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Come join the friendliest, most engaging and inclusive astronomy forum geared for beginners and advanced telescope users, astrophotography devotees, plus check out our "Astro" goods vendors.
I imagine my hours online would look quite large though I am online very little.
Music is always on and 95% of the time is streamed so it could show up to 16 hours per day though I may only be online for 1 hour or less.
Some refractors, eyepieces, mounts and related equipment The only culture I have is from yogurt
Lady Fraktor wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:20 pm
I imagine my hours online would look quite large though I am online very little.
Music is always on and 95% of the time is streamed so it could show up to 16 hours per day though I may only be online for 1 hour or less.
I've reduced the amount of time I spend online pretty significantly in the last year or so. When I am online I usually keep a TSS tab open so I can go back and forth between tasks.
-Michael Refractors: ES AR152 f/6.5 Achromat on Twilight II, Celestron 102mm XLT f/9.8 on Celestron Heavy Duty Alt Az mount, KOWA 90mm spotting scope Binoculars: Celestron SkyMaster 15x70, Bushnell 10x50 Eyepieces: Various, GSO Superview, 9mm Plossl, Celestron 25mm Plossl Camera: ZWO ASI 120 Naked Eye: Two Eyeballs Latitude: 37.5446° N
Well on Line has many implications , TV, Radio , security smart house etc and off course the internet between them all I must be 100% on line all the time , the only time I am off is when the server goes down due to our constant power cuts , you can have fancy solar /batteries back up at home but if no signal or the fiber is gone then thats it
I used to have fiber but when it break (stolen items etc) it take days so have gone the 5g option , works well until a long power cut then the signal dies as they steal the batteries from the towers
The wonders of living in Africa , But I still prefer it here that Czech at the moment
But now I wonder cell phones they are probably the high volume that make up the numbers , everyone has a smart phone everywhere
Reflectors GSO 200 Dobs
Refractors None
SCT C5 on a SLT mount
Mak 150 Bosma on a EQ5