9-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.
- Gordon
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TSS EAA Messier awards
TSS Photo of the Day
Messier Photo Awards
Article Award
9-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.
by Gordon
"Sh2-157 The Claw nebula it's cool neighbors in HOO with RGB stars." Today our TSS APOD comes from Juno16 (Jim). Jim has taken the time to reprocess an image using different methods. (This is a great example of why you need to keep your captured images!) Congratulations Jim on having your image...
Scopes: Explore Scientific ED80CF, Skywatcher 200 Quattro Imaging Newt, SeeStar S50 for EAA.
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-g mount & Skywatcher EQ5 Pro.
ZWO mini guider.
Image cameras: ZWO ASI1600 MM Cool, ZWO ASI533mc-Pro, ZWO ASI174mm-C (for use with my Quark chromosphere), ZWO ASI120MC
Filters: LRGB, Ha 7nm, O-III 7nm, S-II 7nm
Eyepieces: a few.
Primary software: Cartes du Ciel, N.I.N.A, StarTools V1.4.
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