What to observe beyond Moon and planets
- Bigzmey
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What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Here are a few ideas. They have been discussed before but no harm in revisiting.
When I got back into observing with my daughter we had lots of fun following Skymaps monthly Evening Sky maps. For each month they list a few easy targets for naked eye, binoculars and telescope. Good way to learn constellations to.
Messier catalog is a great gateway into exciting world of Deep Sky Objects (DSOs). It contains slightly over 100 objects of all DSO types, with many beautiful, large, bright and easy to find targets. Yet it also contains enough fainter stuff and a couple of really hard targets to hone your observing skills. I like Astronomical League Messier list. They list targets by seasons and then constellations which I find convenient when planning observing sessions.
If you go after Messiers don't forget to report your progress here on TSS and get the bling and frameable certificate for your efforts.
Double and multiple stars are another rewarding category of targets. There are plenty for any aperture from small binoculars to light buckets. They stand well to the light pollution and can be observed even with full Moon out. There many beautiful and even more challenging pairs to keep you occupied for years. Again, I suggest to start with Astronomical League Double Stars Observing Program. They have 100+ carefully selected pairs observable with 3" or larger scope. To get to the printable lists scroll down and click on the yellow hyperlinks.
https://www.astroleague.org/double-star ... g-program/
and another list for multiple stars
https://www.astroleague.org/multiple-st ... g-program/
Astro League has many other fun and challenging programs
Finally, last but not least, check monthly selections of fun DSO targets from our very own Alan (Kt4hx).
Mounts: Celestron: CGE Pro. SW: SkyTee2, AzGTi; iOptron: AZMP; ES: Twilight I; Bresser: EXOS2; UA: MicroStar.
Binos: APM: 100-90 APO; Canon: IS 15x50; Orion: Binoviewer, LG II 15x70, WV 10x50, Nikon: AE 16x50, 10x50, 8x40.
EPs: Pentax: XWs & XFs; TeleVue: Delites, Delos, Panoptic & Plossls; ES: 68; Vixen: SLVs; Baader: BCOs, Aspherics, Mark IV.
Diagonals: Baader: BBHS mirror, Zeiss Spec T2 prism, Clicklock dielectric; TeleVue: Evebrite dielectric; AltairAstro: 2" prism.
Filters: Lumicon: DeepSky, UHC, OIII, H-beta; Baader: Moon & SkyGlow, Contrast Booster, UHC-S, 6-color set; Astronomik: UHC.
Solar: HA: Lunt 50mm single stack, W/L: Meade Herschel wedge.
Observing: DSOs: 3244 (Completed: Messier, Herschel 1, 2, 3. In progress: H2,500: 2268, S110: 77). Doubles: 2744, Comets: 38, Asteroids: 303
- Lady Fraktor
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Rubies on velvet
The only culture I have is from yogurt
- KingClinton
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Telescope: Celestron Evolution 9.25 with Celestron Motor Focus
Evolution WiFi Mount Head/ built in 10 Hr Battery and CPC Tripod, GPS
Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster Giant 15x70 / Heavy Duty Tripod
Orion 2x54 Ultra Wide Field
Camera: Canon Digital Rebel XT EOS 350D
Diagonal: Baader 2" BBHS Sitall Mirror
EPs: Baader Hyperion Aspheric 36mm 1.25"/2", Pentax XW 20mm, Pentax XW 7mm,
Explore Scientific 100 Degree 2" 14mm, Tele Vue Delite 11mm, Plossl 40 & 13 mm
Barlow Lens: Tele Vue 2.5x - 1.25" Powermate
Filters: Baader Planetarium Neodymium Moon & Skyglow Filter
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Stellarvue SVX127D, Meade 8" SCT
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein
- jrkirkham
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Telescopes: 50mm refractor, ED80 triplet, 90mm makcass, 10" dob, 8"SCT, 11"SCT
Mounts: Celestron CGX, Orion Sirius + several camera tripods
Cameras: Canon 6D, Canon 80D, ZWO-ASI120MC
Binoculars: 10x50, 12x60, 15x70, 25-125x80
Observatory: SkyShed POD XL3 + 8x12 warm room
AL Projects Completed: Lunar #645, Outreach #0280, Universe Sampler #93-T, Binocular Messier #871, Messier #2521, Messier Honorary #2521, Constellation Hunter Northern Skies #112, Planetary Transit Venus #1, Galileo #26, Outreach Stellar #0280, Meteor Regular #157, Solar System Telescopic #209-I, Observer Award #1, Double Stars #715
AL Projects Currently in Process: Comet, Lunar Evolution
- gregl
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
- helicon Online
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope
Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50
Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl
Camera: ZWO ASI 120
Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs
Latitude: 48.7229° N
- messier 111 Online
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
BINOS REFRACTOR , apm 82mm sd .
BINOS , Celestron 7x50 made in Japan .
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope .
EYEPIECES, 26mm Nagler t5 , 2-zoom Svbony 7-21 ,2 x Baader Hyperion Universal Zoom Mark IV 8-24mm 68° ,2 x 18mm apm flat field , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .
FILTERS, Nebustar 2 tele vue .Celestron uhc . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches and 2 x 1,25 inche .
MOUNTS , cg-4 ,MANFROTO 028 B and fluide head 608 .
Starbound Adjustable Observing Chair .
- Richard
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Re: What to observe beyond Moon and planets
Refractors None
SCT C5 on a SLT mount
Mak 150 Bosma on a EQ5
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