There's also an option "Last alignment" on my AVX. I've never tried it to use the last alignment, just one of two ways to skip the alignment ("Quick alignment" or "Last alignment") so I can move on and do the alignment by plate solving in Ekos. But if that option is available on the Nexstar maybe that serves the purpose.
... Henk.
Telescopes: GSO 12" Astrograph, "Comet Hunter" MN152, ES ED127CF, ES ED80, WO Redcat51, Z12, AT6RC, Celestron Skymaster 20x80,
Mounts and tripod: Losmandy G11S with OnStep, AVX, Tiltall,
Cameras: ASI2600MC, ASI2600MM, ASI120 mini, Fuji X-a1, Canon XSi, T6, ELPH 100HS,
DIY: OnStep controller, Pi4b/power rig, Afocal adapter, Foldable Dob base, Az/Alt Dob setting circles,
Accessories: ZWO 36 mm filter wheel, TV Paracorr 2, Baader MPCC Mk III, ES FF, SSAG, QHY OAG-M, EAF electronic focuser, Plossls, Barlows, Telrad, Laser collimators (Seben LK1, Z12, Howie Glatter), Cheshire, 2 Orion RACIs 8x50,
Software: KStars-Ekos, DSS, PHD2, Nebulosity, Photo Gallery, Gimp, CHDK,
Computers:Pi4b, 2x running KStars/Ekos, Toshiba Satellite 17",
Website:Henk's astro images