Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.

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Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.


Post by TSS TEAM »

Marshall's Night Sky This Week, 1-7 APRIL 2024

We are proud to present you with another edition of Marshall's night sky events this week! Welcome, we hope you find something of interest! Let us know in the replies if you did, we would love to hear about it! Let's get started by examining the highlights of the night sky this week, 1-7 April 2024. As usual we will list the highlights and discuss a few. We hope you find this info useful and if you have anything you wish to discuss or add, please hit the "Reply" button below and let us know!

Please note that all images are from Stellarium, the link to the webpage is here: All other information is freely gathered from various websites, Apps, planetarium software and social media. We would encourage you to download and print your finder charts more specific to your location, the charts/graphics included are for basic guidance only. Many websites like Sky will allow you to download and print out a free planisphere for each month, link:


1st) -
2nd) - Zodiacal light visible in Northern Latitudes in the west after evening twilight for next two weeks.
2nd) - Moon at last quarter at 03:15 UTC 11:15 p.m. EDT
6th) - Conjunction of Moon and Mars at 03:51 UTC
7th) - Close approach of moon and Venus. The Moon and Venus will make a close approach, passing within a mere 20.7 arcminutes of each other.
7th) - Lunar occultation of Venus, The Moon will pass in front of Venus, creating a lunar occultation visible from countries and territories including the eastern Contiguous United States, eastern Canada, Mexico and southern Greenland amongst others. Although the occultation will only be visible across part of the world – because the Moon is so close to the Earth that its position in the sky varies by as much as two degrees across the world – a close conjunction between the pair will be more widely visible. Starting from 16:10 SAST (14:10 UTC) to 20:27 SAST (18:27 UTC)
7th) - Conjunction of Moon and Venus. The Moon and Venus will share the same right ascension, with the Moon passing 23' to the north of Venus, (16:38 UTC).
7th - Moon at perigee, The Moon will reach the closest point along its orbit to the Earth and will appear slightly larger than at other times, this will also have an effect on our tides which will be higher/lower during this time. (17:51 UTC)


Mercury is not readily observable since it is very close to the Sun, at a separation of only 12° from it.

Venus rises just before Sunrise at magnitude –3.8.

Mars rises at magnitude +1.2, in the southeast after dawn and will be difficult to view. It's about 16° upper right of Venus.

Jupiter is magnitude –2.1 in Aries this week in the west at twilight and sets around 10 or 11 p.m.


This 5th magnitude comet is only visible to the Northern Hemisphere in the constellation Aries. It is now within reach of binoculars and is still brightening. Peak magnitude will be 21st April.
This comet was first discovered by Jean-Louis Pons on July 12 1812. It has an orbital period of 71.32 years, this is a must see!
We have seen some stunning photos of this comet! Please post yours here on the forums for us to marvel over.

Pons ZO.png
Pons ZO.png (110.83 KiB) Viewed 866 times

Pons ZI.png
Pons ZI.png (57.97 KiB) Viewed 866 times

This is now a 7th magnitude object in Aquila and fading. Astro photographers are wanted to photograph and submit the images for scientific use regarding the solar wind. If you can help then the following link has all the info, happy comet hunting! ... oken-tail/
Better get a look at this one now, it's fading quickly.

Pann ZO.png
Pann ZO.png (108.68 KiB) Viewed 866 times

Pan ZI.png
Pan ZI.png (103.18 KiB) Viewed 866 times

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)
At 11.8 magnitude in Virgo and brightening. Will peak in October at a possible -18.
Discovered by the Purple Mountain Observatory on 9 January 2023 and independently found by ATLAS South Africa on 22 February 2023. The comet will pass perihelion at a distance of 0.39 AU on 27 September 2024 when it could become visible to the naked eye.

tusch ZO.png
tusch ZO.png (85.01 KiB) Viewed 866 times

Tusch ZI.png
Tusch ZI.png (46.23 KiB) Viewed 866 times


1st) Delta 4-Heavy • NROL-70. Time : Approx. 1:25 p.m. EDT (17:25 UTC) Place : SLC-37B, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida

2nd) Starlink Group 7-18, Falcon 9 . Time : 01:59 AM GMT Place : Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

3rd) Long March 2C (Unkown payload). Time : 12:55 AM GMT Place: Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China

5th) Starlink Group 8-1 Falcon 9. Time : 01:59 AM GMT Place : Vandenberg SFB, California, USA

6th) Starlink Group 6-47, Falcon 9. Time 01:59 AM GMT Place : Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida, USA

International Space Station

We highly recommend using "Spot the station" from NASA to find out when the International Space station will be passing over your location. This is a fun object to see flying high above, try using binoculars here, lot's of fun!

For the HAM radio enthusiasts among you, please keep a eye on the ARISS website for upcoming contacts or SSTV broadcasts for when the International Space Station is within range. There are several HAMS on board the ISS, they should have a busy radio schedule coming up. AMSAT are another great resource in this regard.
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Re: Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.


Post by Lady Fraktor »

Another great job guys, thank you
Some refractors, eyepieces, mounts and related equipment
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Re: Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.


Post by OzEclipse »

Excellent post.


Joe Cali (OzEclipse)

34 South - The Hilltops Observatory
Hilltops region, Young, New South Wales, Australia. [148E, 34S]

Amateur astronomer since 1978.....Web site : & Annular Eclipses Observed:18
Scopes: ATM 18" Dob, Vixen VC200L, Hand Made 6"f7, Stellarvue 102ED, Saxon ED80, WO M70 ED, Orion 102 Maksutov, Coronado PST
Binoculars: Celestron Skymaster Pro 15x70, SV Bony SV202 10x42ED
Mounts: Takahashi EM-200, iOptron iEQ45, Push Dobsonian with Nexus DSC, 3 ATM EQ mounts.
..............Losmandy Starlapse, Vixen Polarie and Skywatcher Star Adventurer compact trackers.
Eyepieces: TV Naglers 31, 17, 12, 7; Denkmeier D21 & D14; Pentax XW10, XW5.
Cameras : ZWO ASI2600MC, Pentax K1, K5, K01, K10D / VIDEO CAMS : TacosBD, Lihmsec.
Cam/guider/controllers: Lacerta MGEN 3, SW Synguider, Simulation Curriculum SkyFi 3+Sky safari
Memberships The Sky Searchers (moderator); Astronomical Association of Queensland; RASNZ Occultations Section.
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Re: Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.


Post by helicon »

Great work guys.
Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope
Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50
Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl
Camera: ZWO ASI 120
Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs
Latitude: 48.7229° N
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Re: Marshall's Night Sky This Week 1-7 APRIL 2024.


Post by Thefatkitty »

Nice job! BTW, I've seen the Bay of Fundy tides in person. The video is great, but to see and hear it for yourself is amazing!

"The Hankmeister" Celestron 8SE, orange tube Vixen made C80, CG4, AZ-EQ5 and SolarQuest mounts.
Too much Towa glass/mirrors.

HA - PST stage 2 mod with 90mm ERF on a Celestron XLT 102 (thanks Mike!)
Ca-K - W/O 61mm, Antares 1.6 barlow, Baader 3.8 OD and Ca-K filters with a ZWO ASI174mm.
W/L - C80-HD with Baader 5.0 & 3.8 Solar film, Solar Continuum 7.5nm and UV/IR filters with a Canon EOS 550D.
🇨🇦Member of the RASC
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