Gmetric wrote: Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:47 pm
chasmanian wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:32 pm
greetings fellow earthlings,
I did a little calculating, using an online big number calculator.
I wondered how tall, I and the average earthling are, in:
light years.
here's what I came up with.
anyone who is interested, is most welcome to double check my math.
I would not be surprised if I made a mistake.
using 5.5 feet tall for average human height, and 5.88 trillion miles for distance of a light year:
us human beings are ~ 2 ten million billionths of a light year tall.
5.2 million billion human beings layed end to end,
would make 1 light year.
onward and upwords,
Little aren’t we lol
How long does it take for light to travers the average hoooman? and how about an AU and a parsec? They feel left out! And how much would you be length contracted at the photon sphere of a black hole with the mass of the sun?
thank you everyone who replied.
and love this, thank you Arry.
about 8.3 light minutes for the AU. not sure about the others.
here's another thing I calculated.
knowing that the
earth travels about 584 million miles in 1 orbit around the sun.
and the speed of light is 670,616,629 mph.
if the earth was a photon or a beam of light, it would make one complete orbit around the sun in
a little over 52 minutes.
(as compared to traveling at its relatively snail's pace of average speed ~ 67,000 mph, and taking a year.)