs & XFs; TeleVue: Delites, Delos, Panoptic & Plossls; ES: 68; Vixen: SLVs; Baader: BCOs, Aspherics, Mark IV, Celestron: X-Cel LX.
Diagonals: Baader: BBHS mirror, Zeiss Spec T2 prism, Clicklock dielectric; TeleVue: Evebrite dielectric; AltairAstro: 2" prism.
Filters: Lumicon: DeepSky, UHC, OIII, H-beta; Baader: Moon & SkyGlow, Contrast Booster, UHC-S; Astronomik: UHC.
Solar: HA: Lunt 50mm double-stack, W/L: Meade Herschel wedge.

Observing: DSOs: 3494 (Completed: Messier, Herschel 1, 2, 3. In progress: H2,500: 2349), Doubles: 2893, Comets: 38, Asteroids: 336
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Lady Fraktor Slovakia
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Lady Fraktor »

I made a mistake with the warranty, it is a full lifetime warranty regardless if you are original owner.
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Nakedgun »

Lady Fraktor wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 7:29 pm I made a mistake with the warranty, it is a full lifetime warranty regardless if you are original owner.

And, as I understand it, Vortex bought out Eagle Optics some time ago, and are honoring the warranty on that now-discontinued brand, as well.
That should have a positive effect on brand loyalty!

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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by John Baars »

Congratulations on you new pair of binoculars.
I am glad you like them.
A lot of flavor in a small package!
I also marveled at the close focus of this little instrument. It allowed me to observe at very close range the attempts of a couple of ants to get a much too large dead insect into their burrow while I was standing nearby. Very close to my shoe!
Refractors in frequency of use : *SW Evostar 120ED F/7.5 (all round ), * Vixen 102ED F/9 (vintage), both on Vixen GPDX.
GrabnGo on Alt/AZ :* TS Optics 50mm ED F4, *SW Startravel 102 F/5 refractor( widefield, Sun, push-to), *OMC140 Maksutov F/14.3 ( planets, but no GnG).
Most used Eyepieces: *Panoptic 24, *Baader Morpheus 14, *Leica ASPH zoom, *Zeiss barlow, *Pentax XO5.
Commonly used bino's : *Jena 10X50 , * Canon 10X30 IS, *Swarovski Habicht 7X42, * Celestron 15X70, *Kasai 2.3X40
Rijswijk Public Observatory: * Astro-Physics Starfire 130 f/8, * 6 inch Newton, * C9.25, * Meade 14 inch LX600 ACF, *Lunt.
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by pakarinen »

Mine are lower on the foodchain, but I really like my Vortex Crossfire 8x42s. Enjoy!
Man... That's some icky-tasting stuff!
AT50, AT60ED, AT72EDII, ST80, ST102; Scopetech Zero, AZ-GTi, AZ Pronto; Innorel RT90C, Oberwerk 5000; Orion Giantview 15x70s, Vortex 8x42s, Navy surplus 7x50s
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Lady Fraktor »

I was using them at a star party at Devín castle last night, quite happy with their performance.
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by John Baars »

Devin Castle, although blown up during the Napoleontic wars, seems very nice spot to have a star party in my eyes. Very nice surroundings. I just googled it.
Good the binoculars didn't disappoint you. Nice ! I find them light and small enough to hold underneath my coat during a session with my telescope. For paving a starhop with the telescope finder. Dark enough background, sufficient field and nice needle-point stars.
Refractors in frequency of use : *SW Evostar 120ED F/7.5 (all round ), * Vixen 102ED F/9 (vintage), both on Vixen GPDX.
GrabnGo on Alt/AZ :* TS Optics 50mm ED F4, *SW Startravel 102 F/5 refractor( widefield, Sun, push-to), *OMC140 Maksutov F/14.3 ( planets, but no GnG).
Most used Eyepieces: *Panoptic 24, *Baader Morpheus 14, *Leica ASPH zoom, *Zeiss barlow, *Pentax XO5.
Commonly used bino's : *Jena 10X50 , * Canon 10X30 IS, *Swarovski Habicht 7X42, * Celestron 15X70, *Kasai 2.3X40
Rijswijk Public Observatory: * Astro-Physics Starfire 130 f/8, * 6 inch Newton, * C9.25, * Meade 14 inch LX600 ACF, *Lunt.
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Richard »

Congrats on the new binos , only 32mm? , me personally anything less than 42 dont work so well for astro work , have only 42 and the next smaller is 25 , so do not know
Reflectors GSO 200 Dobs
Refractors None
SCT C5 on a SLT mount
Mak 150 Bosma on a EQ5
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Lady Fraktor Slovakia
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Re: My binoculars finally arrived


Post by Lady Fraktor »

These were purchased for use anywhere. Travelling, hiking, cycling, bird watching or a bit of stargazing.
Eventually I will get to replacing my old Vixen 10x50 but not in a hurry.
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