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Photo of the Day

1/31/2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"2024 G3 on January 29-going deeper"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Joe has shared this great image of a comet captured recently in Australia!

Great work Joe!

Congratulations on your image being selected as our TSS APOD!



1/24/2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"V* V900 Mon, Thommes Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

It's not often that someone finds a new object in our night sky but Jim found one 15 years ago!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



1-20-2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of The Day.

"M1 Crab Nebula in SHO NB".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sla&grim (Slava)

Captured in its colorful glory, Slava gives us a look at the Crab Nebula.

Congratulations Slava on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


1-17-2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6729 - A Wider View".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member dcrawson (Dan).

Dan gives us this spectacular view of several objects in our night sky. Using a 'remote' location setup, Dan gives us a view from the dark skies of El Sauce Observatory—Telescope.Live...


1-13-2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"On The Auriga Targus Border".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Captured a month apart, David combined two images into one large panel to give us this beautiful image of the Tadpoles and Spaghetti nebula combined.

Congratulations David on...


1/10/2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Orion Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from co-admin Graeme1858 (Graeme).

With just over an hour of 30 second images Graeme was able to give us a great look at Messier 42.

Congratulations Graeme on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



1-7-2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"First go at Jupiter with a 3x barlow!!! Blew me away:)"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Astro-Nutz (Lee).

Using a 3x barlow was the 'trick' to getting this great image of Jupiter for Lee.

Congratulations Lee on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


1-3-2025 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Soul Nebula."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

With just under 9 hours of data, Marius gives us our first TSS APOD for 2025!

Congratulations Marius!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


12-31-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter at opposition."

And for our final TSS APOD for 2024.....

We select this beautiful image of Jupiter, captured by member sla&grim (Slava).

Congratulations Slava & here's wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


12-28-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"All My M31s"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Re-working and trying out different methods can have some amazing results!

Steve gives us his version for our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


12-26-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M1 (NGC1952)".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Pavebo (Pavel).

Captured with stunning detail, Pavel gives us a deep look into this beautiful Messier object.

Congratulations Pavel on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


12-20-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 Core, Orion Nebula-Into the Inferno".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jtholmes (Jim).

Captured using lots of different filters and plenty of processing time, Jim gives us an exceptionally detailed view of the Core area of the Orion nebula.



12-16-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-188 Shrimp Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

Mark was able to capture this detailed image using Ha and O3 filters, giving us a very detailed image of this faint nebula.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


12-13-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"California Nebula on SHO."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

This time of year in the northern hemisphere can be tough. Clouds, rain, and snow can dampen any AP efforts.

However, David captured a brief time in the clear sky to give us this...


12-5-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Today our TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron). Captured with a color camera and processed to represent the HOO pallet, Ron gives us this beautiful image of the Horsehead nebula! Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as our TSS APOD! Here's a link to the original topic:Link


112-5-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Today our TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Captured with a color camera and processed to represent the HOO pallet, Ron gives us this beautiful image of the Horsehead nebula!

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


11-10-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-297, LBN1027, vdB94."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim gave us a lot of details and information about this colorful night sky object.

Be sure to check out the link to the alternate views.

Congratulations Jim on having your image...


11-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"starnet++ for windows gui shows a white page with no pic after star removal".

The title says it all! We all fight with new software we aren't familiar with, that is part of the reason for TSS! It's nice that you can get help and suggestions from others to work through problems.


11-3-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tulip Nebula (SH2-101)"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Lot's of detail was captured! Ron captured this object a while back with a different scope. I tend to agree that this was the way to go!!!

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected...


11-1-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7635"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member mbenjaminz28.

Quite a bit of processing went into this wonderful image.

Congratulations on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


10-31-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Veil Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Astro_Achim (Achim).

This is Achims first TSS APOD and it would appear it's the first of many!

Congratulations Achim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


10-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 in SHO"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Captured over 4 nights with a total of fifteen and one-half hours, Gearld gives us a deep look into this cloudy Messier object.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


10-7-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SH2-188 Shrimp Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sla&grim (Slava).

Slava gives us a look at a nebula that many have not seen (me included). The color and detail in this image are stunning!

Congratulations Slava on having your image selected as our TSS...


10-6-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7380 The Wizard in HOO".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Some images require multiple nights of capturing additional data to get the desired results.

Greg has a couple of different versions of this image and has combined the two other filters...


10-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Transporting your equipment to a dark sky location can be a chore, but the effort can give you great rewards!

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


9-29-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SH2-157 Lobster Claw Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sla&grim (Slava).

With 21 hours of exposure time, Slava dug deep into this area to capture a beautiful image!

Congratulations Slava on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



9-23-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Comet Tsuchinan-ATLAS-Monday 23rd September".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

This early morning capture of Tsuchinan took a lot of effort! But the results were worth it!

Congratulations Joe, on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


9-21-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Pelican, North American and Clamshell - HOO"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

With only 3 hours of data, David gives us this deep look into this region of the night sky!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


9-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6894"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Captured using a remote astronomy setup (Dark Sky New Mexico at Rancho Hidalgo (Animas, New Mexico). Dan gives us this beautiful image of a planetary nebula.

Congratulations Dan on having your image selected...


9-9-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


We astrophotographers often forget the beauty of open clusters of stars. Kathy took the time to capture this open cluster for us.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


9-7-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Milky Way Panorama".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Using a wide angle lens and stiching 2 images together, Steve gives us this wide angle view of our Milky Way.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



8-29-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar Craters near Ptolemaeus".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member BamaDon (Don).

Lots of detail in this lunar image!

Congratulations Don on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


8-27-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6888 from my Bortle 7-8 backyard".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

With only two hours of data, Ian gives us a great look at this beautiful nebula.

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a...


8-15-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WR-134 Star and Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sla&grim (Slava)

Captured using a combination of narrowband and color filters gives us a very detailed look at this Wolf-Rayet star area.

Congratulations Slava on having your image selected as our TSS...


8-9-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Helix Nebula (NGC7293) Seestar S50".

With the increasing usage of electronical assisted imaging, we are seeing better and better images.

Member gcisko (Greg) has shared this recent image captured using a sub $500 usd telescope system!

Congratulations Greg on having...


8-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sunspots 4/8/24".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member mariosi (Marios).

When I first looked at these I thought what beautiful images! But then I realized these are drawings!

Thank you Marios for sharing your wonderful talent!

Congratulations for having your...


7-26-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"helix nebula ha-oiii-oiii".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Captured using narrow band filters. Rob gives us a deep look into the 'eye' of the Helix!

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a...


7-23-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Reprocessed image: M82 again".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Taking the time to reprocess old data is a great way to hone in your techniques. Steve does a great job with M82 (again!).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our...


7-13-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Camping on the Illinois River."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Rob gives us this beautiful image of our Milky Way.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


7-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sharpless 104"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Sometimes, spending time looking for those areas that are not often imaged can pay off!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


7-10-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WR-134 in SHO".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters in an SHO pallet, and 15 hours of data, Steve gives us a really deep view of this dusty nebula.

Be sure to check out the 3 versions Steve posted.



7-5-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Steve's "cosmic brontosaurus" is an outstanding image and very deserving.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


7-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

With 16 hours of data, Marius gives us a deep look into this reflection nebula.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

7-3-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Veil Nebula complex".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Even though Greg says he will add more data, this image is worth awarding the TSS APOD!

We are looking forward to the progress!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as...


6-29-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3372 Carina Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member xa-coupe.

The amount of detail in this image is just stunning!

Congratulations xa-coupe on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


6-20-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar WL - June 19, 2024".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee, (Greg).

What better to do while you are recovering from a bout of COVID! Go shoot some solar images!

Congratulations on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Hope you're feeling...


6-18-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cygnus & Pelican Nebula"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters, the color range is stunning!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


6-6-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Be sure to zoom in on this one! Lots of detail!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


6-5-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M20_quick capture."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

For a 'quick capture', Marius has given us this beautiful image of M20!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


6-2-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Fireworks Galaxy".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Sandy04.

Fighting the clouds Sandy gives us this detailed image of NGC 6946.

Congratulations Sandy on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


5-28-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead Nebula data, re edit..."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroShed (Stewart).

Using a 'different' color pattern Stewart gives us an unusual look at the Horsehead.

Congratulations Stewart on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



5-23-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 6543 "Cat's Eye".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

There's lots and lots of detail in this spectacular image!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


5-22-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 pillars".

Today, our TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Captured using narrowband filters, the 21.6 hours of data, gives us this detailed look at the pillars.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


5-12-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2903"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jnelson (Jim).

Taking 6 nights to gather data, Jim gives us a very colorful image of this barred spiral galaxy!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


5-11-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sun 8/05/24"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Graeme1858 (Graeme).

Our sun has been very busy lately and Graeme gives us a great view!

Congratulations Graeme on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


5-8-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sunspots on 6/5/24 W/L".

Today our TSS APOD takes a different turn. Our "image" for the day is actually a sketch done by member mariosi (Mariosi).

The detail in this sketch is just amazing!

Congratulations Mariosi for having your 'image' selected...


5-3-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC5128 Centaurus A"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Captured at a very low angle in the sky (12 degrees above the horizon), Greg gives us this very detailed look at this stunning deep sky object.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected...


5-2-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My best image so far this year."

Today, our TSS APOD comes from member AstroShed (Stewart).

This is Stewarts first TSS APOD, and it looks like there could be many more to come!

Congratulations Stewart on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



4-27-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Markarian's chain."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

These two beautiful images give us a deep look into our universe. It's amazing to think about just how many distant planets abound.

Congratulations Pete on having your image selected as...


4-24-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"April 22, 2024 Solar Ha Full Disk."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Captured using a Lunt 80mm solar telescope, Greg gives us this great view of our closest star.

Check out the animation also!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected...


4-18-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33 (Triangulum) with Emission Structures Shown in Ha / O3".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

One of the 110 Messier objects, Jim give us a great in depth look at this one!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



4-14-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51_the Whirlpool Galaxy"

Today, our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

M51 is a popular target for astrophotographers. But getting the detail requires a lot of time and effort, Marius has certainly done this with his capture!

Congratulations Marius on...


4-5-2024 TSS Astrophotograpy Photo of the Day.

"Jones-Emberson 1".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Also known as the "Head Phone Nebula", Marius gives us a very colorful look at this beautiful planetary nebula.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


4-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Today's (April 3rd, 2024) Sun in Ha".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Using special equipment Greg gives us this detailed view of our Sun.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


4/3/2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M53 and The Ghost".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Steve's image of these two contrasting clusters is amazing!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: Link


4-1-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Galaxy Double-Double: Holmberg 218 and Arp 270 (NGC 3424/3430 and NGC 3395/3396)"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim shows us that sometimes an 'accident' can prove to be a good thing!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected...


3-31-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33 Triangulum Galaxy HaLRGB".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

The detail and coloring in this image are great! Mark took a few months to get around to processing this but it certainly was worth the wait!

Congratulations Mark on having your image...


3-20-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Leo Trio 2024".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

It's always an adventure to bring a telescope along with you are visiting a new area.

Steve was lucky enough to capture this great image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected...


3-18-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2359"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Adriano.

With over 7 hours of data, Adriano gives us this colorful image of Thor's Helmet.

Congratulations Adriano for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

3-16-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell 72 Bicolor".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Pavebo (Pavel).

Captured using a Meade 16'' ACF telescope Pavel gives us this colorful look at Abell 72.

Congratulations Pavel on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


3-4-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

The detail in this image is just fantastic! Look deep and try to count the craters.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


3-3-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 4685"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

Lots of detail in this image! Mark has done an excellent job of capturing and processing!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


3-2-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A Horse in the Stormy Grey Waters".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan (Mike).

Sometimes imaging in black and white can completely change the 'feel' of an image. Mike certainly gave us a ghostly image of the horsehead!

Congratulations Mike on...


2-25-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Today we are doing something just a bit different for our TSS APOD. Normally images are captured and processed by the same person, however, today what we are seeing is a collaboration between data captured by a TSS member and additional data from multiple sources. I will share the astrobin page to...


2-20-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81 and M82 - 2024 version"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Going back and capturing the first galaxies he ever saw through a telescope, Steve was able to recapture the moment.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


2-17-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN 576 or Popped Balloon Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member ScottFwashere (Scott).

Scott put a lot of time into this image and the results were worth the effort!

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


2-16-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Large Magellanic Cloud"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Ozeclipse (Joe).

For us folks in the northern hemisphere, this object remains a mystery that we can only observe through images that are shared. Joe has given us a great opportunity to view this southern sky beauty!


2-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member ScottFwashere (Scott).

Scott was able to catch enough clear sky to put in 10 hours of data for this great image of M82.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


2-10-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Barnard's Loop".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

When you can't do imaging, just re-process! Carole took some older data she had retained and re-processed it to give us this version of Barnard's Loop. It's always a good idea to keep...


2-5-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Thor's Helmet".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Using a new imaging camera Ron gives us this very detailed image of NGC2359.

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-2-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LDN 1622".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

I have to admit, when I opened the topic and saw this image I could recognize a few of my bad dreams.......

Congratulations Marius for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



1-29-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 5985 and the "Draco Trio".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

If you look deep you can actually see many more that three!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

1-28-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2359 (ha oiii oiii)".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Using narrowband filters on a mono camera, Rob shares a great image of "Thor's Helmet".

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



1-19-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Boogeyman Nebula and Barnard's Loop".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

It's fun to see the dark nebula images, the contrast between the color and darkness is just fantastic!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS...


1-17-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-303, Sh2-308 "Dolphin Head".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Captured in a two panel mosaic, Jim gives us a very detailed look at the Dolphin Head.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a...


1-15-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead and Flame nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member shauttra (Janis).

After waiting for 3 months to finally get some clear sky, Janis gives us a 'first light' image from a brand new telescope!

Congratulations Janis on having your image selected...


1-11-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Raspberry Nebula."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured over 6 nights, Marius gives us a colorful look at this region of our night sky.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


1-3-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan). Dan uses a remote telescope setup to capture his images, many of these are objects that most astrophotographers just by pass. Today he gives us an image with lots of different objects in one image.



12-24-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7822 heart of the question mark".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Finally processing an image from November, Steve is wrapping up this month with a great image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



12-21-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Ken_nneth (Kenneth).

The rising popularity of the smaller, easy to use, "smart" telescopes are really starting to show off their stuff! Kenneth gives us a great image captured by a ZWO SeeStar S50 smart telescope!


12-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Geminid Strikes Orion".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

This widefield image gives us a look at one of the many meteors currently in the Geminid meteor shower. This one just happens to be 'attacking' Orion!

Congratulations Rob on having...


12-8-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-157 The Lobster Claw Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Greg has been spending a lot of time capturing this stunning image. Most of us would have stopped after a few nights. Not Greg! Just over 75 hours of data!!!

Congratulations Greg...


12-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A dusty M45".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member JockinIreland (David).

Capturing a deep wide field of the Pleiades, David gives us a detailed look at M45 and the surrounding area.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as our TSS APOD for today.


11-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

8.5 hours of data gave Jim a lot to work with, the end results show the effort!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead HA".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

With 15 hours of data Steve gives us this great image of the Horsehead nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-18-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Uranus & satellites".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Aratus.

Just imaging Uranus is a difficult task but getting some of the surrounding satellites is fantastic!

Congratulations Aratus on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


11-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Dust Around M45".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Capturing those "dark, dusty" areas in the night sky is quite a challenge. David gives us a great look at those areas around M45.

Congratulations David on having your image selected...


11-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead Nebula in SHH".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

It's always fun to try new ideas while processing. Mark hit the "mark" with this one!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



11-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wizard Nebula, RASA 8".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

Getting things 'dialed in' can be a real challenge! Pete has taken his time and is finally getting great results!

Congratulations Pete on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


11-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wizard Nebula, RASA 8".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

Getting things 'dialed in' can be a real challenge! Pete has taken his time and is finally getting great results!

Congratulations Pete on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


11-5-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Praying Ghost VDB141 data from different years...."

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member carastro (Carole).

This is a great example as to why we should keep our old data. Adding more data to an image helps to reduce noise. Carole is adding more and more data to this image...


10-31-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of The Day.

"Heart and Soul SHO".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters and lots of capture time (28 hours!), Steve gives us a very deep look at these two nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


10-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A Cepheus Colaboration".

This is a first for our TSS APOD!

I don't ever remember having selected a 'Colaboration' between 2 or more people for an image.

However this one is worth noting.

Member Jockinireland (David) has produced the following image...


10-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter with double moon transits".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member geethq.

Very clear images of Jupiter and a couple of her moons transiting, plus a video!

Congratulations geethq for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


10-17-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Double Cluster NGC869 & NGC884."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Capturing star clusters is an art in itself. Drawing out the details and colors can be a real challenge. Jim gives us a look at how it's done!

Congratulations Jim on having...


10-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2336 / IC 467 Galaxy pair"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim gives us a great look at these beautiful distant galaxies.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

10-12-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Guests, Upgrades & Double Stars".

While our TSS APOD is for photography, we need to look at all our forums to find images. We found our TSS APOD for today in the Astronomy Reports forum!

Congratulations jrkirkham (Rob) on having your image selected for our TSS APOD!


10-8-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jellyfish nebula IC443".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Digging out old data and finding ways to bring out more detail and colors is always fun.

Carole gives us a look at some "new" old data.

Congratulations Carole on having...


10-1-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Full Moon on 29/9/23."

Well, even though we are calling this a "Photo" it's actually a drawing. On occasion, we will find a drawing so good it could very well be compared to an image! This is one of those. Read Marios post and image descriptions and you will find he...


9-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-157 The Claw nebula it's cool neighbors in HOO with RGB stars."

Today our TSS APOD comes from Juno16 (Jim).

Jim has taken the time to reprocess an image using different methods. (This is a great example of why you need to keep your captured images!)



9-21-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

With a 3-hour and 10-minute capture time, Henk gives us a colorful look at the Triangulum Galaxy.

Congratulations Henk on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


9-17-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Pickering's Triangle".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Graeme1858 (Graeme).

Captured over 3 nights Graeme gives us a deep look into this beautiful nebula!

Congratulations Graeme on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


9-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1395 Elephant Trunk".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

With over 19 hours of data captured over 4 nights, Mark gives us this 'deep' look at the "Elephant Trunk" nebula.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our...


9-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"B150 - the Seahorse"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Dark and dusty nebulas are particularly hard to capture. Steve has done a great job gathering and processing the data for this image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as...


9-12-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Simeis 57_The Propeller Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

With almost 35 hours of data, Marius gives us this detailed look at Simeis 57!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD for today!



9-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of The Day.

"Caldwell 12".

Today our TSS APOD comes from one of our TEAM members Graeme1858 (Graeme).

Originally captured as part of our Bi-Monthly DSO Challenges this one caught my eye.

Congratulations Graeme...


9-5-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 & IC 5070"

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

This is one of those "go deep" images, blow it up and look deep into the details.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


8-29-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Weethalie Silo Art".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Nightscape images are one of the fun ways to do Astrophotography, and I have to say this is one the best I've seen in a long time.

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as our...


8-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 8".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Adriano.

A popular target for astrophotography, Adriano gives us a great image to remind us how beautiful this target is.

Congratulations Adriano on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


8-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wolf-Rayet 134".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

With 21 hours of data, this image is stunning! Lots and lots of detail.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

8-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tulip Nebula with Cygnus X-1 Bowshot".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Spending time to study other TSS members' images gives us a chance to select targets we might want to try for ourselves. Steve took advantage of this and captured this great...


9-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tulip Nebula with Cygnus X-1 Bowshot".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Spending time to study other TSS members' images gives us a chance to select targets we might want to try for ourselves. Steve took advantage of this and captured this great...


8-21-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Watching Rhoda progress with both imaging and processing has been fun. This is one of her best!

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



8-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Pelican and North American nebulas".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

With only 90 minutes of data, Pete gives us this colorful look at these spectacular nebulae.

Congratulations Pete for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



8-18-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M101 or the night of forgetfulness..."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

Some nights can be challenging. With so much equipment to set up and remembering all of the steps to getting a successful image. Tony had one of THOSE nights, but taking the time...


8-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-132 "The Lion Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

With just under 12 hours of capture time, Jim gives us a 'deep' look into this wonderful nebula!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



8-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

A popular target for astrophotography, Rhoda gives us a look at this colorful nebula.

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as the TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


8-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

" M27 "

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Sometimes images captured while 'testing' new equipment can come out really nice! David gives us a great example!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



7-31-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1396 old and new data".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Steve gave us 2 images to look at, both of which are worthy of the APOD, however, the wide-field view is just fantastic!

Congratulations Steve for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


7-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Crescent Nebula (NGC6888 in HOO)."

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Lots of processing effort went into this, along with over 11 hours of data.

The time and energy were well worth it!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as...


7-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Seagull Nebula".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Jockinireland. (David).

Using data captured last January, David used some new processing techniques to give us this great image of the Seagull nebula!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as our...


7-24-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 Pillars of Creation".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member lostone (Mark).

This is probably one of the most interesting areas to image. Mark has captured a stunning image to share with us.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD for...


7-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Taking the time to reprocess an image can bring out amazing detail that we may have missed during the original processing. Plus it's always a good thing to try different techniques.




"IC5069 Region".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

This "starless" capture gives us a great look a the structure of this area of our night sky!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


7-18-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar Ha Full Disk".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Using very specialized equipment Greg gives us this very detailed look at the full solar disk.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


7-17-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 63 with TEC200FL + QHY268"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernhard).

There is stunning detail in this beautiful image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WR-134 - is that a dolphin?"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Adding more data to an image can really have an impact!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-8-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M8 in SHO".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Capturing images in Narrowband can give us a 'different' look at our dark sky neighbors.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


7-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today our TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

With 20 hours of data, Carole gives us this colorful image.

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-5-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN 10 19 and LDN 134 138 region".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Dark nebula are difficult to capture. Jim gave us a very deep look at this area.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as our TSS APOD for today!



6-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M 20 The Trifid Nebula in HSO".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald). Captured using narrowband filters, Gerald gives us a very detailed look a this great Messier object.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as our TSS APOD.



6-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WR-134 The Blue Eyeball".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

Captured over 5 nights (just over 24 hours of data!) Mark gives us a deep look with this beautiful image!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD for today!


6-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Our TSS APOD for today is from member Juno16 (Jim).

This image was captured in 2021, but Jim took the time to reprocess it so we could get a better look. Take the time to click on the image and look at the details.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected...


6-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Cat's Eye nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan (Mike).

There's just so much detail in this image! Over 14 hours of data and excellent processing!

Congratulations Mike on having your image selected as our TSS APOD.



6-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Propeller Nebula".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

A stunning image! Great capture and processing went into getting the final results.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


6-8-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 LRGB 2023"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

The detail in this image is just amazing!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Hills of Marius".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Along with a lunar geography lesson, Avani gives us a detailed look at this lunar surface area.

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



5-31-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2- 132"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Sandy04 (Sandy).

Sandy was able to capture this colorful image of the "Lion Nebula" over several nights.

Congratulations Sandy on having your image selected as our TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original...


5-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16_Eagle Nebula".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

The detail in this image is spectacular! With 13 hours of exposure time, Marius gave us a deep look into the Pillars of Creation.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as...


5-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Another M101".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Graeme1858 (Graeme).

Time away from astrophotography brings challenges, remembering settings, processing, etc is like starting over.

Graeme shows us how it's done with his first image in quite a while!


5-26-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar Disk and Proms May 25 /23"

Our TSS APOD for today is from member Solsearcher (Mike). Mike gives us some very detailed images using special equipment to image the sun.

Congratulations Mike on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


5-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Kerry C. (Kerry).

With 5 hours of data, Kerry gives us a great look at this beautiful Galaxy!

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


5-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar eclipse...observing "report?"

Today we select a rather unusual report from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Inspired by the recent solar eclipse, Joe leaves us with some beautiful images and poetry.

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!


5-19-2024 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 4321".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Sandy24 (Sandy).

Sandy gives us a great shot of Messier 100 using his DSLR camera and 8" reflector telescope.

Congratulations Sandy on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


5-9-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Strong Aurora tonight".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member SparWeb (Steven).

The northern lights are very strong right now and allow opportunities for some great images!

Steven gives us a great look from Canada!

Congratulations Steve on having your image...


5-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"More Solar From May 6-23"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Solsearcher (Mike).

Mike has been doing solar imaging for a long time and has been a 'mentor' for many.

Be sure to check the link...


4-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sun on 30/4/23".

While this is NOT an image captured using a camera, it deserves our recognition as the TSS APOD.

As a solar astrophotographer, I can't even imagine the extraordinary talent involved in capturing the sun this way.

Congratulations to member mariosi...


4-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Antares region and Rho Ophiucci over 6 years".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member carastro (Carole).

Astrophotography can present many challenges, bad skies, equipment problems, software issues, etc., but you have to travel to get an image of a region of the sky you...


4-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 3324 in SHO"

Our TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

With many of our members finally coming out of winter the spring skies are clearing to allow them to capture those stunning images we all look forward to.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image...


4-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"I have a photo in S & T".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Kathy recently had this image featured in Sky & Telescope magazine!

Congratulations Kathy!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar eclipse April 20, 2023"

Today we select a great solar capture from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Being in the right place at the right time for a solar eclipse can offer great images.

Joe gives us a prime example!

Congratulations Joe for having your image selected...


4-19-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 4565_The Needle Galaxy".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

With Galaxy season upon us, we hope to see even more Galaxy images from Marius!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected for our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


4-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2903 with TEC 200FL + QHY268"

Today our TSS APOD comes from member Bernhardhubl (Bernhard)

Captured over for nights from Nussbach / Austria, Bernhard gives us a great look at this barred spiral galaxy in the constellation of Leo.

Congratulations Bernhard on having...


4-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Copernicus and Lunar Domes - 2-3-2023".

The TSS APOD for today comes from member Jamescook1971 (James).

Capturing the lunar surface with this much detail is quite an accomplishment.

Congratulations James on having your image selected as the TSS APOD for today.


4-10-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3628 Hamburger Galaxy".

Today our TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Almost 4 1/2 hours of data reveal this spectacular galaxy's detail.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as the TSS APOD for today!

Here's a link to the original...


4-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"04-06-2023 ISS Solar Transit".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member Astrobee (Greg).

In addition to one of those "magical images", Greg gives us some great tips on how to capture one of these amazing moments.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected...


4-3-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"CEDIC Team goes Namibia-Part#8".

Todays TSS APOD is a little different. Member bernhardhubl (Bernhard) is part of a group that travels to remote locations to do astrophotography. He has presented us with a number of images captured in 2022 from a trip to the dark skies of Namibia....


4-2-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7000 The North America nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Many of our members are still battling the spring weather. So it's a great time to do some 're-processing of old data.

Jim gives us a great example of the results that can be...


4-1-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar Activity - 29-03-2023".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member geethq.

This 4-panel mosaic gives us lots of detail of the solar surface.

Congratulations geethq on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-31-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell1656 The Coma Cluster".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

This is one of those images that you have to "look deep" to appreciate the wonder of the night sky.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-30-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ISS Solar transit 2023-03-26"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member geethq.

Capturing a transit of the International Space Station across the sun is quite a challenge. Getthq has given us a great image of the event.

Congratulations geethq on having your image selected...


3-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M45 / 42 2023-03-22".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dragonsfire (Neil).

Captured during one of his infrequent "Clear" nights. Neil gives us a great rendition of the Orion nebula.

Congratulations Neil on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Markarian's Chain and M88".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

This wide field image shows us this beautiful chain of galaxies!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

3-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1848 - SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Steve keeps adding more and more data to this image and it just keeps getting better.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


3-21-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Two photos, two moments, the same place!"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Lunar images have the ability to give us different views based on the lighting. Avani gives us a great example!

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays...


3-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M3, M46, M47 & M48"

The Messiers are out!!!

Capturing 4 great Messier images in a single "clear" night is a challenge in the winter months. Astrobee (Greg) had some luck and gives us a great look! Be sure to check out the link to see all four!!



3-17-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M82 HaLRGB with more data".

Back on 3-11-2023 member ic_1101 (Alex) post a great image of M82, in fact, it won the TSS APOD that day. He had mentioned he was planning on adding more data. Well with adding the new data sure made this image a winner again!

Here's a link...


3-16-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tulip Nebula Widefield".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Reprocessing an image and using new techniques can really make some remarkable changes.

David gives us a great example.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays...


3-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Landing at Mare Crisium".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Be sure to take some time to 'explore' this image. Along with the text provided by Avani we get to explore.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-12-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC2664 SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Steve has been very busy lately, capturing even more data for his stunning image of NGC2664.

Congratulation Steve on another TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M82 HaLRGB"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

This beautiful image of the Cigar galaxy has over 10 hours of data, and Alex is planning on adding another 10.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


3-10-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-224 Feint Supernova Remnant".

Todays TSS apod comes from member ApophisAstros (Roger).

With almost 30 hours of data, Roger was able to pull out a lot of detail!

Congratulations Roger on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


3-9-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Butterfly Nebula in Cygnus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters, Steve gives us a look at the Butterfly.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


3-7-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A few proms."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member NGC 1365 (Ivan).

Long before the CCD's, DSLR's, and even film cameras. Astronomers would create drawings of the objects they saw through the telescope. Ivan gives us this beautiful rendition of solar prominences using...


3-5-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Orion's Belt".

Today TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

We seldom see images showing the stars in Orion's Belt. This image has lots to see in great detail. Be sure to zoom in.

Congratulations to a certified "50 APOD winner". That's quite...


3-3-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

" The Ancient Nebulae HFG-1 and Abell 6".

Today the TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

With 71.6 hours of data captured from 4 different locations by 3 different setups, Bruce shares this spectacular widefield image.

This is the first time I can remember...


3-1-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

With few clear nights recently, Alex was able to find enough clear skies to capture almost 5 hours of data to give us this great image!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


2-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Last Night's Amazing Aurora".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member JayTee (JT).

Recent solar activity has allowed those living in the northern regions to see some spectacular Auroras.

Congratulations JT on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



2-27-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81/M82 with IFN"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Lot's to look at in this image! Be sure to zoom in for a better look!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-25-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81& M82 Galactic Group".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member Kerry C. (Kerry).

With Galaxy season upon us, Kerry gives us a great look at this area of the sky.

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as today's TSS APOD!

Here's a...


2-23-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar occultation of Mars".

Our TSS APOD for today comes from member Piet Le Roux (Piet).

Back on January 3rd of this year, Piet was able to capture this great image of the Moon and Mars.

Congratulations Piet on having your image selected as our TSS APOD!



2-19-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"New Image: Barnard's Loop. 3 panel mosaic".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

Creating a 'mosaic' of an area in the sky can be very rewarding.

Pete has done a great job worthy of todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-16-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"New Image: M81".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Galaxy season is quickly approaching. Alex gives us a great look at one of his firsts for this season!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


2-15-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jacob Lake pine trees and Milky Way".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk) and his son!

Using data his son captured, Henk was able to process this image into a great 'wall worthy' image!

Congratulations to both Henk and his son for this great image!


2-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Spider Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Petrol (Pete).

After struggling with the stars, it looks like Pete may have solved the problem!

Congratulations Pete on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-13-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

With only 5 hours of total integration, Steve gives us a great image!

Congratulations Steve on your 49th TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tree/Fox/Cone and more - Sh2-273, NGC2264".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

There's a lot to see in this spectacular image!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

2-9-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Gassendi, an amazing crater".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Using a high power, long focal length telescope Avani gives us a "lunar lander" image of this lunar crater!

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays...


2-4-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M 51 the whirlpool".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

I get many 'suggestions' for APOD from our members but this one has topped the list! By overwhelming votes David get the APOD for this great "reprocess".



2-3-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon Image".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Lunar images can present challenges with processing. Rhoda has certainly learned how to get the best out of the software to present us with this stunning image!

Congratulations Rhoda on having your...


2-2-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 from last night".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member andrewsscope (Andy).

Even with a full moon you can still do imaging!

Congratulations Andy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-1-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Angel Nebula and Friends".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

This image has a lot to look at! from dark nebula to colorful nebula to bright nebula! It's got it all!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


1-29-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7635 Bubble Repo."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

On those cloudy nights its a great idea to keep some older data to play with. Alex gives us a great example of what re-doing old data can accomplish.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected...


1-26-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Star trails over storm clouds".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

We haven't seen a lot of "Nightscape" images lately so it's great to see such a beautiful image posted!

Congratulations Joe for having your image selected as todays...


1-22-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 three years of data."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Collecting data of an object over years of time Alex gives us a great look at M42.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


1-20-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

The colors on this image of the cone / Christmas Tree are stunning!

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-19-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC443 The Jellyfish Nebula and IC444."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

The detail in Jims image of the Jellyfish is just amazing!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

1-17-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Thor's Helmet 1/15/23"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Big Kahuna (Ron).

That's a log to detail considering it's 11.96 thousand light years away and 30 light-years in size.

It's amazing what we can see in our night skies!!

Congratulations Ron...


1-14-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

" California nebula 1 hr 30 mins".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

With 1 1/2 hours of data Rhoda gives us a great look at "California".

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


1-11-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC4725 and Friends in LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Spring time is just around the corner and Scott shares an area of galaxies from last May that we can look forward to soon.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS...


1-8-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon from 4/01/23".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member andrewsscope (Andy).

Lunar images are one of the first things amature astronomers try for. But taking a great image takes some work.

Andy gives us a great look at our neighbor.

Congratulations Andy on having...


1-6-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SpaceX Falcon 9 launch Tuesday morning."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Makuser (Marshall).

Most people never get to see a large rocket launch in person, so photos are our only option. Marshall lives close enough to share the experiance.

Congratulations Marshall...


1-3-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 in SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

With 6 hours of data, Scott gives us a great look at this nebula.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-1-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"more data on the beautiful M45".

Starting off the new year with a great image from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

It's been fun to watch Rhoda progress with learning how to capture and process images.

It looks like she's got it!!!

Congratulations Rhoda on...


12-31-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead Nebula Reprocess".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

During those snowy cold cloudy nights when you can't get out to do imaging, is a great time to pull some old data out and play with it.

Steve gives us a "new" look at some...


12-28-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Lagoon Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Steve is almost at 50 APODs here on TSS! I just shows how good he is a what he does!

Congratulations Steve on yet another TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Spider & Fly."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Spider and Fly nebulae in Auriga. They are roughly 7000 light-years away and contain young star clusters enshrouded in emission and reflection nebulosity.

Greg gives us a great view!



12-24-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Tadpoles (IC 410), Spyder (IC417), and Fly (NGC1931)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Jim gives us two different pallets of color to pick from. I get to pick mine (but it took a while because they are both so great!).

Congratulations Jim on having...


TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Capturing a large area of the sky, Steve gives us a very clear view of the M78 region.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


12-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6992 revisited".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Saving and reworking your data with new techniques can bring about some pretty surprising results. We are constantly learning new methods and sometimes it can give us new tools that bring about great...


12-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Plato and Vallis Alpes".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Having the right equipment to capture can produce some great images.

Planetary and lunar photos require both the right equipment and the talent.

Avani gives us both!



12-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Black Velvet Nebula - HaRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Captured using a Hydrogen Alpha for luminace, Teagan gives us a detailed look at this spectacular nebula.

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


12-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Simeis 147 - The Spaghetti Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

With a total of 10 hours worth of data, David give us a spectacular view of The Spaghetti Nebula.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


12-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M45 - The Pleiades"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astrobee (Greg).

A popular targer for astrophotographers, it's much more difficult to get it right! Greg has done a great job to do it right!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS...


12-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-124 from SE London"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Capturing deepsky images from a city is very difficult, the ambient light tends to overwhelm the image. Carole has done an excellent job with 8 1/2 hours of data to give us this wonderful look at...


12-9-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mars occultation 07 December 22".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Nakedgun.

Sometimes our photo of the day comes from a topic not located in the astrophotography forum. This was posted in the "Astronomy Reports" forum but is worthy of the APOD!



12-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"More Data on the Horse Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Adding more data to a previously captured object can help to bring out detail.

This is a great example of the horsehead nebula!

Congratulations Rhoda for having your image...


12-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A brief spin on the GRS".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Just capturing Jupiter in detail is difficult enough but adding movement is pretty dang great!!

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



12-2-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jellyfish Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from one of our most 'prolific' astrophotographers. Mac (Steve) is working his way toward 50 TSS APOD awards. Todays is just one of his many beautiful images.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


11-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Barnard 174, LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Dark nebula are one of my personal favorites. The dark dusty areas hide like ghosts and can be difficult to image. Kathy does a great job bringing out the detail on this one!

Congratulations Kathy...


11-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Simies 147 (Spaghetti Nebula) HOO/RGB"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

With almost 11 hours of data, Alex gives us a great look at a 'pile of Spaghetti"!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"California Nebula-Center - Psychedelic version"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve). Capturing lots of data, then playing with different color patterns can be lots of fun. Steve has plenty of data to work with in this target!

Congratulations Steve on having...


11-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Dust in Taurus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Capturing those dark dusty areas take time, LOTS and LOTS of time. David is working on a multi panel view of this group of "dust bunnies". So this is just the start!

Really looking...


11-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Heart Nebula with three years of data - SHO."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Steve333 (Steve).

Combining data captured over multiple years, Steve give us a 'deep' look into the Heart nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays...


11-18-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"JUpiter, October 30-2022".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Captured with a Celestron C14 edge telescope, Avani gives us a closeup of Jupiter.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


11-15-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 1 (Crab Nebula)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

A supernova reminat located in the constellation of Taurus, Ron gives us a great view of this popular imaging target!

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


11-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Soul Nebula HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony). Captured using narrowband filters, Tony gives us a colorful look at Westerhout 5.

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

11-9-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1396 and Elephant Trunk Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve). Steve is one of our frequent TSS APOD awardes. His images always give us some of the best looks at our night skies.

Congratulations Steve on another TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the...


11-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar eclipse photo orion ST80 F5 SL1/110D DSLR".

For those of you who missed it, member realflow100 gives us a great look at what we missed.

Congratulations realflow100 on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LDN 1355, 1357 - "Helping Hand" plus vdB 7, 8, 9"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Gathering enough photons to see dark nebula can be quite a challenge. Jim gives us a great look at this one!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected...


11-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My M33 for 2022 (WIP)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Working on processing by trying new 'tricks' and adding more data is always worth the effort!

Jim gives us his recent "work in process" version of M33".



11-2-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Nov 1st waxing quarter".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Thefatkitty (Mark).

Many beginner astrophotographers start out taking images of the moon. Mark has given us a look at what a 'seasoned photographers' moon looks like!

Congratulations Mark on having...


10-31-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"DSLR of the Horsehead Nebula (widefield) REPROCESSED."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gmetric.

Playing with different techniques is part of the process of learning astrophotography. Our members can offer suggestions on things you can try.

Congratulations Gmetric...


10-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

" IC 348 in Perseus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Using over 15 hours worth of data, Marius gives us a great look at this dark nebula.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


10-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Orion Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

We feature many of Steves images as TSS APOD's. His talent as an expert in capture and processing is quite apparent in this image of Orion.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays...


10-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Sun October 26, 2022."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member gcisko (Greg).

Greg has given us a great view of recent solar activity. Be sure to check out the link to see even more images.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



10-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Partial Solar eclipse from Sweden."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MartinF (Martin).

We all look forward to seeing what Martin has to offer us in his spectacular videos. Todays is one of his best!

Congratulations Martin on having your video selected as todays TSS...


10-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Partial Solar eclipse from Sweden."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MartinF (Martin).

We all look forward to seeing what Martin has to offer us in his spectacular videos. Todays is one of his best!

Congratulations Martin on having your video selected as todays TSS...


10-24-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"more data on M45".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Capturing this popular target and getting the right amount of nebulosity and still retain the detail isn't as easy as it looks.

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as todays...


10-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7293"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7 (Scott).

In the Northern hemisphere, the Helix nebula sets fairly low in the sky, so conditions have to be pretty good to get a great image.

It sure looks like Scott has succeded!

Congratulations Scott on having...


10-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day

"EAA / mixed session 17th October".

There are a few different ways to produce images of deepsky objects and planets.

One way is called EAA or 'Electronically Assisted Astronomy". Basically it's capturing live views of the night sky. (Here's a link to the details:...


10-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Western Veil nebula-HOO+RGB"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured using both narrow band and RGB filters, Marius gives us a great image of this popular target!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



10-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a color camera Steve gives us a great look at the "Ghost Nebula".

Be sure to check out the Ha version on his original topic.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as...


10-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters and processed using a SHO pallet, Steve gives us a detailed look as this popular AP target.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


10-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Asteroid 65803 Didymos"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Captured using his remote equipment, Dan gives us a rare look as a passing Asteroid.

Congratulations Dan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


10-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M31 The Andromeda Galaxy for 2022".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Captured over two nights with a color imager, Jim gives us a great view of M31!

Congratulations Jim on have your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


10-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Pacman Nebula NGC281".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Steve is one of our top APOD winners, this is a great example of why he has so many awards!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


10-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Chase with added Ha".

Today we are going to do something different for the APOD.

Member Jockinireland (David) gives us a chance to pick our favorite from 2 different images he captured. His original is an RGB image captured with a color camera, with the second image he...


9-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A four panel mosaic of part of the Large Molecular Cloud in Taurus."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member petershah (Peter).

Captured in 4 parts and 'stitched' together to create one image, Peter gives us the great image of a haunting dark nebula!



9-28-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7293 The Helix Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Combining images captured with narrowband filters and red, green and blue filters. Gerald gives us this colorful image of the Helix Nebula!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image...


9-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Four Panel Mosaic in Cygnus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ApophisAstros (Roger).

Captured over one week using four panels stitched together, Roger gives us this wide view of this region of Cygnus.

Congratulations Roger on having your image selected as todays...


9-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a one shot color camera with a filter to enhance the coloration. Steve gives us a great view of this stunning nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


9-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Norwood Lane time lapse".

Here's something a bit different for our TSS APOD!

Member Paramount (Gordon) has given us a video of one entire night from the UK.

Please enjoy.

Congratulations Gordon on having your video selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lobster claw wide - HOO."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Playing with older data and trying new ways of processing can give you some amazing results.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Iris repro - tamed down a bit".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bobharmony (Bob).

Figuring out processing software is part of the astrophotography experiance. With this image Bob gives us a reprocessed look at some data captured a couple weeks ago.



9-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bubble and Lobster Claw Nebula with mult-year-data".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Adding to previous images can bring even more detail. Adding detail from imaging sessions from 3 different years, Steve gives us a detailed look at the Bubble and Lobster...


9-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"quickie M45".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (Babo).

Sometimes astrophotographers get some odd artifacts on images that actually turn out to be pretty effective for the image.

Here it appears that Babo forgot to take the Bahtinov mask off before capturing...


9-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter on August 25th.".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member "TheButcher" (Brian).

Imaging planets requires different techniques for both capture and processing. Brian gives us a great example of how to do it!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected...


9-11-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Keystone Cluster (M13)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member gcisko (Greg).

Lots of detail is this colorful image!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN468 and dusty friends".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve). Creating a "Mosaic" can give you the ability to capture large areas of the sky. Steve gives us a great look at this area by using that technique.

Congratulations Steve on having your...


9-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter & Saturn - Sept. 1, 2022."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Pitter (Mark).

Mark has been taking a break from astronomy for a while and is just getting back into it.

His images show he hasn't lost the 'hang of it'.

Congratulations Mark...


9-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sharpless 158".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member drowson (Dan).

Dan spends much of his time doing 'remote imaging'. He has his own equipment located located in Dark Sky New Mexico at Rancho Hidalgo (Animas, New Mexico) and uses his home computer in Missouri to control...


9-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Captured using narrow band filters and processed using the "Hubble Pallete" (SHO). Gerald gives us this colorful view of the Eagle nebula.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected...


9-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"American Nebula - 9-1-22"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ed217 (Ed).

There's a lot of detail in this stunning image!

Congratulations Ed on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7380 Wizard Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a color camera with a enhancing filter, Steve gives us this colorful image of the Wizard.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-31-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My 2022 Iris Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

With the best 12 hours worth of data captured over an 18 hours time frame. Larry gives us a great look a the Iris.

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


8-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-112 in Cygnus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Captured using narrowband filters with 6 1/2 hours of data, Carole gives us this colorful look.

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


8-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 342 - a big dim fellow".

Todays TSS APOD come from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

With 'Galaxy season' just about over Ian gives us a great look as this 'dim fellow'.

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7635 Bubble Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

With 5 hours of data, Mac gives us a great image of the Bubble!

Congratulations Mac on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M31 -- my best so far."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

Second day in a row for BABO! This is a great image of Andromeda!

Congratulations BABO for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

8-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6823 - nebula with cluster in Vulpecula."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

Pretty fast and quick capture, then the work started! Lots of processing to pull out the beauty of this region.

Congratulations BABO on having your image selected as todays...


TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-155 (Cave Nebula)"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

With 10 hours of capture time, Kathy gives us this colorful look at the "Cave".

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


8-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My Pluto Results".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Here's a great example of how to image Pluto. It takes lots of time and patience to get results like these!

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SH2-101 Tulip Nebula and surroundings."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member adhoeven (Andre).

Taking astrophotography images can take lots of time and dedication to get results like Andre has acheived in this image! We normally spend our time taking multiple images of one particular...


8-11-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6823"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Captured using a color camera and processed using two different techniques, David gives us a look of this open cluster and reflection nebula.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays...


8-9-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lonely Ewok and Slimer".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Benjamin (Ben).

With only 6 hours of data from a Borte 6/7 sky, Ben gives us this great image of an often ignored region of the sky.

Congratulations Ben on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


8-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2359 (Thor's Helmet)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Lots of processing woes, but the results were certainly worth it!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


8-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7 (Scott).

Scott gives us this great capture of the "Cave Nebula".

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Dark Nebula in Sadr - SHORGB (Black Velvet Nebula)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

With 53 hours of data, Tegan gives us a great look at this spectacular nebula.

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Huge prom on the sun today."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

The sun is really active right now and with the right equipment LINK you can get some great views!



8-2-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"m16 mosiac"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

With 18 hours of data for two panels in this mosiac, Rob gives us a great look at this Messier object!

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


8-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WR-134, in HOO-RGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

With almost 13 hours of data, Kathy gives us a great look at this region of the night sky.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


7-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Saturn from July 19th".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member TheButcher (Brian).

Capturing images of planets requires different techniques than deep sky images. Brian shows us how great the results can be!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays...


7-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 14".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernard).

A beautiful capture of this magnificant globular cluster!

Congratulations Bernard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-28-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7380, the Wizard Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

With almost 11 hours of data, Kathy gives us a colorful look at the Wizard!.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


7-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6188 The Fighting Dragons of Ara".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

For us in the North, getting a chance to view southern skies is always a treat!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


7-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"With and without stars - NGC 6888- product of WR star."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian). Processed using a couple different methods, Ian gives us a look at the Cresent nebula.

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LDN 1251".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Dark nebulas can be difficult to capture to the point you can see the details.

Dan give use plenty of detail in this photo.

Congratulations Dan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


7-24-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"CaK Sunday 24 July 2022".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Altocumulus (Geoff).

Solar imaging requires a special filter to allow either visual or photography. These filters come in different types to filter specific bands of light. Please take time to research solar viewing...


7-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-129 and Ou4 (Bat and Squid)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

This two panel mosaic gives us lots to look at. Be sure to click on the image for the full view!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Palomar 7".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

With a 4 hour total exposure time, Dan gives us a great look at this globular cluster.

Congratulations Dan for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


7-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cygnus Wall - SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member CharLakeAstro.

Captured using Narrowband filters, we get a great look at this spectacular nebula!

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


7-18-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

" come for a swim in the cosmos pool."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

With 20 hours of data Rob created the beautiful mosaic of the Lagoon nebula.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the...


7-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sun Ha Full-disk 14-07-2022 highres."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member avdhoeven (André).

Captured using special solar filters and telescope (only view or image the sun using recommended solar equipment!!!) André give us a great look at our suns recent activity!!


7-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Dark Wolf".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Benjamin (Ben).

There are many areas of the sky that astrophotographers capture frequently, and then every once in a while someone captures an area that many are not familiar with. Ben has given us a look at one of the rare...


7-15-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6357 War & Peace Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Captured over 2 nights with just over 8 hours of data, Gerald gives us a great look at this spectacular nebula!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Eastern Veil (work-in-progress)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Processed to remove the stars, this image gives us a great look at the Eastern Veil nebula).

I'm not sure how Larry can improve on this, but I'm looking forward to the attempt!


7-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lion Nebula (SH 2.132, LBN 473) - HOO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Learn from another member, Steve gives us a look at this beautiful nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


7-10-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-134 now with colour".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Many astrophotographers will capture an image using just an Ha filter, then later capture more detail with S2 and O3 filters to complete the image.

Carole gives us her most recent version...


7-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"North America Nebula - mosaic with more data."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bobharmony (Bob).

Large nebulas can be difficult to show in just one image. Capturing different areas then merging them together into a mosaic image can solve the problem. But it takes lots of...


7-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Milky Way in West Central Illinois".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Nightscape imaging can produce some wonderful photos, Rob has given us a few in the past and this is just another of example of his work.

Congratulations Rob on having your image...


7-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cygnus Nebula near 01 Cyg."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters and processed in an HSS palette, Steve gives us a great look at this often neglected target!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


7-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 - Whirpool Galaxy - from a Dark Site."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member gcisko (Greg).

Captured from a 'Dark Site" location, Greg gets lots of detail in this great image!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 - NGC6604"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured in both Ha and SHO narrowband formats, Steve gives us a great look at the Messier object.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1396".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7 (Scott).

Processed using narrowband filters, we get a great look at the elephant trunk in this image.

Congratulations Scott for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


6-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

""Milkyway setting over high country hut".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member scribbly (Phil).

Captured in the Snowy Mountains region near Canberra, AUS, Phil gives us a beautiful shot of our southern skies!

Congratulations Phil on having your image selected as...


6-28-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the day.

"Iris (NGC7023) close up."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Captured over 5 nights Alex gives us a great look at the Iris nebula.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


6-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 & IC5070".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Captured using RGB filters then adding addition Ha narrowband Greg gives us a total of 3 hours and 40 minutes of time on target.

Congratualations Greg on having your image selected as todays...


6-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"North America SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters, Steve gives us a very detailed look at this large nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


6-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"June nights in Illinoise means lightening bugs."

We are 'stretching' the limits for "Astronomy Photo" today, but this image is a great example of some of the events that happen during the early evening.

Member jrkirkham (Rob) shares a bit of his AP neighbors.


6-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Gamma Cygni nebula, HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Captured using narrowband filters, Kathy gives us great look at this gorgeous nebula!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rima Sirsalis".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Avani has shared many of his lunar images with TSS. This is another example of the stunning detail he captures.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



6-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Western Veil Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a color camera with the L-enhance filter, Steve gives us this wonderful look at the Veil.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


6-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M20 - LRBB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

Captured on one of BABO's few clear nights, this image of the Trifid nebula is worth the wait!

Congratulations BABO on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Crescent Nebula NGC6888".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

With 12.5 hours of capture, Mark gives us a very detailed look at this beautiful nebula.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6992 Veil Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured in stunning detail, Steve gives us a great look at this popular AP target.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


6-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7479 (Superman Galaxy) and Molecular Clouds."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Captured over 2 nights Jim gives us a great look!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


6-13-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M8 Lagoon Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured over many nights, Steve gives us an excellent look at the Lagoon.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK...


6-10-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bullseye, thou art M94"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Resembling a 'bullseye' target, Ian gives us a great look at M94 galaxy.

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


6-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3576 Statue of Liberty Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Captured in SHO (narrowband). Gerald gives us a very detailed image of this magnificant nebula.

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



6-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 - Eagle nebula with Hubble pallet."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrolrk (Richard).

Capturing nebulas using narrowband filters can be very rewarding. Considering this was Richards first attempt at a "Hubble Pallet (SHO) I would say he has succeeded.



6-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M27_HOO+RGB stars".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured using Narrowband filters for the nebula and RGB filters for the stars, Marius gives us a wonderful image of The Dumbbell nebula.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected...


6-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from one of our most prolific astrophotographers. Catured with a color camera and special filter, member Mac (Steve) gives us a great image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


6-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M104 The Sombrero Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

With almost 4 hours of data, Greg gives us a great look at this spectacular galaxy.

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"First Light-M106".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Captured using a brand new camera, Scott gives us a look at his first image.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD! We are looking forward to many more!



5-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Propeller Nebula and Surrounds."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

With only two hours of data, David gives us a great look at this cloudy nebula.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


5-28-2023 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Flyby of Astroid 1989 JA May 28, 2022"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Captured in motion, Joe gives us a great look at a near earth asteroid.

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


5-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (Babo).

Babo gives us a great image of M3. Made up of around 500,000 stars, it is a popular target for both visual and astrophotography.

Congratulations Babo on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.


5-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"DS Quark Sunspot group 24-05-22"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member FRAZ (Fraz).

Captured using specialized solar imaging equipment, Fraz gives us a great look at some of the recent solar activity.

Congratulations Fraz on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


5-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon images 2022".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Rhoda posted quite a few images so we had to just pick one for today! Be sure to take a look at all of her great image of our luna!

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as todays...


5-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-115 and Sh2-116 HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Captured using narrow band filters Ha and S2 plus RGB for the stars, Jim gives us a great view of these neighboring nebulas.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS...


5-18-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6826, the Blinking Planetary Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

This is another of those small objects that are worth taking a look at!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


5-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1501 (Camel's Eye Nebula).

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OhNo (Brent).

This target is a new one to me and I'm going to add it to my list of future targets to image.

Congratulations Brent on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



5-15-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Double stack Quark with a PST Etalon".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member FRAZ (Fraz).

Captured with specialized solar equipment, Fraz gives us a close-up of some recent solar activity.

Congratulations Fraz on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



5-13-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Flaming Star + Tadpoles + Spider and fly mosaic".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Using tools to create a "Mosaic" from two images Steve gives us a wide-field view of this area.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays...


5-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M13-for test".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Sometimes testing out new equipment can produce some great images! Marius proved that with his capture of the Hercules cluster.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


5-11-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a color CMOS imaging camera and a special filter to help bring out the detail, Steve gives us a great look at this magnificent nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays...


5-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell 33 in HOO_RGG"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Captured using Narrowband filters for the nebula and color filters for the stars, Kathy gives us a great image of this planetary nebula.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays...


5-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7331 group".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Captured at full focal length of a C8 edge telescope, Ian gives us a very detailed look at this cluster of galaxies.

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



5-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"May 4th 2022 Sun and a new scope".

Todays TSS APOD comes from Thefatkitty (Mark).

Playing with a new telescope and the appropriate solar filtering equipment, Mark gives us a great look at one of the current solar spots.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected...


5-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M104 from the remote darksite".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

If you have the ability to find a dark sky location, it can really pay off!

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


5-2-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A clear night and a New Moon."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

This is 'galaxy season' and Tony gives us a great look at a couple of the popular targets.

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



4-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters, Steve gives us a great look at this bright nebula in the constellation of Perseus.

Congratulations Steve...


4-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar projection".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jnicoles (Jared).

Jared used a method that is easy to do and can create some great images.

One disclaimer first: WARNING: you should never attempt to look at the Sun directly through a telescope or with the naked...


4-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2993 AR2994"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

With the sun being in its active state right now, it's a great time to do some solar work. Jeff has the proper equipment and the talent to capture these stunning images!



4-18-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Vallis Inguirami"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Captured with stunning detail Avani gives us a close look at one of our moons "Lunar 100" areas.

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



4-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Croc's Eye galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jazzin (Scott).

Captured using a modified Canon DSLR, Scott gives us great detail in Messier 94.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


4-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ISS flyover".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dyno05 (Dana).

Capturing the International Space Station requires a lot of luck and most times ends in frustration.

Dana gives us a great set of images he was able to capture recently!

Congratulations Dana on having...


4-11-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Last Night's Aurora, Cass and Clouds."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member JayTee (JT).

With the current level of solar activity, our members to the north are getting a chance to see Auroras.

Congratulations JT on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


4-10-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 13".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member UKDave (Dave).

Even with a number of problems Dave was able to give us almost 4 hours of data!

Congratulations Dave on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: TSS...


4-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Leo Triplet".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Captured with his brand new ES102ed, Jim gives us a great look at these galaxies.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

4-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 4565".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

Captured using his new Planewave L-350 telescope mount, Mark gives us a great look at the Needle galaxy!

Congratulations Mark on both the new mount and the TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


4-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Night sky time lapse at wind farm".

Recently some of our members have been putting together videos of nightscapes. We enjoy them so much we include them as part of our TSS APOD.

Congratulations to member Paramount (Gordon) for having his timelapse awarded todays TSS APOD!


4-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Dolphin Nebula Sh2-308 in HOO."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Capture using Ha and O3 filters for the nebula and RGB filters for the stars, Gerald gives us the beautifully processed image!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected...


4-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 LRGB 2022"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member frant (Richard).

Captured over 2 nights with a total of 20 hours of data, Richard brings us a spectacular image of M51,

Congratulations Richard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


4-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My new Aurora Film".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Martin F (Martin).

Captured in southern Sweden, Martin gives us a spectacular video of the Northern Lights.

Please watch the entire video as it just gets better and better!

Congratulations Martin on having...


3-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WL SUN 2022/3/28"

With our sun being active, many of our members are giving us some great images.

Today we get a look at a "white light" image captured by member p1taylor (Peter).

Congratulations Peter on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR 2978".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani). Captured in stunning detail, Avani gives us a great look at some of the recent solar activity.

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


3-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A Silver Needle - NCG 4244."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Captured using lots of short exposures, Steve gives us plenty of detail on this unusual galaxy.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"PN Abell 6".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernhard).

Captured over 15 nights, Bernhard gives us a great look at this beautiful planetary nebula!

Congratulations Bernhard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


3-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sol 3-22-2022"

Todays TSS APOD was suggested by member helicon (Michael), and captured and processed by myself.

I have to give credit to member Lowjiber (John) for all of the guidance he has given me over the years. His images were what inspired me to start my Solar imaging...


3-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M13 Hercules Globular Cluster".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

This huge Cluster is a popular target for Astrophotographers, and Steve does a great job giving us all the beauty of M13.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


3-20-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 4946 - Fireworks Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

This very detailed image gives us a great look at the adjacent starfield to a spectacular galaxy!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Eta Carnina Nebula --NGC3372--narrowband".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

BABO gives us a look at one of the great southern nebula that we in the north never get to see.

Congratulations BABO on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-15-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk). Sometimes you really have to work at capturing a great image. Those small details of getting everything working can really get frustrating. Henk shows us that getting things dialed in can have its rewards.



3-14-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3628 The Hamburger Galaxy."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Sometimes we can be a bit over-critical of our own images. David captured a great image of The Hamburger even if he sees a few flaws.

Congratulations David on having your image...


3-13-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

It's fun to watch our members progress in astrophotography. Rhoda has done an outstanding job with this lunar image!

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-284 in Monoceros".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Capturing images in a light-polluted area is always a challenge. Carole gives us a look at just what can be accomplished!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS...


3-9-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Also known as the "Headphones" nebula, Bruce gives us a great look at this faint nebula!

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M44 (aka Beehive Cluster or Praesepe).

Todays TSS APOD comes from member chris_g (Chris).

Captured using a DSLR camera, Chris gives us a great image of this popular Cluster.

Congratulations Chris on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


3-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2264 -The Chrstmas Tree and Cone in SHORGB."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Captured in narrowband and the stars captured in RGB Mikey gives us a great look at this popular nebula.

Congratulations Mikey on having your image selected as...


3-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7.

Also known as the Medusa nebula, this faint object is difficult to capture under normal conditions! Add winds and it makes this image even more spectacular!

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS...


2-27-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured over 2 nights, Steve gives us a great look at this popular target.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-25-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A fully bloomed Rosette Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jazzin (Scott).

Experimenting with processing techniques can produce some really great results.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


2-24-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula NGC2244".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kerry C. (Kerry).

Captured over 4 nights spanning 2 weeks, Kerry gives us a Hubble pallet view of the Rosette.

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


2-23-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured over 6 nights Marius gives us a great look at this popular target.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original...


2-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"vdB 8"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Dan shoots a lot of different objects that are often overlooked. These include many of the less popular catalogs of deepsky objects. The image Dan shares with us today gives us a look at vdB 8 a reflection nebula in...


2-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Orion with startools".

One of the 'adventures' astrophotographers take, is experimenting with different software and techniques. Todays TSS APOD winner was playing with StarTools and came up with this beautiful image of the Orion Nebula.

Congratulations Mirrorgirl...


2-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC443 - Jellyfish 2022 HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Working with the "HOO" pallet, Steve gives us 7.5 hours of data so we can see this beautiful nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


2-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42--FIRST LIGHT--DIY f/4 8 inch Newtonian astrograph"

Todays TSS APOD is from member BABOafrica (BABO).

While the image is spectacular on its own, BABO also used his own self-built telescope, with a hand-ground mirror. (here's a link to the build LINK).


2-10-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Seagull Nebula - SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters, Steve gives us a great look at the Seagull.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Heres' a link to the original...


2-9-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon with my AS224MC".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Lots of detail in this image!

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-6-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Edge on Spiral Galaxy NCG 4945".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Captured using a DSLR camera attached to his telescope, Joe gives us a great look at this beautiful galaxy!

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


2-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jellyfish Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

The detail in the Jellyfish is amazing, Steve has done a great job capturing this beautiful nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to...


2-1-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My first shot at capturing the Rosette nebula."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jazzin (Scott).

Many times the time required to capture images takes longer than we capture in one evening, so we have to take images on multiple nights. What we are looking at now is Scotts...


1-30-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"More of the Horse and Flame".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using just the Ha and S2 filters in narrowband, Steve gives us a different look at these popular targets.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


1-29-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cone Nebula NGC 2265 and neighbors."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Captured in narrowband for the main image and RGB for the stars, Steve gives us a great look at the Cone and neighbors.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as...


1-28-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"First image for me!"

All astrophotographers remember their first images. Some were pretty good and others, well......

Member Ylem (Jeff) took his the other night and it's great for a first image. Now the fun begins!

Congratulations Jeff on having your 'first'...


1-26-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Thor's Helmet 1/25/22"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Captured using a 6" Newtonian scope, DLSR camera with a L-enhance filter, Ron gives us a great look at NGC2359.

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


1-24-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tarantula Nebula".

Most of us "Northerners" never get to see this nebula. It's nice to have a member that shares his great images with us!

Congratulations Joe (OzEclipse) for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


1-22-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"This months moon".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Rhoda shares a lot of her AP images. She's becoming quite the AP'r. Enjoy her most recent.

Congratulations Rhoda on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


1-21-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The running man".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member UlteriorModem (Tom).

Capturing a nebula next to a brighter object is very difficult. Tom gave it a try and the results are pretty darn good!

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD


1-19-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My Aurora Dream come true!"

We often share our members' best astrophotography images as the TSS APOD. Todays is extra special. Member MartinF (Martin) had the opportunity to capture something that most of us never get to see. Please take a moment to view his youTube video of...


1-17-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-284 HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim gives us a great look at an often overlooked deep sky object.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-16-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42--personal best so far".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

It's fun to watch the progression of astrophotographers in their journey. I agree that this is the best so far. We are looking forward to seeing more!

Congratulations BABO on having...


1-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead and Flame Nebula".

An often imaged target, Member Mac (Steve) gives us a great look using a color CMOS camera.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-12-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Comet Leonard - 28th December".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member scribbly (Phil).

Captured back in December, Phil gives us a great look at Comet Leonard!

Congratulations Phil on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


1-11-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

With 7 hours of data, using a CMOS color camera, Jim gives us a look at the Rosette!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic;...


1-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Night of 6/1/22 Bingo!".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

Visible with the naked eye, the seven sisters (M45 the Pleiades) are a great target for Astrophotographers.

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



1-8-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Taurus Dark cloud Nebulae".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Even though Marius is finding some faults in his image, it still shows us lots of detail and colors.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



1-7-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member UkDave (Dave).

Captured using a color CMOS camera and a filter to block light pollution, Dave gives us a detailed look at the Rosette.

Congratulations Dave on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



1-5-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

This 'smokey' region is nicknamed the witch's head nebula. You can see why!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


1-4-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we get to see what 22 hours of data looks like! In order to capture those faint fuzzies and pull out the detail, it takes lots of capture time. Member umasscrew39 (Bruce) has put it the work to give us this beautiful image.

Congratulations Bruce on having...


1-3-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Seagull - IC 2177".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Using data he captured almost a year ago, Mikey gives us this spectacular view of the Seagull.

Congratulations Mikey on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



1-2-2022 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wolf Rayet Object WR134 in Cygnus."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Using data from multiple nights and different equipment is a real challenge! Carole has done an amazing job!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS...


12-31-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Todays Large Prom".

To finish out the year TSS would like to present member NGC 1365 (Ivan) the final TSS APOD of the year!

In addition to presenting the TSS APOD to our astrophotographers, TSS likes to share some of our member sketches, todays is one of the best we have...


12-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Draco Nebula and MBM 42, MBM 43."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Capturing dark nebulas and turning them into a work of art is a difficult task. Getting this much detail into a dark nebula image is pretty special!

Congratulations Jim on having your...


12-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Venus at Sunset".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member John Donne (Mark).

Using a DSLR camera to capture sunsets, nightscapes and sunrises is just another part of this hobby. Mark has done a great job giving us a view of Venus in the evening sky.

Congratulations Mark...


12-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 repro".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Trying out new processing methods is always an adventure. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. Kathy certainly had great success!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays...


12-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Christmas Eve Comet."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Comet Leonard is making its presents known, Joe has shared a great image for us!

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


12-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Eratosthenes and the ghosts".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Avani has given us lots of spectacular detailed views of the lunar surface. This is another!

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



12-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC246 & NGC255"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

NGC246 The Skull nebula in Cetus also known as Caldwell 56. Is a fun target to image.

Can you make out the 'skull'?

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays...


12-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7293 The Helix".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member petershah (Peter).

Many of our Astrophotographer members utilize remote locations to permanently place their equipment then operate it from their home location. This allows them to place their equipment in a more suitable...


12-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar mosaic".

Todays TSS APOD comes from a new member Neil Phillips (Neil).

Using sectional images, then 'stitching' them together to create one full image is a process that takes time and patience.

Congratulations Neil on having your image selected as todays...


12-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Monoceros R2 and NGC 2170".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

This region is not often imaged, it's great to see the beauty of this small reflection nebula.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



12-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Monkey Head Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Lots of detail in this beautiful image of NGC2174.

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mars and it's moons 16/12/21"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

In addition to featuring images we also like to recognize the sketches that our members do. The time and dedication to draw pictures of the objects in our night sky takes a special talent!


12-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Geminid Capture".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Captured using a DSLR camera, Rob gives us a look at the recent meteor shower.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


12-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Comet Leonard".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jon.s (Jon).

With the winter weather closing in it's difficult to find the clear sky to capture anything.

Jon was able to find an open spot last week and gives us this great shot of Comet Leonard.



12-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M1 Crab Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Captured using a DSLR camera and a special filter, Ron has given us a detailed look at the Crab.

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


12-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Bubble Nebula in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Captured in a narrowband "Hubble" pallet, Bruce gives us lots and lots of detail!

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


12-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 63 Ghost Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Iostone (Mark).

We have watched Mark progress since he joined TSS! It's fun to go back and watch the progression.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


12-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 1333 Embryo Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

This is a great capture of a dark nebula area with a reflection nebula in the middle. The colors are spectacular!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



12-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2239 NGC 2244 The Rosette Nebula - WIP"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

With just 3.5 hours of data, Jim has a great start on this image! We look forward to seeing the final results!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS...


12-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81 & M82 Bode's Galaxy & The Cigar Galaxy."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg), With almost 5 hours of data captured from a dark sky location Greg has given us a great look at these two Messier objects!

Congratulations Greg on having your image...


12-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"More of Flame and Horsehead with processing comparison.".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony). Tony gives us a comparison image using two different software packages to process the same data.

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


12-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42/ NGC1977"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member graywmj5 (Bill).

One of the most photographed Astronomy images of all time! Bill has given us his beautiful rendition.

Congratulations Bill on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


11-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tadpoles + Spider + Fly Nebulae."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

All we are waiting for now are the "Lions, Tigers & Bears" Oh My!!!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


11-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cygnus Wall in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7.

Using 'Narrowband' filters we can see much more of the structure and detail.

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1805"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Using image data captured using different filters and then processing in different ways is a fun way to test your processing skills. Since we only have one APOD per day, I get to pick!!!



11-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 the Cygnus Wall."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Captured using just a Ha filter, Greg has given us lots of detail!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

11-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC281 Pacman Nebula SHORGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member IC_1101 (Alex). With over 9 hours of data, Alex has given us a great look at the Pacman!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


11-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Another Pleiades m45".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mirrorgirl (Rhoda).

Learning all of the particulars of Astrophotography can be very difficult. There's many concepts to learn in addition to finding the right combinations of software tools to use.

We enjoy...


11-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN168 Tulip Nebula in Cygnus".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve). Captured using narrowband filters to help bring out the detail. Steve has given us a look at this beautiful nebula.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Soul Nebula in HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Capturing additional images and reprocessing is a great way to improve your images. It allows one to add hours and hours of data, plus a chance to improve your processing techniques.



New article11-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Elephant Trunk".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7.

Sometimes we think that everything is going wrong but we still are able to get a great image!

Congratulations SPIE7 on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


11-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar Eclipse through a C5".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dyno05 (Dana).

Dana has given us a great image of the recent lunar eclipse. Captured at 4:05 am his time, he certainly had more ambition than most of us did!!!

Congratulations Dana on having your image...


11-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wizard Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using a color camera with a special filter Steve gives us this beautiful image of the Wizard Nebula with 5 hours worth of data!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


11-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M77 and NGC1055"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Capturing those difficult images can be a real challenge, Scott has given us an image of a couple of "not so often" captured targets.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as...


11-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-280, LBN 970,971,973".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Imaging is a great way to help explore the sky. Objects noted on sky charts aren't always visible to the naked eye, Photos can bring out the details to share.

Congratulations Jim on having...


11-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Veil E+W 2 nights"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

Captured over 2 nights, the detail in this image is stunning!

Congratulations Henk on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Heart Nebula with 20 hrs Total Exposure".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Adding to data that he captured a year ago, Steve has collected 20 hours of capture time on this image.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


11-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33 The Triangulum Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Captured using Red, Green, and Blue filters with just under 2 hours of total data, Greg has brought out the color and details of this beautiful galaxy!

Congratulations Greg on having your...


11-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Captured from his backyard observatory, Avani has given us a detailed look at one of the distant planets in our solar system!

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


11-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Lion Nebula"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrographymc.

Captured over a months worth of sessions, the results are stunning!

Congratulations astrographymc on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

11-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1396 The Elephants Trunk Nebula SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astrovetteman (Tom).

Captured during many nights and processed using SHO. Tom gives us a very detailed view of the Elephant Trunk.

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays...


11-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Prom on SW quadrant 2nd day 11/7/2021"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwrights SASS (Jeff). Jeff is quite an accomplished solar photographer, his images have been featured many times as the TSS APOD! Using specialized equipment specifically made for solar imaging, Jeff...


11-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Tadpole Nebula IC410".

Todays TSS APOD is from member carastro (Carole).

3 hours and 50 minutes of data from a Bortle 8 sky!!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"DSLR image of the Heart Nebula IC 1805".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gmetric.

Captured using a DSLR camera Gmetric was able to give us this beautiful image of the Heart.

Congratulations Gmetric on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1499 SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured and processed using the SHO pallette, Steve has given us a great look at the California nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to...


11-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC253 - The Sculptor Galaxy"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Sometimes attempting to capture objects that set low in the sky because of your location, can be a challenge. Marius was able to find a couple of really clear, cool nights to capture this...


11-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SH2-114 Flying Dragon".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

Long narrowband exposures on faint objects require a lot of time. Mark put in over 2 weeks of time to gather 36 hours of data for this image!

Looks to us like it was worth it!



10-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6829 - Blinking Planetary in Cygnus."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernhard).

The detail Bernhard was able to capture in this image is excellent!

Congratulations Bernhard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD

Here's a link...


10-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Comet 67P"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Capturing images of comets takes a few extra steps to achieve great results. Larry has given us a great example.

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



10-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Dark nebulas are fun to capture. Trying to gather enough data to see the dark dusty areas is always a challenge.

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



10-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Prom Oct 18 2021 SW quadrant".

Todays TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

With our sun finally giving us something to image, Jeff has given us a great shot of just a few of the proms that are active right now.



10-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Marius was able to add more data to this image from the original 2 hours & 40 minutes. With almost 14 hours of data, Marius has given us a great image!

Congratulations Marius on having your image...


10-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cave Nebula-SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

This image is actually a reprocess from data from last year. As time and technology improves software, it's fun to go back and re-do some of our older data to see what we have learned.



10-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-155 Cave Nebula".

Today we select a beautiful image captured by member KathyNS (Kathy).

Using both narrowband filters and LRGB filters, Kathy has captured both the colors and detail of the Cave!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS...


10-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"HFG-1 and Abell-6, HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Kathy gives us a look at two rarely images objects, these targets require lots and lots of exposure time!!

Congratulations Kathy on another TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


10-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My Compilation from 5th October from Sydney".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Cliff (Cliff).

A compilation of solar activity on October 5th 2021. It's nice to see the sun become active again!

Congratulations Cliff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


10-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My First Successful DSO Imaging Session".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member chris_g (Chris). This is Chris's first successful AP session and his first APOD!.

Congratulations Chris on having your "First" TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


10-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Cocoon in HaLRGB"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Life sometimes gets in the way of Astrophotography. Scott has had his share of distractions.

It's great to see Scott back at it again! We are looking forward to seeing more.



10-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-170 Little Rosette".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

A smaller version of the popular Rosette Nebula.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:LINK


10-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Helix Nebula_Oct 2021 update."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member JohnP_1 (John).

Captured over a couple of nights, John was able to get great detail.

Congratulations John on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


10-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

The Iris nebula is a popular target this time of the year.

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic; LINK


10-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Late summer night with Jupiter and Saturn over the lake."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MartinF (Martin). A very serene image to start the fall season in the northern hemisphere.

Congratulations Martin on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!.



10-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The heart of the Heart, HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Capturing the center area of the Heart Nebula, Kathy gives us a peek at a star nursery with many young stars eroding away.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays...


9-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1499 California Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Lots of detail in this image. Steve has used narrowband filters to give us this stunning image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


9-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7000".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Jim has been busy lately capturing and processing day. Must be great to have 4 straight days of clear sky!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


9-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Barnard 150 (LDN1082) LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member IC_1101 (Alex).

This is another 'dark nebula'. These haunting images are a favorite target this time of the year!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Iostone (Mark).

The color and detail of this image are spectacular and well-deserving of our award.

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


9-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-114 the Flying Dragon nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Faint emission nebulas are hard to capture. Marius has done a great job with this one!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Veil Nebula - HOO Palette".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bradleybcraig (Brad).

Brad gives us a great image of the Veil Nebula. 7 hours of data use Ha and O3 filters.

Congratulations Brad on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


9-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell 85 SNR".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

With almost 20 hours of data captured Kathy has a great start to this faint supernova remnant.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


9-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Moon: Eratosthenes Crater & Mount Apenninus."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrographymc (Mainak).

The moon is always a favorite target. But getting as much detail as Mainak was able to get is difficult!

Congratulations Mainak on having your image selected...


9-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"North America & Pelican In SHO HaRGB".

Today we select an image captured by member STEVE333 (Steve). Playing with the color scheme of his filters, Steve has given us a great image of two popular targets!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS...


9-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"unnamed "active regions".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

There's lots of detail in Jeff solar capture from yesterday! Using specialized solar equipment, Jeff gives us a spectacular look at our stars surface!

Congratulations Jeff...


9-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Elephant Trunk Nebula - SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

20 hours of data to capture this beautiful image!

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LD0 2, LBN 325 and SNR G 82.2+5.3"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MauriceToet (Maurice).

Many AP projects have long exposure times. Gathering data to compose a narrowband image can be quite a challenge!

Congratulations Maurice on having your image selected as todays...


9-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"North America nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Captured using narrowband filters and 5 1/2 hours of data, Carole has given us a beautiful image!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M31 The Andromeda Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Jim has done a great job capturing one of the most popular targets for astrophotographers!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


9-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M45 (The Pleides)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrographymc (Mainak).

A popular target for astrophotographers, Mainak was able to capture lots of the dusty detail!

Congratulations Mainak on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


9-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member bradleybcraig (Brad).

After a long hiatus from astrophotography, Brad has posted his first recent attempt. He obviously hasn't lost his touch!

Congratulations Brad on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter on September 7th".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member TheButcher (Brian).

Jupiter can be very difficult to capture. Brian spent quite a bit of time setting up to create this beautiful image!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


9-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M20 + M21"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan). The Trifid nebula is a popular target for AP'rs and Dan has given us a great example!

Congratulations Dan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

9-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Dark Shark from dark skies".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve). Keeping with our dark nebula theme from yesterday, here's a great image of the Shark nebula!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



9-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LDN 673 in Aquila".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member MauriceToet (Maurice).

Dark Nebulas have a very mysterious look to them and are often overlooked for capturing. Maurice has done an excellent job of giving us the details of this one!

Congratulations Maurice...


9-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Sometimes, on those nights that give you fits because of technical problems, a little magic happens!

David appears to have found the magic the other night!



9-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"the galactic CORE".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member metastable.

Captured and processed to show the animation of the sky, metastable has given us the beauty of the Milkyway.

Congratulations metastable on having your image selected as today's TSS APOD!


9-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7293 The Helix Nebula".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

This planetary nebula is a favorite for Astrophotography, Gerald has given us a great example!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as today's TSS APOD!



9-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M61 Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from a suggestion by JayTee (JT).

This is an extremely well accomplished image of a rather smallish galaxy.

Congratulations astrographymc (Mainak) on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


9-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar Crater Close Up"

Todays TSS APOD comes from a member suggestion (Thanks Marshall)!

Viewing the moon craters close up with the lighting just right can produce some really great images! Member TheButcher (Brian) has shared his with us.

Congratulations Brian on...


9-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select an image of the Elephant Trunk captured by member JockinIreland (David).

Captured using his new camera and playing with processing, David has a pretty great start!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


8-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Ganymede Transit".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Jupiter and Ganymede in transit captured in stunning detail!

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

(Thank you messier 111 (Jean-Yves) for the suggestion.)


8-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sunspots on 27/8/21 AR 12859 12860 12861"

Every now and then the TSS APOD likes to feature a sketch from one of our artist members. While these are not "Photos" the work that goes into them is the way astronomers used to create images before there were cameras!



8-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Crescent and Soap Bubble".

Today we select an image of the Cresent nebula captured by member jthommes (Jim).

It's not often we see an image of the Soap Bubble so it's great Jim shared his image with us!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays...


8-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cygnus Loop".

Todays TSS APOD comes from our 'suggestion box" Link thanks Alan!

Captured as a 2 panel mosaic, member Jockinireland (David) has given us a very detailed view of the region.


8-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Saturn - August 16, 2021."

Todays TSS APOD was selected by popular demand! Link

Captured by member gcisko (Greg), his image captures all the beauty of Saturn and it's rings!



8-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"massive filament and proms".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Spend some time exploring the detail in Jeffs image!

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

8-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar Eclipse".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member 1cor29.

Capturing a total solar eclipse is pretty much a once in a lifetime event!

1cor29 was able to capture one and has shared it with TSS!

Congratulations 1cor29 on having your image selected as todays TSS...


8-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

This was Geralds first attempt at a LRGB image. We are looking forward to seeing more!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic:...


8-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7.

Captured over several weeks SPIE7 has given us a wonderful view of the Elephant!

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Transit of Europa, Concealment of Io."

Todays TSS APOD come from member astroavani (Avani).

Using 50 videos of 60 sec with 60 sec intervals totaling 2 hours of effort, Avani has given us this great video.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays...


8-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN 603, LDN 1295 and LDN 1296".

Todays TSS was suggested by quite a few of our members! link

Captured by member jthommes (Jim), these dark nebulas are spectacular!

Congratulations Jim on having...


8-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Iris Nebula ( NGC 7023 )"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrographymc (Mainak).

It's fun to try different techniques on a single subject. Mainak has given us a great example with his progress!

Congratulations Mainak on having your image selected as...


8-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a great solar active region image captured by member FRAZ (Fraz).

Captured using specialized solar equipment, Fraz was able to bring out lots of detail.

Congratulations Fraz on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Veil Nebula - My First Mosaic (HOO)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Captured using "only" 24 hours of data!! Be sure to click on the link to Astrobin to see the full size image.

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected...


8-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7822 with deep nebulosity".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member advhoeven (Andre).

Processed using data captured in 2014 and 2017, Andre has given us this beautiful image.

Congratulations Andre on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


8-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1396 - 2021 version".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

When capturing images in "narrow band" you have options to change the color channels to give a different appearance to the image. Steve has been playing with those on these images. Take...


8-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar (The Sun) Animation of Proms with Daystar Quark."

Todays TSS APOD comes from TheButcher (Brian). Using specilized equipment Brian has provided us with a video capture of a solar prominance.

Congratulations Brian on having your video selected as our TSS APOD.



8-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter and Callisto and a red spot".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member salehram.

COVID has taken it's toll on many members salehram being one of them. Along with a move, he has been busy. He recently pulled out his scope and camera and captured this beautiful image...


8-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Centaurus A by ES ED 127 MM APO Triplet."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astrographymc (Mainak).

Captured in great detail, Mainak has given us a detailed view of Centaurus A.

Congratulations Mainak on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



8-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cocoon Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

The Cocoon Nebula is a favorite amongst astrophotographers. Steve has captured it in great detail!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


8-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Quick Jupiter and Co."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gmetric.

Captured with less than favorable skies, Gmetic was able to give us a pretty detailed image.

Congratulations Gmetric on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the...


8-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Sadr Butterfly - SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Captured during less than optimal conditions, Teagan was able to give us this beautiful image of IC 1318.

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-31-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Saturn, 24 July, 2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astroavani (Avani).

Captured in stunning detail, Avani gives us another of his extrodinary closeups.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


7-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 -- first tray at a NarrowBand image."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

Every astrophotography who has attempted to do narrowband imaging, remembers there first attempts. BABO has done remarkably well for his first time out! We look forward to seeing...


7-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SADAR in HA".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve). Captured using just an Ha (Hydrogen Alpha), Steve was able to block much of the moon light to give us our APOD!!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected at todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


7-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Kathy has been doing AP for quite a while and has showen us many examples of just how much she has progressed. Her versions of M16 are excellent examples.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as...


7-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"CAk 7/26/2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Using a specialized solar filter to filter specific light waves, Jeff has given us a 'deep' look and the current activity on the Sun. As always, solar viewing requires very special equipment...


7-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-132 Lion Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member frant (Richard). This impressive image took over 23 hours of data, captured over years to create! The detail in this image is spectacular!

Congratulations Richard on having your images selected as todays TSS APOD!!!


7-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR 2849 Color".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS(Jeff).

Jeff is quite an accomplished solar photographer. His images of our closest star are stunning to say the least!

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Blood moon?"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jnicholes (Jared). While we often see images of lunar eclipes similar to Jareds image, this image demonstrates the amount of smoke the northwestern United States is getting.

Congratulations Jared on having your image selected...


7-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Crescent Nebula_HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Having a 'backup' target is a great idea, you never know what conditions will be like until you start imaging. Marius decided to go with is "backup target" the other night and...


7-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"SH2-115 (Sharpless 115)(Final Edit)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark). Captured in late May of this year, Mark did a bit more processing using some new techniques. He posted both the old version and the new version.

Here's a link to the original topic:...


7-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2796... Reworked".

Solar imaging has it's own set of problems. Clouds as always, however for those living in hot summer environments, where temps often get over 100 deg F (37.7 F), it's just too hot. Plus it really messes with seeing conditions.

One of our resident...


7-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M27 from last night".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member andrewsscope (Andy).

A great image with only 50 minutes of data!!

Congratulations Andy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Horsehead Nebula: Another different look with SHaHB."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

This is a different look than we normally see of the Horsehead nebula, using a Hydrogen Beta filter along with a Ha and SII filter, Bruce was able to compose this...


7-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Reprocessing Saturn".

As astrophotography software advances, it's nice to go back and grab some data and process it with the new tools. Member astroavani (Avani) has done that with some data from 4 years ago.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays...


7-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Dumbbell Nebula (40 hrs) - Ha/Oiii/RGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from memeber depratnt (Tegan).

40 hours of data certainly brought out the detail in this stunning image!

Congratulations Tegan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link...


7-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

Henk has been dialing in some new equipment and testing it out on familiar targets. It appears he's getting it right!

Congratulations Henk on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member RonGiddy (Ron).

Captured in stunning detail, Ron has given us a closeup peak at the Clavius crater.

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

7-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member OhNo (Brent).

It's so much fun to get new equipment that really helps create great images!!

Congratulations Brent on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark). It's fun to watch a "work in process" image. Mark has a great start!!!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter and Saturn July7th"

(Jupiter today!)

If you remember, yesterdays TSS APOD was the great image of Saturn from member jerrysykes (Jerry). He had posted 2 images, one of Saturn and one of Jupiter. Both were great images and worthy of the APOD. So today we are selecting...


7-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter and Saturn July 7th."

Today we select one of member jerrysykes (Jerry) great solar system images!

This is Jerry's Saturn image!

Congratulations Jerry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the topic: LINK


7-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6995 & NGC6960 The Eastern & Western Veil Nebula."

Today we select a beautiful image of the Veil nebula regions. Captured by TEAM member AstroBee (Greg).

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


7-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jupiter on July 5th 2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member TheButcher (Brian).

Brian has given us pretty good details on what it took to get this great capture of Jupiter!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


7-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Noctilucent Clouds".

While clouds are frowned upon by astrophotographers, they can also be a source for some really great images! Member SparWeb (Steven) has shared one of those images with us.

Congratulations Steven on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!


7-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 5364 and Abell 1809".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Be sure to check out the annotated image of this cluster of galaxies!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

7-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 5364 and Abell 1809".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Be sure to check out the annotated image of this cluster of galaxies!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

7-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M16 and the Pillars of Creation - SHORGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Captured using almost every filter on his filter wheel! Mikey was able to bring out plenty of detail in this spectular image!

Congratulations Mikey on having your image...


7-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7380 - Wizard Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Captured using narrowband filters and the SHO pallete for processing, Steve has presented us with a stunning image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


6-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Omega Centauri".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Also known as NGC 5139, or Caldwell 80, Joe has given us a beautiful image, worthy of the TSS APOD!

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


6-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Western Veil Nebula NGC6960".

Todays TSS APOD is from member Mac (Steve).

12 hours of data captured with a color camera using a L-enhance filter, Steve was able to give us a very detailed image of NGC6960.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays...


6-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6334 in HSO palette".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

One of the big headaches for astrophotographers is equipment problems, typically we tend to just throw in the towel and call it a night. Gerald hung in there and made the best of it. Using captured...


6-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 & IC5070 SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Captured over 4 nights with a total of 13 1/2 hours of data, Alex was able to bring out lots of detail!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



6-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Solar images froum June 23-21".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Solsearcher (Mike).

Mike has deminstrated how using colors, and combining images can create spectacular images of our sun!

As always, use appropriate gear and caution when viewing the sun.



6-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon on 22nd June 2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member maceemiller (Carl).

Using just a bit of "overprocessing" Carl has been able to bring out much more detail of our closest neighbor.

Congratulations Carl on having your image selected as todays TSS...


6-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"3532 Firefly".

Here at TSS we also have a number of talented sketch artists and we like to include them in our APOD. The talent to do these is amazing and the resulting image is as detailed and many of our AP photos.

Member Falcon 63 (Wayne) has given us a look at one of...


6-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Another Eclipse image."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dyno05 (Dana).

The recent solar eclipse has made for quite a few great images. This is one of the best!

Congratulations Dana on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


6-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Apennine Mountains".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member RonGiddy (Ron).

Captured with stunning detail Rons image is well deserving!

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 in LHaRGB".

Todays image is a reprocessed image captured by member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

It's always fun to take some of your old data and try different techniques to see what they look like. Bruce has done a great job with his M51!

Congratulations Bruce on...


6-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Witch's Broom NGC6960".

Today we select a great image of the "Witch's Broom" captured by member Kerry C. (Kerry).

Kerry has brought out lots of detail in this popular target.

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


6-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M27 - Dumbbell Nebula".

Today we select an image captured by member gcisko (Greg).

Greg was able to capture the details and colors of the Dumbbell with just a 10 second AVI file!

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



6-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sunrise Eclipse Composite".

Today we select an image displaying the progression of the recent eclipse. Captured by member jon.s (Jon).

Congratulations Jon on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK...


6-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD is another spectacular image captured from a remote location telescope. This from Dark Sky New Mexico at Rancho Hidalgo (Animas, New Mexico).

Captured by member dcrowson (Dan), this is another example of the use of remote equipment.



6-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Flying Bat and Squid nebulae Sh2-129/Ou4 widefield (c-shorgb) - 131h!".

Todays TSS APOD, by popular demand, comes from member ram (Ram).

Congratulations on a spectacular image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1396 SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Captured using a DSLR lens with a astrocamera, this produced a beautiful image.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:

6-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M90 - LRGB".

Today we select another great galaxy image captured by member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Captured using LRGB filters Mikey was able to pull in lots of detail!

Congratulations Mikey on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


6-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Star Spin in Forest".

Todays TSS APOD is something a little different. Choosen from our Video astronomy subforum, is a video captured by member Groovy2 (Jay). Captured using a Wyze cam and extended time lapse results in a fully animated rotation of our night sky.



6-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M100 Reprocess".

As members advance in their processing abilities, we get to see the results.

Today we select a reprocess from Graeme1858 (Graeme). The M100 galaxy reprocessed using PixInsite software.

Congratulations Graeme on having your image selected as todays...


6-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR 12829 Sat 5th June."

Todays TSS APOD comes from another of our 'solar heads'. Fraz was able to capture a lot of detail in this solar active region.

Congratulations Fraz on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original...


6-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Clamshell Nebula Sh2-119".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole). Captured and processed to produce a great image, Carole decided to try something different in processing the data. Her final results were selected as our APOD! (see post #4 for the reprocess details.).


6-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member jon.s (Jonathan).

With 17 hours of data, Johnathan has been able to bring out lots of detail!

Congratulations Jonathan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M13 in LRGB".

Today we select an image from member Hondo (Scott).

It's nice to see Scott back taking images again! This is a great capture of M13.

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


6-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7000 - tough going.".

Today we select an image from member DMouse (Paul).

Some nights are better than others. Paul had one of those nights we dread. Everything went wrong. I won't go into detail just read the link. Even with all the problems Paul was able to capture...


6-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6992 Part".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OhNo (Brent). Captured in Ha, The detail really jumps out.

Congratulations Brent on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Rosette in SHO.".

Today we select a narrowband image captured by member Hondo (Scott).

It's nice to see one of Scotts images again! It's been a while!

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


5-31-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Re-process of Earth Umbra Photo.".

Today we select a wonderful image of the eclipse of the 26th of May. Combining images captured over the duration of the eclipse into on image. Captured and processed by member OzEclipse (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected...


5-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M63, The Sunflower".

Today we select an image captured by member jnelson (Jim).

Captured with a few subs, Jim was able to pull out a lot of detail on this galaxy!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


5-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M95 M96 Sprial Pair".

Today we select a 'sprial pair' captured by member jthommes (Jim).

Capturing both M95 and M96 in a single image.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic:

5-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 7000 Cygnus Wall".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member lostone (Mark).

This is Marks narrow band version of NGC 7000 with data from 7 nights of imaging!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


5-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon on 27th May 2021."

Todays TSS APOD come from member maceemiller (Carl).

Just a single image from a DSLR camera. With great processing!

Congratulations Carl on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LoTr 5 - Planetary Nebula in Coma Bernices".

Todays TSS APOD was recommended by Alan (kt4hx) and was captured and processed by member bernhardhubl (Bernhard). With a total of just over 45 hours of data, this example of a planetary nebula is for the dedicated astronomers!!!



5-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 6744"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Using a remote imaging location and equipment (El Sauce Observatory (Rio Hurtado, Chile)) Dan was able to capture and process in stunning detail this spetacular galaxy!

Congratulations Dan on having your image...


5-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The eagle has lifted off."

Todays TSS APOD is still a work in progress. Captured by member yobbo89 (Rob), it's just the start of what appears to be a great image of The Eagle Nebula.

We are looking forward to the additional data!

Congratulations Rob on having your...


5-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81, M82 and NGC 3077"

Today we select an image from member jon.s (Jon). With 5 hours of processed data, Jon was able produce this excellent capture!

Congratulations Jon on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 - new data".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bobharmony (Bob).

With 3 hours of data from a Nikon DSLR, Bob was able to give us this great image of M51.

Congratulations Bob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original...


5-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ISS Flyby on May 17th."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member TheButcher (Brian).

By far one of the best ISS images we have seen!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC2944/8 The Running Chicken Nebula".

Today we select a great 'running chicken' captured by member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Processed in both a 'starless' version and a full version you get to pick YOUR favorite!!!

Congratulations Gerald on having your image...


5-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"L22 - Aristarchus Plateau".

Todays TSS APOD is a spectacular lunar image captured by member astroavani (Avani). There's so much detail in this image you could spend hours just 'exploring'.

Congratulations Avani on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.


5-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M65-66, Arp 16-317".

Today we select a very detailed image of two galaxies. M65 and M66, captured by member jthommes (Jim).

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My take on the Iris".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry). Captured over 3 sessions, Larry had enough data to put through StarTools to produce this great image!

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


5-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Veil Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7 (Scott).

Captured using narrowband filters and then assigning different colors for each filter, Scott was able to provide us with this great image!

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS...


5-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Attempting To Bring Out The Ha In An OSC Image".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Playing with and adding more data is a great way to improve your images. Jim has captured an additional 4.5 hours of data using a Optolong L-eNhance filter filter! Click the link...


5-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2822 5/11/2021".

Today we select a solar image from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Jeff has captured a solar active region in high detail!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select an image captured by member SkyHiker (Henk).

A popular target this time of year, Henk has captured all the detail M3 offers!

Congratulations Henk on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


5-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Reprocessed M27 from November".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Ron is showing us why it's a good idea to keep your old data. As technology improves and your processing skills develop, it's nice to have some old data to play with. Keep in mind you...


5-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M5 after moon rise".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Capturing images while the moon is out is always tough. Larry has worked around the problem and captured a great M5 image!

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


5-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2442 & 2443 Meat hook Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Iostone (Mark).

Captured using a remote setup ( Rio Hurtado Valley, Chile ) Mark was able to give us look at a beautiful pair of galaxies!

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as...


5-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bear Fight M81".

Today we select an image captured by member sdbodin (Steve). Captured during less than ideal conditions, Steve was able to gather the data for this spectacular image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!



5-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Whale and the Crowbar Galaxies".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured with just 4 hours of data, Marius was able to gather quite a bit of detail!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



5-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M97 & M108".

Today we select an image captured by member Larry 1969 (Larry).

This single image captures to Messier objects in one image and with some great detail!

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


5-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LeoTriplet -LLRGB".

Today we select an image captured by member starfield (Steve).

Steve is learning his mono camera with filters and discovering the results of his efforts!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a...


5-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sun Today 1/5/21".

Today we select a solar image from member Solsearcher (Mike).

Mike has quite a few images posting it this topic, but we could only pick one! Make sure you check out the topic: LINK


5-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC7822 nebula and open cluster in Cepheus."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ram (Ram). Captured in stunning detail and rich deep colors.

Congratulations Ram on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3675 Done Bear Hunting."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

With galaxy season in full swing we are seeing more and more images of the different galaxies!

Steve has done a great job capturing this one!

Congratulations Steve on having your...


4-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M3 under a full moon."

It never ceases to amaze me how often we see a 'test' image posted that is a great image!

Sometimes its with new equipment and sometimes it's just trying out different settings.

Member Larry 1969 (Larry) had this happen the other...


4-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 225 / NGC 2655"

Today we select an image from member jthommes (Jim).

There are a few small galaxies also captured in this image so be sure to click to enlarge it!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


4-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day

"Moon 25/04/21".

Astrophotography can get VERY expensive, trying to capture that perfect image can require lots of time and effort, plus the cost.

HOWEVER, some basic equipment that many already own can be put to use to capture impressive images!

Todays TSS APOD is...


4-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 220".

Member dcrowson (Dan) does a considerable amount of 'remote imaging' and always posts those 'little gems' for us to see!

Congratulations Dan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Jelly fish Nebula shot from the city."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member asanmax.

Captured under Bortle 8 skies!

Congratulations asanmax for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bear Hunt NGC3079".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Another rarely imaged object, "The Phantom Frisbee", shows a lot of detail!

Congratulations Steve on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 97, The Owl Nebula in HOO".

Todays TSS APOD is from member umasscrew39 (Bruce). Captured in narrowband, Bruce has been able to give us this colorful view.

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original...


4-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC3372 - Eta Carinae Nebula."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald). Another object that those of us "up north" don't get to see!

Congratulations Gerald on a great capture!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Nice Proms 4/20/2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Jeff has given us a look at a spectacular solar prominence that he captured this morning!

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!



4-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M106 and some friends".

It's always nice when you can get a great image on a "first light" of a new scope!

Congratulations to member Gmetric on having gathered a first light APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M63 - Sunflower Galaxy in LRGB".

Today we select a great image of the Sunflower Galaxy captured by member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Congratulations Mikey on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Graeme1858 (Graeme).

With "Galaxy season" upon us, it's fun to see what members are finding to capture!

Congratulations Graeme on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


4-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon-Mars Occultation 2021".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Harshil.

A great image of a rare event.

Congratulations Harshil on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK...


4-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell 31 WIP".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy). Capturing deep sky images is always a challenge, but getting those really faint ones, especially when using narrowband filters. Kathy has a great start!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as...


4-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"WIP of M51".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

This is a great start Tony and very worthy of todays TSS!


Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 5128"

Todays TSS APOD is a remotely captured image by member Ed217 (Ed).

Captured at the Siding Spring Observatory in Coonabarabran, NSW part of the iTelescope facility. Ed was able to image this great galaxy.

Congratulations Ed on having your image selected as...


4-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of The Day.

"The Needle Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

David captured one of the favorites of 'galaxy season'.

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured using a mono AP camera using LRGB filters and 12 1/2 hours of data. Marius presented us with a great view!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!



4-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Markarian's Chain and Friends".

Today we select a great galaxy image from member jon.s (Jon).

Markarian's Chain is a popular target but catching the detail is difficult. Jon has done a great job!

Congratulations Jon on having your image selected as todays TSS...


4-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Abell 21, The Medusa Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Bruce has done some reprocessing on old data, this is a fun way to practice and see the different results!!

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.


4-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2070 Tarantula Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD was captured using a "Remote" location. Captured in the Southern skies that most of us "Northerners" never get to see.

Congratulations to member lostone (Mark) on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


4-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Santos Dumont Crater".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

A very detailed closeup of the lunar surface!

Congratulations Avani for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


4-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Bubble and it's Center: SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Captured last fall and reprocessed in SHO, Teagan has really pulled out some detail!

Congratulations Teagan on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.



4-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Markarian's Chain".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Alex captured almost 8 hours of data on the subject image and has really pulled in the detail!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link...


4-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Orion Nebula and its friend - the Running Man."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member asanmax (Max).

Using a full spectrum modified Nikon camera Max was able to capture this beautiful image!

Congratulations Max on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


4-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Jellyfish".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member jnelson (Jim).

Captured with a color Astrophotography camera, Jim was able to pull in quite a bit of detail!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


4-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 4274 - Ring galaxy in Coma Berenices".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernhard).

There's a lot of detail in this image so check it out!

Congratulations Bernhard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to...


4-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Best Ever".

Today we select probably the very best Astrophotography photo we have ever posted!!!

Captured by member Loof (April) it represents the very best of the best.

Congratulations April on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link...


3-31-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Large Prom 3/30/2021"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Jeff is one of our resident "solar heads" and was able to capture this spectacular prominence!

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Around Gamma Cygni (HaLRGB)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from a new member to TSS. kc75star ( Konstantinos ).

Congratulations Konstantinos on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81 LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member chartram (Mike).

Congratulations Mike on a great capture of M81!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC2359 - Thor's Helmet Nebula in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Once in a while even a new AP camera can fail! Gerald had that happen. Considering there was a camera defect, this stack came out great!

Looking forward to the new camera...


3-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moonscape Mosaic March 23rd".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member TheButcher (Brian).

Close up and lots of detail!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 299 +296".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan). Dan does a lot of remote imaging using his own equipment located in Dark Sky New Mexico at Rancho Hidalgo (Animas, New Mexico). The fun part is Dan is spending the majority of his time capturing rarely imaged objects!...


3-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy WIP".

Todays TSS APOD comes from TEAM member Juno16 (Jim).

As with many AP'rs reworking an image with additional data collected can give some pretty great results!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


3-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messing with M82".

Today we select an image captured by member sdbodin (Steve).

Steve took some data from an image he captured a while back and re-processed it into this stunning image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image featured as todays TSS APOD!



3-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Nova in Cas".

One of the recent objects to appear in the night sky is a super nova that was recently discovered. Member KathyNS (Kathy) was able to capture it the other night and posted to our Deep Sky images subforum!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as...


3-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar X and Lunar V. 3/20/2021".

Todays TSS APOD (video)... Comes from member Dyno05 (Dana).

Congratulations Dana on having your video selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"More Galaxy Getting NCG4244".

As "Galaxy Season" progresses we will see more and more galaxy images posted!

Congratulations to member sdbodin (Steve) on a great one!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bok's globules in Rosette nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Give it a try and see how many 'animals' you can see.

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


3-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Jellyfish nebulae".

Today's TSS APOD comes from member ram (Ram).

It took 37 hours of data to produce these spectacular results!

Congratulations Ram on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius). Captured using a OSC (one shot color) camera, Marius captured 13 hours of data to give us this beautiful image of M63.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 316".

It's Galaxy season!!!

To get the season started, here's a great image of "bunch" of galaxies all in one spot, captured by TEAM member KathyNS (Kathy).

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a galaxy far far away.

Congratulations to member sdbodin (Steve) on a great capture worthy of todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Some Rosette Closeups-Animals!".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve). Steve recently captured the Rosette and while playing with the data started to see a few "animals" in the images. Have some fun and see what you can find!

Congratulations Steve...


3-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette HOO".

It can be fun to 'reprocess' narrowband images to different color schemes. Member Jockinireland (David). Has taken some data from a couple of weeks ago and given us a different look at it!

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays...


3-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member IC_1101 (Alex).

5 hours of data helps to bring out the detail.

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


3-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Messier 106 and Friends - LRGB from Bortle 7 (asi294mm First Light)."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Sometimes you get a lucky break on first lights of a new camera and gather data to produce an image like this!

Congratulations Teagan on a great...


3-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Full Moon in Eye Popping Color".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob). Using a combined set of images, Rob was able to capture a great image of the moon just before sunrise.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



3-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Markarian's Chain LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Chartram (Mike).

Be sure to click on the image in the original post to get a close up! Lots of detail here!!

Congratulations Mike on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link...


3-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Rosette NGC2244".

Captured by member Kerry C. (Kerry), todays TSS APOD image of the Rosette brings out the detail and colors of this nebula in stunning detail!

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original...


3-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ngc3576 mosaic".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob). Captured in narrowband and processed using the HSO color channels, After 22 hours of capture time, Rob has created a spectacular mosaic of the area.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays...


3-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M35 and company".

Today we select an image captured by member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Captured during a 'Test' session, Larry was able to produce a winning image!

Congratulations Larry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


3-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Pleiades Mars Conjunction".

Todays TSS APOD come from member jon.s (Jon). Suggested by TEAM member Astrobee, we are pleased to present this beautiful image!

Congratulations Jon on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


3-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M 51 LRGB Actually My Data!".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astrovetteman (Tom).

It's really nice when you finally get some clear sky and can setup in your backyard!

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link...


3-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula NGC2244 (Bortle 8)".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Captured in Narrowband with a total of 8 hours worth of data. Carole was able to pull in a bunch of data!!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!


3-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Skull and Crossbones Nebula - NGC 2467 & LBN 1066 in HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve). Captured in narrowband, Steve has pulled out a lot of data!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


3-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula".

Today we select another spectacular image from member Mac (Steve). Steve has provided us with a number of great images in the past, this is one of his best!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to...


3-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC2174/25 Monkey Head Nebula".

Today we select an image captured by member KathyNS (Kathy).

Using just Ha and OIII filters, Kathy was able to process this great image!

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link...


2-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC2174 The "Monkey Head" shot during the Full Moon."

Today we select an image captured by member BigKahuna (Ron).

Capturing deep sky images while under a full moon is quite a challenge.

Congratulations Ron on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!


2-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sharpless 275 - The Rosette Nebula".

Today we select an image from member dcrowson (Dan). Dan is an avid astrophotography that does a lot of 'remote' AP. This particular image is from his backyard! Dan captures many of the 'neglected' objects we seldom see in images!...


2-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Heart and Soul".

Today we select the Heart and Soul captured by member Mac (Steve). Captured using only an Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) filter and merged into a single frame, Steve was able to share a great image!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as today TSS APOD!


2-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horse head nebula in SHO and HSO."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SPIE7. Captured in narrowband and processed using two different combinations.

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"14 panel composite Moon [ICE]".

Today we select a lunar image composed of 14 separate images 'stitched' together to form a single image.

Captured and processed by member Greenman (Tony).

Congratulations Tony!!!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ken_nneth (Kenneth). Also known as the "California Nebula". NGC1499 is a popular target for AP'rs.

Congratulations Kenneth on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original...


2-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC434 - Horses Head in HA."

Today we select an image captured using just a Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) filter. The texture of the black and white image brings out great detail in this popular AP subject.

Congratulations to member DMouse (Paul) on having his image selected as todays...


2-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette nebula_HOO- my version."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Captured in narrowband and processed using HOO as the color channels.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original...


2-18-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Wolf Moon".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SMPhotography (Scott).

Congratulations Scott on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M61 --galaxy in Virgo".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

Going through the Messier objects for a second time can be fun!

Congratulations BABO on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Satellite and Milkyway".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Groovy2 (Jay).

Congratulations Jay on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Andromeda Galaxy".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jon.s (Jon).

Jon has captured a popular target for AP'rs and captured lots of detail!

Congratulations Jon on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M1, the Crab Nebula, in HOO-RGB".

Captured by TEAM member KathyNS. Todays TSS APOD is a spectacular view of M1.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Waning Gibbous".

It's fun to see the 'cell phone grabs', that members post from time to time. This is one of the better ones so it was selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Congratulations to member "The Wave Catcher" (Steve)!

Here's a link to the...


2-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My first Flame!".

Today we select a 'first' captured by member maceemiller (Carl).

Carl caught a great image the flame nebula with just a peek of the Horse Head!

Congratulations Carl on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


2-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2786 12/3/3030".

Since many of us are under clouds, I thought it would be nice to see the sun again!!!

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Congratulations Jeff on having your images selected!!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


2-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ken_nneth (Kenneth).

Also known as the "Heart Nebula", it's a perfect Valentines day gift!

Congratulations Kenneth!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette in bi-color - dark globules.".

Today we select a great image of the Rosette nebula captured by member starfield (Steve).

This image is a great example of using the data you have, and trying different techniques.

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected...


2-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sinus Iridum 23-1-2021."

Today we select a great lunar image captured by member Jamescook1971 (James).

Captured so the sun was just reflecting off the edges of the craters.

Congratulations James on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!



2-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC2359 Thor's Helmet".

Today we select an image captured by TEAM member AstroBee (Greg). Captured under dark sky just outside of Baker, Ca. (the middle of nowhere!!!).

Congratulations Greg on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC434 The Horsehead Nebula: A different look with SHaHB".

Today we get a 'different' look at a popular AP target.

Member umasscrew39 (Bruce) has captured this target using a not so common filter.

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays...


2-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 LRGB".

Today we select an image of probably the most photographed nebulas. M42 the Orion nebula.

Captured by member chartram (Mike).

Congratulations Mike on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1499- California Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Congratulations Marius on a great capture!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2467 nebula in PUPPIS."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (BABO).

It has been fun to watch BABO improve his AP work.

Congratulations BABO on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


2-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Milky Way Boreal Forest "test"".

Going back into the time machine again.....

When TSS first started many members were just 'testing' the forum software. However what they used to test is some great AP images!

Congratulations to member Kanadalainen...


2-1-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a lunar image captured by member Piet Le Roux.

Captured from a location in South Africa we get to see that the moon looks the same even in the southern hemisphere!!!

Congrations Piet on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!


1-31-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC405 Flaming Star Nebula in HaRGB.".

Sometimes it's fun to go back and look at images that we captured years ago. I jumped in the 'go-back' time machine today and found one of the first images posted on TSS by our very own KathyNS (Kathy). Posted 3 days after we went...


1-30-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 2477 -- open cluster in the south.".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOAfrica (BABO).

A cluster that is not often imaged, but certianly has a lot to offer!

Congratulations BABO for a great image!!!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-29-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"LBN639 - High Galactic Latitude Nebulosity".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim has captured a region that we don't often see images taken.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the...


1-28-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a landscape image captured by member Falcon 63 (Wayne).

Wayne is one of our resident sketchers so it's nice to see him using a camera also!

Congratulations Wayne!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-27-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Portrait of Gugurmin".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Congratulations on a great Landscape image of the Australian dark sky.

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-26-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Lunar Cycle!"

Member Harshil has begun a project to image a complete lunar cycle. While many of us have wanted to do this it's not an easy task!

We congratulate Harshil on his attempt and look forward to seeing the completed project. In the mean time here's just one...


1-25-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Barnard's Loop M78 and Bogeyman".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole). Carole has been imaging for a while and has always posted great images!

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original...


1-24-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Another ISS Flyby with Video - Jan 19th at 53 Degrees".

Today we select another great ISS image captured by member TheButcher ( Brian ).

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-23-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M45, The Seven Sisters, or Pleiades".

Today we select a great image of the Pleiades, captured by member Kerry C. (Kerry).

Congratulations Kerry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-22-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Orion Nebula jan 21 2021".

Astrophotographers always remember those first attempts. Mostly washed out or extremly faint images. Today we select a great "starting out" image from member murphcc1 (Murph).

Congratulations Murph on having your image selected as todays...


1-21-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Some lunar close-ups".

Today we select a lunar image captured by firsttime APOD winner MrShorty.

Congratulations on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-20-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Bode's Nebula and a Puppy".

Today we select an image captured by TEAM member Juno16 (Jim).

Bode's nebula is a great target for AP'rs and Jim has given us a great image of it!

Plus a new puppy too!

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected...


1-19-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81 & M82 LRGB".

Today we select a galaxy image captured by member chartram (Mike).

Congratulations Mike on a great image and todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-17-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Monkey Head".

Today we select a "first ever SHO" image from member starfield (Steve).

Congratulations on a great start!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-16-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ngc3576, freedom and liberty."

Todays TSS APOD comes from TEAM member yobbo89 (Rob).

His 2 panel mosaic in Ha is spectacular!

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-15-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Member Mac (Steve) gets the nod today for his Ha image of the tadpoles.

Congratulations Steve on a great capture.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-14-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cosmic Rosebud - NGC 7129, vdB 146".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Jim has detailed this area quite well in his posting.

Congratulations Jim!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-13-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula reprocess".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Processed both with and without stars.

Contratulations Alex!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-12-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"My First Horsehead and Flame."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

For anyone who had imaged this, they know it can be difficult.

Congratulations David on a great first try!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-11-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC443 Jelly Fish".

Today we select an image captured by member Mac (Steve).

Steve has won our APOD many times in the past with his spectacular images, todays is no exception!

Congratulations Steve!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-10-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Summer Milky Way".

Today we select a widefield image captured by member OzEclipse (Joe).

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-9-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula from 1/06/21".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BigKahuna (Ron).

A great image using an unmodified DSLR camera.

Congratulations Ron!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-8-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a image that was captured by member SPIE7.

A new astrophotographer, SPIE7 has really got the "knack".

Hopefully this is the first of many TSS APODs.


Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-7-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M1 The Crab Nebula - A Quick Look".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Juno16 (Jim).

Congratulations Jim on a great image!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


1-6-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

A very detailed image of the Ptolemaeus on the surface of the moon.

Congratulations Avani on a having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the orginlal topic: LINK


1-5-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 273".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on a great image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-4-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 1514 - Crystall Ball Nebula in HOORGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member XCalRocketMan ( Mikey ).

This is another seldom captured object!

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


1-3-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M31, M32, M110 w/ DSLR 300mm".

Today we select a wide field image captured by member metastable.

Congratulations on a great image!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK



1-2-2021 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Rosette Nebula with DSLR".

Thanks to member jon.s (Jon) for taking the time to post his Rosette Nebula image. Be sure to check out the equipment and the methods for this great image!

Congratulations Jon!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Cocoon nebula".

By popular demand.

Captured in Narrowband

ApproxTwo hours of data.

ZWO ASI1600mm-C

Orion EQ6g mount


Processed using Deep Sky Stacker / StarTools.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Elephant Trunk Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Graeme1858.

A great image worthy of the TSS APOD!

Congratulations Graeme!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mare Humorum".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Congratulations Avani on another great lunar image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Crab Nebula (M1) in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

A spectacular image!!! Congratulations Bruce!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M78 LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD was captured by member Astrovetteman (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC443 - Jellyfish Nebula"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

A spectacular capture!

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's link to the original topic: LINK


12-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Geminid meteor shower".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jnelson.

Congratulations on a great capture!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"I've got this friend...".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Lowjiber (John).

This is another of Johns great solar images!

Congratulations John on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Horsehead and Flame Nebula - My Version".

Todays TSS APOD comes from one of our TEAM members Juno16 (Jim).

In the original topic you will see that Jim processed the data twice, once with PS and once with PI. I couldn't pick the 'best' so I just went with the first...


12-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 with the latest StarTools".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Larry 1969 (Larry). He's been succesfully practicing with some of the new tools availible from the StarTools image processing software. LINK

Ivo @ Startools has...


12-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Talking to the moon".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Congratulations Avani on a spectacular lunar image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Rosette in SHO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member depratnt (Teagan).

Congratulations Tegan on a great image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M1 LRGB".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member chartram (Mike).

It feels really good when you are very busy and only have a short time to capture and you get results like this!

Congratulations Mike!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Running Man & M42".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ulteriormodem (Tom). A great wide field shot!

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


12-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ISS and Dragon last night."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dyno05 (Dana). A great image of the Internations Space Station with a docked SpaceX Dragon.

Congratulations on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a great "Pacman" image captured by member Mac (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"RNO 134"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bernhardhubl (Bernhard).

This is a region that we often overlook, so it's nice to see such a great image of the area.

Congratulations Bernhard on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link...


12-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"99.8% Full Moon with a C5".

Today we select a great lunar image from member Dyno05 (Dana).

Love the color of the lunar surface in this image.

Congratulations Dana on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Arp 113"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

A nice grouping of NGC's!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 63 - Gamma Cass Nebula".

Todays TSS APOD comes from TEAM member KathyNS (Kathy).

Congratulations on a great image worthy of todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC5070 Pelican Nebula HA".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve). Captured with a 98% moon using just a Hydrogen Alpha filter.

Congratulations Steve on another great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


12-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon from tonight with halo".

Some times you look up to the sky and see something that's just worth capturing!

Thanks to member andrewsscope (Andy) for taking a moment to capture todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


12-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Luna & the ISS".

Today we select a great lunar image with the ISS crossing over it!

Congratulations to member Jay Smedley (Jay)!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


11-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"sharp prom 11/29/2020".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Jeff's one of our resident Solar heads and posts some great solar images!

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to...


11-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"HorseHead and Flame...More Data".

Today we select an great image from member Astrovetteman (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"26-11-2020 Close-ups".

Today we select just one of the great lunar images captured by member Jamescook1971.

It was difficult to pick just one so make sure you check out the orginal topic: LINK



11-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Simeis 147 (Sh2-240 Spaghetti Nebula from Bortle 8".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Carole was able to capture a difficult target from a very light polluted site.

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Flaming Star & Tadpoles Nebulae - HOO".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on an image deserving of the TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-25-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33. through the astrograph."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member UlteriorModem (Tom).

Tom has been busy 'fine tuning' his new Astrograph telescope. I think the results show he's gaining some ground!

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays...


11-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Seagull Nebula Sh2-296, LBN 1033".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim). A wonderful BiColor image (with RGB stars.

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


11-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

A beautiful image of the sea of Tranquility.

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"California Dreamin'".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Starry Night: Star Trails Above the Pod."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

A great nightscape featuring his astronomy dome and star trails.

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


11-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M42 WIP 2020".

Today we select an excelent image of the Orion Nebula from member Astrovetteman (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2781 Nov 4,2020"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Lowjiber (John).

Captured using specialized solar equipment, John was able to capture the surface and spicules jumping off the limb.

Congratulations John on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula (Butterfly)"

Today we select a great image by member Iostone (Mark).

Congratulation Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1893 (Tadpoles)"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OhNo (Brent).

Great capture of the Tadpoles Brent.

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


11-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"ISS Fly By"

Member TheButcher (Brian) has provided us with todays TSS APOD!

It's always amazing to see our ISS captured by a ground based amature telescope!

Congratulations Brian on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


11-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the day.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member StargazerQ ( François ).

Congratulations François on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

(jupiter animation).

Todays TSS APOD comes from TEAM member yobbo89 (Rob).

Captured as individual frames to create an animation. Congratulations Rob on some great images and an award winning animation!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moonlight influences aurora (green Vader)".

Todays TSS APOD was captured by member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Congratulations Ian on a great nightscape image!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


11-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mars - 11/8/2020"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member avid.astronomer (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on a great image of Mars!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Heart and Melotte 15".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1499 California Nebula"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member avdhoeven ( André )

Congratulations André on a spectacular image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Asi183mm First Light - Bubble Nebula SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from our 'Birthday boy' Depratnt (Teagan).

Congratulations Teagan on a great image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Soul Nebula in HOO".

Member STEVE333 (Steve) has been continually working on his processing techniques and the progress is really showing!

Here's an example worthy of todays TSS APOD!!!

Congratulations Steve!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Big Mars RGB with 625mm and QHY5III178M 10 october 2020."

Todays TSS APOD come from member Luc CATHALA (Luc).

A great set of images of mars!

Congratulations Luc!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Starless Pelican Nebula in SHO"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Processed to remove the stars, this image gives us different perspective of the Pelican.

Congratulations Bruce on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!



11-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mars 2-11-2020".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jamescook1971 (James).

A great capture of Mars!!

Congratulations James on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC6995 The Eastern Veil Nebula in Narrowband".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member AstroBee (Greg).

Congratulations Greg on a great capture!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


11-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The Wizard in HA"

Today we select a image captured in Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) although just in gray scale these images produce the majority of the detail when capturing "narrow band" images. Steve even went so far as to 'colorize' his Ha image!



11-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Halloween Moon".

Todays TSS APOD come from member BigKahuna (Ron).

Congratulations Ron on a great lunar image!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-31-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M81 and M82 repro"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bobharmony (Bob).

Congratulation Bob on a great 'reprocess'!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Moon 2 Panel Mosaic from October 6th."

Congratulations to member TheButcher ( Brian ) for having his 'closeup' lunar image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"AR2778 Oct 28, 2020"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Lowjiber (John).

Congratulations John on a great solar image!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 253 -- galaxy down south."

Today we select an image capture from Kenya by our own BABOafrica (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33 - New Mexico"

Today we select a great image of M33 captured by member rayincorrales (Ray).

Congratulations Ray on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Good to be back! Heart Nebula"

Welcome back Teagan!

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-25-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Starnet nightscape"

Today we select a beautiful nightscape image captured by member StargazerQ (Francois).

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC 1396 - a little new data & a little reprocess".

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bradleybcraig (Brad). Brad shows us it can be fun to go back and add new data and reprocess some of those images we have captured.

Congratulations Brad on having your image selected as...


10-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC1499 California Nebula"

Our TSS APOD for October 23rd comes from member Mac (Steve). A great Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) filtered version of the California Nebula.

Congratulations Steve!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M31 LRGB WIP #2"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Astrovetteman (Tom).

It's hard to think he could 'add' anything more to this image!

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic:...


10-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Holiday offering of a malevolent Wizard".

Our TSS APOD for October 21st comes from member DEnc (David).

Congratulations David on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sun on 17/10/20"

Our sketch artists are at is again!

You don't see a 'solar' sketch done often. Member mariosi (Marios) has done a great sketch to share with us.

Congratulations Marios on your TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic:

10-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M33 quest"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member starfield (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

(Thanks to member kt4hx (Alan) for the suggestion!).

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Impusive behavior".

Sometimes one of our 'artistic' members captures the night sky by sketching. (Yes these are inculded as AP works). Todays TSS APOD is one of those.

Contratulations to member John Donne (John) on having his sketch selected.

Here's a link...


10-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ken_nneth (Kenneth).


Here's a link for the original topic: LINK


10-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Milky Way 10-15-2020"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ed217 (Ed).

Congratulations Ed!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Sh2-263 and vdB 38"

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Congratulations Jim on a spectacular image!!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Mars - Of Course"

Member DMouse (Paul) was able to capture a great image of Mars.

Congratulations Paul on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


10-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Late season Lagoon"

Congratulations to member starfield (Steve) on a great capture of the Lagoon Nebula!

Todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Marsha's Moon"

Member I am Marsha (Marsha) has posted a great image of the lunar with just a single exposure.

Congratulation Marsha on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1848 SHO"

Tom (Astrovetteman) has been busy lately! Capturing some great SHO images.

Congratulation Tom for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"Gamma Cygni Nebula 1x2 Mosaic Narrowband."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bradleybcraig (Brad).

Congratulations Brad on a spectacular image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"M8 Lagoon Nebula SHO".

Captured by member Mac (Steve) is a great example of what using narrowband filters can achive!

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"The craters of Mars 625 mm QHY5III 178MM 01/10/2020."

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Luc CATHALA (Luc).

Luc has provided us with an amazing image of mars!

Congratulations Luc on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original...


10-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"NGC 1360 -- Robin's Egg Nebula"

Today we select a great image from member BABOafrica (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"IC1805 Heart Nebula SHO".

Today we select a great image of the Heart Nebula captured by member Astrovetteman (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

"A very good mars".

Todays TSS APOD was captured by member Michael Barbieri (Michael).

Congratulations Michael on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC7293 - re-process.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Congratulations Gerald on a great reprocess!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Squid nebula Ou4 (c-orgb).

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ram (Ram).

Congratulations Ram!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC281 SHO With ASI6200.

Thanks to member Astrovetteman (Tom) for posting a his image of NGC281. It looks like that new camera is working out quite well.

Congratulations for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


10-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Pelican Nebula.

Jockinireland (David) has provided us with the TSS APOD for today.

Congratuations David on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M31 from New Mexico.

Todays TSS APOD comes from a new member. rayincorrales (Ray).

Congratulations Ray on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Blue Snowball.

Captured by member sdbodin (Steve) is The Blue Snowball, NGC7662, in Andromeda.

Congratulations Steve for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Plato and the Alps.

Today we select a great lunar image posted my member Greenman (Tony).

Congratulations Tony on having your image selected for our TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Moonlit Andromeda.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

Congratulations Henk on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Black Spruce and Aurora at Wanipigow.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Congratulations Ian on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-25-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 7129

Today we select a beautiful image from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sh2-82 in Sagitta.

Today we select an image posted by member MariusD69 (Marius).

Thanks Marius for providing us with a great image of Sh2-82!.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sep 22, 2020 Prom on NW Limb.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Lowjiber (John).

John is one of our resident solar photographers.

Thanks John of a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic. LINK


9-22-2020 TSS Astronomy Photo of the Day.

Mars 22/09/20.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Greenman (Tony).

Congratulations on a great image of Mars!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Bubble +Lobster Claw + M57 HOO.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member STEVE333 (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

SH 2-157 and NGC 7635, Lobster and Bubble narrowband.

Today we select member MartinF (Martin) image of the Lobster and Bubble in narrowband!

Congratulations Martin on a great image!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


9-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Melotte 15 SHO

Todays TSS APOD come from member Micke187 ( Mikael ).

Congratulations Mikael on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Jockinireland (David).

Congratulations David on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Mars 11 September 2020.

Todays we select a great image of Mars captured by member MIchael Barbieri (Michael).

Congratulations Michael on having your image featured as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

North American and Pelican SHO.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member bradleybcraig (Brad).

Congratulations Brad on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Cunningar Bridge.

Today we select just one of the amazing images captured by member OzEclipse Joe.

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK.


9-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Jupiter, 2020-09-11

Todays TSS APOD comes from member astroavani (Avani).

Congratulations Avani on a spectacular image of Jupiter!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Pacman Bicolor.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Micke187 ( Mikael ).

Congratulations Mikael on a great capture!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Heart Nebula in SHO

Captured by member TheButcher in narrow band for a stunning image!

Congratulations TheButcher for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Mars on September 5, 2020

Today we select a great image of Mars captured by member XCalRocketMan (Mikey).

Congratulations Mikey on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M33 Triangulum Galaxy.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

A great capture Steve, Congratulations!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sinus Iridum

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Michael Barbieri.

Congratulations Michael on a spectacular lunar image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Milky Way n the White Mountians.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Dyno05 (Dana).

Congratulations Dana on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M27 a diamond in the rough :D

Today we select an image capture by member UlteriorModem (Tom).

Congratulations Tom on a great TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 5068

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS (Kathy).

Congratulations Kathy!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M1 Crab Nebula

Today we select an image of the Crab Nebula, captured by member Mac (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Lower's Nebula Sh2-261

Member jthommes (Jim) has provided us with todays TSS APOD!

Congratulations Jim on an amazing image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M28 under the Full Moon

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula

The Bubble Nebula, captured by member mbenjaminz28 is todays TSS APOD!


Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


9-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

C-9, SH2-155, Cave Nebula.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member KathyNS.

Congratulations Kathy on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-31-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 6888 first light with ASIair's scheduling functions.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian).

Congratulations Ian on a great 'first light'.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

First light! Pacman nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Micke187 ( Mikael ).

Congratulations Mikael on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

IC1318 - 15+ hours narrowband

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MartinF (Martin).

Congratulatons Martin on a beautiful image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Mars august 14, 2020 625mm QHY5III 178M C.

Todays TSS APOD is from member Luc CATHALA (Luc). Luc gives us a stunning image of Mars.

Congratulations Luc on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Loop Prom 8/26/2020 1600 utc

Today we select a great solar image from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 7023

Todays TSS APOD comes from member mbenjaminz28.

Congratulations on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NEOWISE and Southampton Lighthouse-

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jon.s (Jon).

Congratulations Jon on having your images selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M13 Hercules cluster.

Todays we select an image of M13 captured by member Mac (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

war and peace sho.

Todays TSS APOD is from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on a great image!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

LBN 7, LDN 43 and Some Cometary Nebule.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


8-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

My Best Saturn So Far.

Today we select a great Saturn image by member Dyno05 (Dana).

Congratulations Dana on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Western Veil_ASI294+ L-enhance.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Lagoon Nebula.

Today we take a look at the Lagoon Nebula. Captured by member KenGS (Ken).

Congratulations Ken for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Milky Way to Horizon wide field

Todays TSS APOD comes from member sdbodin (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Eastern Veil_ASI294+L-enhance.

Today we select a beautiful image of the Eastern Veil, captured by member MariusD69.

Congratulations Marius on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Milky Way from home.

Who says you can't take great AP images from a cell phone....

Todays TSS APOD comes from member I am Marsha (Marsha).

Congratulations Marsha on a great cell phone image!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M27 but no Perseids

(or You Can't Always Get What You Want...)

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jerrysykes (Jerry).

Congratulations Jerry on making the best of the night.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Heart (Ced7Cr26/IC1805/LBN654/Mel15/Sh2-190) and Fishead (Ced6/IC1795/LBN645/NGC896) Nebulae (c-sho)

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ram (Ram).

Congratulation Ram on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: TSS...


8-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M27 w/L-enhance

Todays TSS APOD comes from member MariusD69 (Marius).

Congratulations Marius!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Milky Way over abandoned homestead.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sh2-91 The Other "Veil" (SNR) in Cygnus.

Today TSS APOD comes from member jthommes (Jim).

Congratulations Jim!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M20--Trifid Nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member BABOafrica (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

A Little Work in Black & White.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Lowjiber (John). Another great solar image!

Congratulations John on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

ngc 2070 the big spider!

Todays TSS APOD comes from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Elephant Trunk.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Stuart. A great capture and processing of the Elephant Trunk!

Congratulations Stuart!!!

Here's a link to the original Topic: LINK


8-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Heart and Soul Nebulae.

Somebody has been busy imaging lately! Congratulations to member carastro (Carole) for having just one of her images selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic LINK


8-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Todays TSS APOD comes from memeber JayTee (JT). He captured both Jupiter and Saturn on the same night but we had to pick just one. So here it is.

Congratulations JT.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC6334 the Cat's Paw Nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Gerald_db (Gerald).

Congratulations Gerald on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


8-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Composite from inside my POD.

What better way to enjoy the night sky! Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-31-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

needle prom 7/30.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

One of our resident 'solar heads', Jeff gives us a rare view of recent activity on the sun.

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


7-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Waxing Gibbous 72% Illuminated 29/07/2020

Today we select a lunar image captured using a dobsonian telescope using a Cell phone and a phone holder.

Congratulations to member SirTalllPaul for a great image using minimal equipment!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

AR 2767 July 28, 2020.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Solsearcher.

Thanks for providing us with a great solar image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Pelican Nebula, SHO

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Baskevo (James).

Congratulations James on a great image!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Pillars of Creation.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member mbocca (Mike). A beautiful capture of the Pillars of Creation at 2800mm.

Congratulations Mike!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member dcrowson (Dan).

Congratulations Dan!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-25-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise

Take a good hard look at this image. Although it doesn't really fall into the 'category'. We had to choose it even though it's not really a "Photo".

Congratulations to member mariosi (Marios) on having his sketch selected as todays TSS...


7-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Moon with a 76mm.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Thefatkitty (Mark).

Congratulations Mark on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


7-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Weekend Prom on NE Limb.

Today we select a solar image from member Lowjiber (John). John has been doing solar AP for quite a while and has been a great help to me and many others.

Congratulations John on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the...


7-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

North America nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

Congratulations Henk on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Elephant Trunk

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Baskevo (James).

Congratulations James on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 6960 Western Veil

Today we select an image captured by member umasscrew39 (Bruce).

Congratulations Bruce on a beautiful capture of the Western Veil.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Neowise from Farren Hill.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member SkyHiker (Henk).

Congratulations Henk on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

180 degree NLC panorama.

Today we select a panorama of lake Vättern located in Sweden.

Congratulations to member MartinF (Martin) for having his image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

Todays TSS APOD comes from member gcisko (Greg).

Thanks Greg for a great image!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC7635 Bubble Nebula SHO

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex). A great, well processed image of the Bubble!

Congratulations Alex on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Kanadalainen (Ian). A beautiful early morning image of comet Neowise.

Congratulations Ian.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Noctiucent & Neowise.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Carlos (Carl). A beautiful image of water, clouds, and Neowise.

Congratulations Carl on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Milky way over Hood River.

What better way to test out a new lens!

Congratulations to member Caddman (Glenn) on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

OH NO!!! Not another comet shot.

Trying to keep up with our current 'comet mania'. Here's a great shot from member Baurice (Phil).

Congratulations Phil on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC6960 Veil Nebula

Captured by member BABOafrica (Joe). Here's todays TSS APOD!

Congratulations Joe on a great image!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-10-2020 TSS Astronomy Photo of the Day.

Night time photo of the moon 250mm Canon 500D

Congratulations to member realflow100 on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

More Comet Neowise.

Today we select another Neowise image.

Captured by member sdbodin (Steve). Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Congratulations to member AstroBee (Greg) on his most recent Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise images!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

First stack of the Moon.

Today we select an image that was captured with just a cell phone and telescope. Add to that some processing and well, you can see the results for yourself.

Congratulations to member StarGazer45 (Manuel) on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!



7-6-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

West Veil + Pickersing's Triangle - Ha

Today we select an image captured using just a Ha (Hydrogen Alpha) filter.

Congratulations to member STEVE333 (Steve) on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Wizard Nebula Ced206/Cr452/LBN511/NGC7380?Sh2-142/Sh2-143 (c-sho)

Today we find ourselves hanging out with the Wizard. Captured by member ram (Ram).

Congratulation Ram for having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

lagoon nebula ha,sii,nii,oiii

Today we select an image of the Lagoon nebula. Captured and process by member yobbo89 (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-3-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

prom 7/2/2020.

Todays TSS APOD is from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Jeff is one of our 'Solar Heads' and gives us all a look at our own star!

Congratulations Jeff.

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


7-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on a great capture of the Andromeda galaxy!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


7-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

E. Veil With New Camera.

Many of our AP'r remember those 'first light' images. Today we select a great example from member OhNo (Brent).

Congratulations Brent on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

PS the APOD image is his reprocessed image in post #13.


6-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

ISS solar transit

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jnelson (Jim)

Congratulations Jim.

Here's a link to the orginal topic: LINK


6-29-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Dating Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharina.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member jrkirkham (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on having your image selected!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Messier 27.

Congtratulation Dyno05 (Dana) on having your image of M27 selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

my first asteroid animation.

Today we select an .gif animation created from a sequence of images from member yobbo89 (Rob).

Congratulations Rob on your image being selected for todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M92 and Some Background Friends.

Today we select a great M92 image from member jthommes (Jim).

Congratulations Jim on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-25-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Saturn June 21st.

Member TheButcher (Brian) has provided us with this amazing image of Saturn worthy of todays TSS APOD!

Congratulations Brian!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK



6-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Eagel - Omega HOO Reprocess.

Today we enjoy a reprocessed image taken by member STEVE333 (Steve).

Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sh2-129 Flying Bat Nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member carastro (Carole).

Congratualations Carole!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-22-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Eastern Veil in HOO.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Congratulations Scott!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-21-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Sh2-132 the Lion Nebula in Ha.

Today we select a great Hydrogen Alpha image captured by member ram.

Congratulations Ram on having your image featured as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-20-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Comet Lemmon

Todays TSS APOD comes from member OzEclipse (Joe).

Congratulations Joe on your capture of Comet Lemmon!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-19-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Prom 6-17-2020

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-18-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Today we watch the International Space Station cross the sun.

Congratulations to member Dyno05 (Dana).

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-17-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Cresent Nebula.

Congratulations to member mbocca (Mike) on having his Cresent Nebula image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-16-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

M97 Owl Nebula

Todays TSS APOD comes from member a100171 (Marc).

Congratulations Marc!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-15-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Jupiter June 12th.

Today we select a recent image of Jupiter taken by member TheButcher (Brian).

Congratulations Brian!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-14-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Todays TSS APOD comes from member Mac (Steve).

Congratulations Steve!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-13-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Looking back at some posts from a year ago today.

North America Nebula-Reprocessed.

Member Steve333 was busy reprocessing his images......

Congratulations Steve for your work from last year!!!

Here's a link to the original topic. LINK


6-12-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

A Hard Day's Night With the Canon 200mm telephoto.

Wide field imaging with a 200mm DSLR lens can be rewarding. Member Hankmeister3 (Henry) has provided us with some excellent examples.

Congratulations Henry on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link...


6-11-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

IC1396 SHO

Todays TSS APOD comes from member ic_1101 (Alex).

Congratulations Alex!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-10-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

AR2765 sunspot at last.

Today we select another view of the latest sunspot. Captured by member Ben Cartwright SASS (Jeff).

Congratulations Jeff on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-9-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.


Today we select a solar image from member Solsearcher (Mike).

Congratulations Mike on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-8-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Iris in LRGB.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Hondo (Scott).

Congratulations Scott on a great 'reprocess' of your data.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-7-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Copernicus Crater

Today we select a great lunar image of the Copernicus Crater by member gcisko (Greg).

Congratulations Greg on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-5-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

June 4th Solar Ha Full Disc

Congratulations to member AstroBee on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-4-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Needle Galaxy (with a touch of NGC 4562)

Congratulation to member umasscrew39 (Bruce) on having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-3-2020 Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC7822 and Little Rosette Nebula.

Today we select a beautiful image captured by member carastro (Carole).

Congratulations Carole on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-2-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

May 30th 2020 Lunar image taken by member Jamescook1971 is todays TSS APOD!

Congratulations James on having your image selected.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


6-1-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Veil Nebula.

Captured by member Mac (Steve). Congratulations Steve on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-31-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

3-Panel Luna, 30 May 2020.

Congratulation to TEAM member bladekeeper on a great lunar image!

Bryan is todays TSS APOD selection.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-30-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Venus from February to May....

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Michael Barbieri (Michael).

Congratulations Michael.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-29-2020 TSS Astrophotograpy Photo of the Day.

My First MilkyWay.

Todays TSS APOD comes from member Frankrd80 (Frank). A great landscape image using 20 images merged together.

Congratulations Frank on having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-28-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC7023 with a new camera.

Today we select a 'first light' image from member Larry 1969 (Larry).

Congratulations Larry on both the first light image and having your image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-27-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Super Nova SN2020jfo.

Today's TSS APOD image comes from member Stuart. SN2020jfo is located in Messier 61, known for it's abundance of super nova events. Eight super nova events have been found starting with the first on 9 May 1926.

Congratulations Stuart on a great image!


5-26-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

Star trails.....

Todays TSS APOD is from member Carlos (Carl). Congratulations Carl on having your image selected.

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-25-2020 TSS Astrophotograpy Photo of the Day.

NGC 5128-Centaurs A.

Congratulations to member Gerald_db for having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-24-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

The Cygnus Wall in SHO with RGB Stars.

Congratulations to member XCalRocketMan for having his image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK


5-23-2020 TSS Astrophotography Photo of the Day.

NGC 5701 a barred spiral ringed galaxy in Virgo.

Congratulations to member KathyNS (Kathy) on having her image selected as todays TSS APOD!

Here's a link to the original topic: LINK