This months data is SH2-132 The Lion Nebula in Cepheus and has been submitted by Carole @carastro.
Carole says:
The Lion Nebula in Cepheus Sh2-132
I live in a heavy light polluted location Bortle 8 and can only really do Narrowband from Home.
I also use a dual rig in order to get double the data per night. The fields of view do not match, but putting them through Registar I can match the data, and combine them in photoshop and simply trim the edges. In addition I tend to bin x 2 Oiii and Sii, so again these need to be upsized to match the Ha.
I have done all this for you, but you might find you need to trim the edge/s.
I can only use Tiffs as I use Photoshop, I hope you will all be able to cope with Tiffs.
I also did an SHO combi for those of you who just want to do OSC processing, though I think you would get more out of it if the individual Channels were processed separately.
I attach a link to my own process of this target.
I have only acquired StarExterimator in the last week or so, so I had no such tool when I did this processing.
This is my second attempt at this target.
This was taken in my back garden in SE London UK.
Total imaging time is 8 hours 20 mins
I hope you enjoy this interesting target and I look forward to seeing the various results.
Here's the link to Carole's excellent data: ... sp=sharing
Feel free to download and process in any style you like. Then post up your final image with a description of your processing method for discussion.
And if you have some data you would like to contribute to a future Processing Challenge please contact any of the Moderators or send in an email to: