New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO

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New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by AstroBee »

I'm not sure that I've ever spent this much time on a target to be this disappointed. The OIII in this subject was so fain that I could not see anything in the individual subs yet I kept on gathering data for it. A whopping 37hours of OIII alone!
I just think the time could have been better spent on a different target, that's all. I did work all day today and process this rather quickly when I got home. Maybe fresh eyes on it tomorrow will change my mind. But I'm not sure I'll be gathering any more data on this subject from my backyard. I think this is truly one that requires a dark site for the OIII data.

Explore Scientific ED152 CF APO w/TSOptics 1.0x Flattener (f8), ZWO2600mmPro, Chroma 3nm Ha & OIII filters, Astro-Physics Mach One mount

Captured with NINA, Processed with PixInsight

150x600sec Ha - 25hrs
222x600sec OIII - 37hrs

Total Integration time = 62hrs

Greg M.~ "Ad Astra per Aspera"
Scopes: Celestron EdgeHD14", Explore Scientific ED152CF & ED127 APO's, StellarVue SV70T, Classic Orange-Tube C-8, Lunt 80mm Ha double-stack solar scope.
Mounts: Astro-Physics Mach One, iOptron CEM70EC Mount, iOptron ZEQ25 Mount.
Cameras: ZWO ASI2600mm Pro, ZWO 2600MC Pro, ZWO ASI1600mm
Filters: 36mm Chroma LRGB & 3nm Ha, OIII, SII, L-Pro, L-eXtreme
Eyepieces: 27mm TeleVue Panoptic, 4mm TeleVue Radian, Explore Scientific 82° 30mm, 6.7mm , Baader 13mm Hyperion, Explore Scientific 70° 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, Meade 8.8mm UWA
Software: N.I.N.A., SharpCapPro, PixInsight, PhotoShop CC, Phd2, Stellarium
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Juno16 United States of America
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by Juno16 »

I certainly understand your disappointment Greg!

I imaged this target a couple of years ago and wished that I hadn't spent the time to image it. I blame everything on my skies, so I just chalked it up to poor skies.
I spent 9.5 hours on it and finally on the eighth re-process, I had something that I could live with (barely).

Maybe leave it alone for now and come back to it later. You really do have some fine data there.

Your processed image is quite nice. The details are fantastic!

Scopes: Explore Scientific ED102 APO, Sharpstar 61 EDPH II APO, Samyang 135 F2 (still on the Nikon).
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro with Rowan Belt Mod
Stuff: ASI EAF Focus Motor (x2), ZWO OAG, ZWO 30 mm Guide Scope, ASI 220mm min, ASI 120mm mini, Stellarview 0.8 FR/FF, Sharpstar 0.8 FR/FF, Mele Overloock 3C.
Camera/Filters/Software: ASI 533 mc pro, ASI 120mm mini, ASI 220mm mini , IDAS LPS D-1, Optolong L-Enhance, ZWO UV/IR Cut, N.I.N.A., Green Swamp Server, PHD2, Adobe Photoshop CC, Pixinsight.
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by messier 111 »

Obviously I don't have the experience you have, but I think this image is very beautiful.
the colors and details are very good.
I also understand that 62 hours is a very long time, I can't wait to see the reprocess. thx Greg.
REFRACTORS , . Lunt 80mm MT Ha Doublet Refractor . William Optics ZenithStar 81 Doublet APO f/6.9 .
BINOS REFRACTOR , apm 82mm sd .
BINOS , Celestron 7x50 made in Japan .
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope .
EYEPIECES, 26mm Nagler t5 , 2-zoom Svbony 7-21 ,2 x Baader Hyperion Universal Zoom Mark IV 8-24mm 68° ,2 x 18mm apm flat field , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .
FILTERS, Nebustar 2 tele vue .Celestron uhc . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches and 2 x 1,25 inche .
MOUNTS , cg-4 ,MANFROTO 028 B and fluide head 608 .
Starbound Adjustable Observing Chair .

Jean-Yves :flags-canada:
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by Jockinireland »

I hear you! I've never been able to get much joy out of imaging this target. I dont really know why. But that said, this is still a nice, moody image.
Scope: Skywatcher Evostar 80ED (SW 0.85 FR/FF) on a SW NEQ6Pro
Guiding; SW Evoguide 50ED, ASI 120mm mini
Meade 8" LX200 GPS on wedge (Guided with a cheapo 50mm guidescope and a ZWO ASI 120mm mini)
Sharpstar 61EDPH II (with dedicated 0.8 reducer) with wiliam Optics 32mm uniguide
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by AstroBee »

After a full night's sleep and a day off I decided to give this data a second look. I made it a point NOT to look at my previous edit so my vision would not be tainted.
I came up with something I like a little better but still am not happy with. I think it's time to move on to something else...
Image Image
Greg M.~ "Ad Astra per Aspera"
Scopes: Celestron EdgeHD14", Explore Scientific ED152CF & ED127 APO's, StellarVue SV70T, Classic Orange-Tube C-8, Lunt 80mm Ha double-stack solar scope.
Mounts: Astro-Physics Mach One, iOptron CEM70EC Mount, iOptron ZEQ25 Mount.
Cameras: ZWO ASI2600mm Pro, ZWO 2600MC Pro, ZWO ASI1600mm
Filters: 36mm Chroma LRGB & 3nm Ha, OIII, SII, L-Pro, L-eXtreme
Eyepieces: 27mm TeleVue Panoptic, 4mm TeleVue Radian, Explore Scientific 82° 30mm, 6.7mm , Baader 13mm Hyperion, Explore Scientific 70° 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, Meade 8.8mm UWA
Software: N.I.N.A., SharpCapPro, PixInsight, PhotoShop CC, Phd2, Stellarium
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messier 111 Online Canada
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by messier 111 »

I think this one shows the details better, thx Greg.
REFRACTORS , . Lunt 80mm MT Ha Doublet Refractor . William Optics ZenithStar 81 Doublet APO f/6.9 .
BINOS REFRACTOR , apm 82mm sd .
BINOS , Celestron 7x50 made in Japan .
Seestar S50 Smart Telescope .
EYEPIECES, 26mm Nagler t5 , 2-zoom Svbony 7-21 ,2 x Baader Hyperion Universal Zoom Mark IV 8-24mm 68° ,2 x 18mm apm flat field , Orion Premium Linear BinoViewer .
FILTERS, Nebustar 2 tele vue .Celestron uhc . Apm solar wedge . contrast booster 2 inches and 2 x 1,25 inche .
MOUNTS , cg-4 ,MANFROTO 028 B and fluide head 608 .
Starbound Adjustable Observing Chair .

Jean-Yves :flags-canada:
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by Ylem »

Beautiful images Greg
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-Jeff :telescopewink:

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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by sla&grim »

Year ago I was shooting Cave and had exactly same feelings you expressed in the header post. All your pictures are excellent in details. Looking on them it stroke me: if you have Photoshop you can merge Ver.1 into Ver.2 as layers with different opacity - you find what looks better. You have lot of data - be creative.
Slava G.
Celestron Edge HD 9.25, Orion RC8", Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED, Askar FRA Pro 300/5.0 APO, Rokinon 135mm F2.0.
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by MariusD69 »

Amazing images! Great work, Greg!
Mount: iOpton Cem60, HEQ5-for spare
Scopes: newt SW 150/750PDS, dobson SW 150/1200; SW 114/500; TS Photoline 80mm f/6 Triplet APO; SW ST80
Cameras: ASI294MC Pro; ASI1600MM Pro; Atik 314L+mono; Canon 1100D; QHY5III-178m; QHY5L-II-m ; ASI224; Altair GPCAM 290M, GPCAM290C
Accessories: Baader MPCC; GPU KomakorrF4; TS Flat2; TS 0.79x FR/FF
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Re: New Image: Sh2-155 The Cave Nebula in HOO


Post by jthommes »

Your second process seems a better image both in color and detail.
Jim Thommes
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David Levy Maksutov Newtonian, Celestron Edge 9.25, FSQ-106N Refractor (on loan), WO ZenithStar 66 APO Refractor, WO Megrez II APO, Sigma 150 mm EOS Lens
Losmandy G11/Gemini, iOptron GEM45, Celestron Advanced VX, iOptron CEM70
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