Come join the friendliest, most engaging and inclusive astronomy forum geared for beginners and advanced telescope users, astrophotography devotees, plus check out our "Astro" goods vendors.
Come join the friendliest, most engaging and inclusive astronomy forum geared for beginners and advanced telescope users, astrophotography devotees, plus check out our "Astro" goods vendors.
We have a large fast moving spider that that lives in the house. We've named him Cotton Eyed Joe because any time someone spots him there is a lot of "Where did he come from?! Where did he go?!"
And as a bonus, you now have an earworm for the day
The RASC has a page on asterisms with some files you can DL. They looke at different cultures and have a list of over 13 000 of them.
Went looking for Observation awards but only found one specific to asterisms.
I like asterisms. There is a setting in Stellarium to show them. Not sure if the list is as complete as this though.
I wonder if there is an Asterism award? Never looked.
Had a friend get arrested after a getting in a car accident. She told the police that the guy she collided with was on his cell and drinking a beer. They said that may be, but he was free do whatever he wanted in his own backyard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Researchers have uncovered a manuscript by Shakespeare ...
The Visual clan is still out here. There are observation awards from TSS and other organizations that you see on people's sig line etc. As for where we are 'hiding', I think it is as simple as AP is more likely to get posted rather than a written observation report. AP does tend to have more "Ohh ...
I miss storms like that. Grew up back east where the thunder would rattle the windows. Now I live on the west coast and we maybe hear one or three small thunderclaps a year.
Thanks and welcome back. I enjoyed the video. Great photography and descriptions. Brought back some memories of wandering across bogs in Northern Ontario many years ago.
515bonner wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 7:56 am
Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 2.45.03 AM.png
To have a bit of fun, next time you are in a crowded elevator move to a back corner and loudly mutter "But we AGREED! It's MY turn to be in charge today!"
I'm at about 8 cups a day, that includes 3 iced black coffees.
I am down to three, all usually before noon. Once upon a time I was up to 20-30 a day. Ended up being sent to a specialist to pin down the cause of some complaints I had. The first question she asked was how much coffee I drank ...
If you can read this without your eyes watering then you are a better man than I am :P I was a paramedic for a time. I could handle just about anything but eye injuries were my kryptonite.
Maybe an odd topic but I am wondering if you've ever hit a slump and how you have managed to get back out there. You may still have your interest in astronomy but you just don't get out observing much - or at all anymore.
I finally dug the laptop out and loaded Mint onto it. It is like night and day. Before it would struggle to open a Yt video and running Stellarium was an exercise in frustration. Seriously underpowered for Win11 but more than suitable for Mint. I have another older laptop I was going to recycle but ...